Extractions: Cephalic disorders are not necessarily caused by a single factor, but may be influenced by hereditary or genetic conditions, or by environmental exposures during pregnancy , such as medication taken by the mother, maternal infection, or exposure to radiation . Some cephalic disorders occur when the cranial sutures (the fibrous joints that connect the bones of the skull ) join prematurely. Most cephalic disorders are caused by a disturbance that occurs very early in the development of the fetal nervous system. The human nervous system develops from a small, specialized plate of cells on the surface of the embryo . Early in development, this plate of cells forms the neural tube, a narrow sheath that closes between the third and fourth weeks of pregnancy to form the brain and spinal cord of the embryo. Four main processes are responsible for the development of the nervous system: cell proliferation, the process in which
Extractions: (advertisement) Home Specialties Resource Centers CME ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Consumer Health Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Neurology Pediatric Neurology Last Updated: February 15, 2001 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: anterior plagiocephaly, Apert syndrome, brachycephaly, Carpenter syndrome, Chotzen syndrome, Crouzon syndrome, kleeblattschädel, cloverleaf skull, oxycephaly, Pfeiffer syndrome, plagiocephaly, scaphocephaly, trigonocephaly AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 10 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography Author: Raj D Sheth, MD , Director Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, Chief, Professor, Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics, Department of Neurology, University of Wisconsin at Madison Coauthor(s): Bermans J Iskandar, MD , Director, Assistant Professor, Departments of Neurological Surgery, Pediatrics, Children's Hospital, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Raj D Sheth, MD, is a member of the following medical societies:
The Faith Of A Coronal Suture Grafted Onto Midline Synostosis suture, with subsequent abnormal compensatory growth in the patent sutures, resulting in a narrow elongated skull called scaphocephaly. There are http://cpcj.allenpress.com/cpcjonline/?request=get-document&doi=10.1597/1545-156
International Society For Pediatric Neurosurgery Introducing a new treatment for scaphocephaly the H and O procedure. A. Czorny, JS Raul, C. Chazelet, B. Ricbourg (Besancon). http://www.ispn.org/Meetings/Istanbul/40.htm
CAPPS Positional Plagiocephaly FAQ Positional scaphocephaly is when the head is long and narrow. Prematurity can also be a contributing factor to Positional scaphocephaly. http://www.cappskids.org/PlagioFAQ.htm
Extractions: CAPPS THE ORGANIZATION SUPPORT CAPPS GUARDIAN ANGELS PAGE CAPPS AWARENESS EVENTS ... HELPFUL LINKS CLICK LOGO FOR ITEMS OF INTEREST AT AMAZON.COM 6905 Xandu Court Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Cranio: 540-786-9563 Plagio: 845-454-5902 POSITIONAL PLAGIOCEPHALY FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Positional Plagiocephaly.... What is it? An infants skull is made up of free-floating bones that are separated by sutures. The sutures, which act as expansion joints, allow the skull to mold for birthing and to expand with the rapidly growing brain. While many infants are born with an abnormal head shape, due to the trip through the narrow birth canal, most will correct themselves within six weeks following the birth. When an abnormal head shape persists or is not noticed until after six weeks, it is important to determine the cause. A correct diagnosis is essential and should be made by a qualified specialist. The diagnosis most often given is of a Positional Head Deformity. Due to the malleable nature of an infants skull, it is possible for external pressures to cause skull deformity. The most common Positional Head Deformity is Positional Plagiocephaly.
Sagittal Synostsis This particular deformity is called scaphocephaly due to the skull s boat shaped appearance. scaphocephaly. Preoperative, Postoperative. http://www.erlanger.org/craniofacial/book/craniosynostosis/cranio_2.htm
Extractions: Introduction Clefts of the Lip and Palate Ear Reconstruction Craniosynostosis Orbital Reconstruction Treacher Collins Syndrome Nasal Reconstruction Orthognathic Surgery ... Summary Premature closure of the sagittal suture, the longitudinal suture on the top of the head, stops growth laterally producing a narrow head. There is a compensatory growth in the anteroposterior direction with elongation of the skull and a bulging of the front and back of the head. This particular deformity is called scaphocephaly due to the skull's boat shaped appearance. Synostosis of the sagittal suture is the most frequent type of single suture craniosynostosis. It makes up 50-60% of all patients within North America with craniosynostosis. The particular infants with sagittal synostosis characteristically have normal intelligence. Scaphocephaly Preoperative Postoperative Preoperative Postoperative The Tennessee Craniofacial Center, part of the Erlanger Health System, is located in
David's Plagiocephaly Pages - Index scaphocephaly head shape scaphocephaly is when the head is long and narrow. Prematurity can also be a contributing factor in scaphocephaly. http://www.geocities.com/alittleone2000/plagiopage.htm
Extractions: David's Plagio Pages: a repositioning success David at 10 1/2 months old What is plagiocephaly? Plagiocephaly sometimes referred to as "flat-head syndrome," is a deformation of the skull, often caused by babies lying on their backs (crib, car seat, swings, bouncy seat, etc.) in the same position for long periods of time. Because of a newborn's rapid rate of head growth and since his/her skull is still relatively soft, that constant pressure in the same spot can cause the bones of the skull and face to shift, resulting in head deformity and facial asymmetry. Plagiocephaly can also occur prior to birth as a result of pressure inside the mother's uterus (breech babies, twins and multiples, larger babies, small maternal pelvis, small or large amount of amniotic fluid). It can also be associated with torticollis, where one or more of the neck muscles develops a tightness which causes the head to always tilt and/or turn in the same direction. Finally plagio can also be associated with prematurity because a premature infant's skull is softer and more pliable and frequent positioning on one