Pediatric Research -- Abstracts: Tanner Et Al. 9 (8): 611 ARTICLES. The natural history of the silverrussell syndrome a longitudinal study of thirty-nine cases. JM Tanner, H Lejarraga and N Cameron.
Extractions: The growth of 39 children with Silver-Russell syndrome has been followed for 1-13 years. Pregnancy and labor were normal; none of the 61 sibs had the syndrome. Height at referral (mean age 4.6 years) averaged 3.6 SD below the mean and remained at this level during subsequent growth. Bone age averaged 69 percent of normal at referral but caught up by puberty, which occurred at the normal time. Nineteen cases were treated with human growth hormone without lasting effect. There is no clear-cut distinction between the Silver and Russell syndromes; the name should be Silver-Russell. It is
Newsletter References Ranke MB, Lindberg A. Growth hormone treatment of short children born small for gestational age or with silverrussell syndrome results from KIGS (Kabi
Extractions: References Botero D, Lifshitz F. Intrauterine growth retardation and long-term effects on growth. Curr Opin Pediatr 11:340-347,1999. Chatelain P, Peretti N, Lapillonne A, Nicolino M, Salle B, et al. New insights into the postnatal growth of infants born "idiopathic' small for gestational age. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 14:1515-1519,2001.
ADC -- Abstracts: Lai Et Al. 71 (6): 490 Archives of Disease in Childhood. PAPERS. Cognitive abilities associated with the silverrussell syndrome. KY Lai, D Skuse, R Stanhope;71/6/490
Extractions: Department of Psychiatry, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong. There is no consensus opinion on whether or not cognitive impairments are found in the Silver-Russell syndrome. An investigation of a substantial sample was undertaken, using standardised assessments, in 20 boys and five girls aged 6.0 years to 11.8 years. Mean (SD) birth weights were -2.65 (0.95) SD scores, corrected for gestation. At evaluation the children had a mean (SD) age of 8.8 (1.8) years and a mean height of -2.26 (1.5) SD scores. Tests of cognitive abilities included assessments of general intelligence, reading and arithmetic attainments, and a cognitive
ADC -- Abstracts: Davies Et Al. 63 (2): 130 of Disease in Childhood. PAPERS. Adolescent growth and pubertal progression in the silverrussell syndrome. PS Davies, R Valley and;63/2/130
Extractions: Department of Growth and Development, Institute of Child Health, London. The pattern of growth and development of 18 adolescent children with the Silver-Russell syndrome was studied. Mature height was about -3.6 standard deviation scores in both sexes. This is comparable to the height reduction at diagnosis, which has been reported previously. The pattern of puberty and adolescent growth was essentially normal and occurred at a marginally earlier time than normal, although in this small series the differences were not significant. In the girls there was a tendency to gain subcutaneous fat after puberty. This trend was not apparent in the boys.
¶£ê Kishino T, Tanaka T, Yamada M, Tsutsumi O, Niikawa N, KanekoIshino T, Ishino F. No evidence of PEG1/MEST gene mutations in silver-russell syndrome patients.
Extractions: updated Laboratory: Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory Postal address: Salisbury Health Care NHS Trust Salisbury District Hospital Salisbury Wiltshire Contact 1: Contact 2: Telephone 1: Telephone 2: Fax: Email 1: Email 2: Home page: Dr John Harvey Dr David Robinson Disease service: OMIM reference number Achondroplasia Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency Amyloidosis (Finnish type) Aniridia (FISH) Autism (dup15q11-130 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Breast /ovarian cancer : familial (BRCA1,BRCA2) Cat Eye syndrome (22q11) FISH Cerebellar ataxias Charcot Marie Tooth disease (1A,1B, X) Cystic Fibrosis Deafness, sensorineural Cx26 Di George, velocardiofacial (del 22q11)FISH DRPLA (Dentatorubral pallidoluysion atrophy) Duchenne / Becker Muscular Dystrophy Factor V Leiden Familial Adenomatous Polyposis coli Fragile X disease A and E (FMR1, FMR2) Friedreich ataxia Haemochromatosis Hereditary Non Polyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC) Hypochondroplasia (FGFR3) Leukaemia translocations Marfan syndrome Mitochondrial diseases Myoclonus epilepsy progressive type 1 (Baltic) Myotonic dystrophy Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy Prader-Willi / Angelman syndrome Rett syndrome Rubenstein-Taybi (16p) (FISH) Silver-Russell Syndrome (Mat UPD7) Smith-Magenis (17p) (FISH)
ORPHANET - Maladies Rares - Médicaments Orphelins Translate this page Version pour Impression, MALADIE silver-russell, syndrome de, CIM Q87.1, Le syndrome de silver-russell associe un retard de croissance
ORPHANET® : Silver-Russell, Syndrome De Translate this page ORPHANET. Accès à la base de données Orphanet. silver-russell, syndrome de. Accès direct aux détails Résumé Le syndrome de Silver
Extractions: Russell-Silver Syndrome,RSS,SRS,Russell Syndrome,Silver Syndrome,Silver-Russell Syndrome,Russell-Silver Dwarfism,Silver-Russell Dwarfism,Russell-Silver Syndrome X-linked,Partington Syndrome,Russell-Silver Syndrome,RSS,SRS,Russell Syndrome,Silver Syndrome,Silver-Russell Syndrome,Russell-Silver Dwarfism,Silver-Russell Dwarfism,Russell-Silver Syndrome X-linked,Partington Syndrome National Organization for Rare Disorders PRELIMINARY DRAFT This preliminary draft has not been approved by our medical advisors; therefore, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Verification of medical accuracy is pending. This is the most current information that NORD has available at this time. Russell-Silver Syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder characterized by growth delays before birth (prenatal or intrauterine growth retardation); overgrowth of one side of the body (hemihypertrophy or asymmetry); unusual characteristic facial features; and other physical abnormalities. Growth delays before birth affect both weight and linear growth.
Retard Développement Foetal : Sites Et Documents Francophones Translate this page guide ressources. silver-russell, syndrome de Par Dr Toutain A. Site éditeur Orphanet base de données sur les maladies rares et les médicaments orphelins.
Extractions: maladies appareil génital féminin et complications grossesse maladies et malformations congénitales, héréditaires et néonatales signes et symptômes, états pathologiques Position du mot-clé dans l' (les) arborescence(s) : Vous pouvez consulter Ou consulter ci-dessous une sélection des principales ressources :
NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. General Discussion. RussellSilver syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder characterized by growth of symptoms associated with Russell-Silver syndrome vary greatly from case to Silve
Search: - Results for Russell Silver syndrome from metasearch. Find better search results from the Web, Yellow Pages and White Pages quickly and easily! SILVERRUSSELLsyndrome Contact a Family
Russell-Silver Syndrome Russell Silver syndrome national and international resources, clinics with genetic counselors and geneticists RussellSilver syndrome. Russell-Silver syndrome Network. Division of MAGIC Foundation Association for Children with Russell-Silver syndrome, Inc. 22 Hoyt Street
Russell-Silver Syndrome RussellSilver syndrome - A Story. I created this article for two distinct purposes. First, I wanted to have a way to inform those who were unaware of Russell-Silver syndrome. dwarfisms known to
Extractions: Russell-Silver Syndrome - A Story I created this article for two distinct purposes. First, I wanted to have a way to inform those who were unaware of Russell-Silver syndrome. Second, and most important, I wanted to create an informative and concise summary of Russell-Silver syndrome for parents with newly born or diagnosed RSS children. I intend this article to an overview of the syndrome. If you want more detailed information on this subject, You can research more on your own. The bibliography located at the end of this manual can get you started on the right track. If, in the course of reading this manual, you run across words you don't know, please refer to the glossary at the end. You may wish to glance over the glossary first is you are unfamiliar with medical terminology related to dwarfism and Russell-Silver syndrome. Defining Russell-Silver Syndrome When the average American thinks of a dwarf, they usually picture a person with a normal sized torso and head, but with shortened limbs, looking like the characters from the movie Willow . This type of dwarfism, known as Acondroplasia, is only one of the nearly 300 diagnosable dwarfisms known to modern medicine. Russell-Silver syndrome is another type of dwarfism, although less common. Both Dr. A. Russell and Dr. H. K. Silver first diagnosed Russell-Silver syndrome (abbreviated RSS) separately in the mid 1960's. The two doctor's findings were later combined to one diagnoses. Sometimes doctors refer to Russell-Silver syndrome as Silver-Russell syndrome. I will get into the differences in these names later.
► Russell-Silver Syndrome the body. Alternative Names Silver Russell syndrome; Silver syndrome. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Genetic problems are
Extractions: Causes, incidence, and risk factors: Genetic problems are thought to cause this syndrome although the specific gene(s) remain to be discovered. The pattern of inheritance has not been determined but in most cases it seems sporadic, that is to say, there is no family history in preceding generations/siblings. Children with Russell-Silver syndrome are born small and generally achieve less than 5 feet at adult height. Side-to-side asymmetry is fairly common, for example a left body part may be larger than the right counterpart. This asymmetry may occur anywhere including the face. Other findings include excessive sweating , a small triangular face which makes the skull look large by comparison, inward curving 5th fingers, and pigmented skin lesions called cafe-au-lait spots
:: Ez2Find :: Russell Silver Syndrome The CaF Directory Site Info - Translate - Open New Window A definition of Silver Russell syndrome, its inheritance patterns, and pre-natal diagnosing.
Extractions: Any Language English Afrikaans Arabic Bahasa Melayu Belarusian Bulgarian Catala Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Cymraeg Czech Dansk Deutsch Eesti Espanol Euskara Faroese Francais Frysk Galego Greek Hebrew Hrvatski Indonesia Islenska Italiano Japanese Korean Latvian Lietuviu Lingua Latina Magyar Netherlands Norsk Polska Portugues Romana Russian Shqip Slovensko Slovensky Srpski Suomi Svenska Thai Turkce Ukrainian Vietnamese Mode Guides Russell Silver Syndrome Web Sites The CaF Directory [Site Info] [Translate] [Open New Window] NORD: Russell Silver Syndrome [Site Info] [Translate] [Open New Window] Offers a general discussion, the synonyms and further resources. URL:
Extractions: Russell-Silverin dwarfismi Oireyhtymä koostuu sikiöaikaisen kasvun vajavuudesta, syntymänjälkeisestä luuston kehityksen epäkypsyydestä, kasvun epäsymmetrisyydestä, seksuaalisen kehityksen poikkeavuudesta, pienistä kolmiomaisista kasvoista, ihon maitokahvimaisista läiskistä, sormijäsenten epämuodostumista, lantion tai kyynärpäiden sijoiltaan menoista ja muista epämuodostumista. Vammautuneen otsa on ulkoneva tai kohoava, alaleuka pieni ja kärjekäs. Kovakalvo (silmämunan valkoinen kerros) on sinertävä. Suu on suuri ja alakulmistaan alaspäin kääntynyt. Sormien ja varpaiden keskijäsenet ovat vajaakasvuiset aiheuttaen koukkuisuutta ja viidensien sormien vinoutumista. Raajojen pitkät luut ovat hontelot ja olkaluut lyhyet. Muita ominaisuuksia ovat verensokerin niukkuus, munuaistiehyiden happomyrkytystila, kasvaneet gonadotropiini-tasot (sukupuolihormonien eritystä sääteleviä hormoneja) ja toisinaan kasvuhormonin vähäisyys. Kasvun hidastuminen ja toisinaan psyykkinen kehitysvammaisuus ovat tyypillisiä piirteitä. Noin kolmanneksella vammautuneista lapsista on siittimen alahalkio ja piilokivekset. Virtsateiden poikkeuksia ovat vesimunuainen, virtsanjohtimien tukos, munuaisaltaan ja munuaisen tulehdus, virtsan takaisinvirtaus ja munuaisten laajentuma.
Russell Silver Syndrome Previews by Thumbshots The CaF Directory A definition of Silver Russell syndrome, its inheritance patterns, and pre-natal diagnosing.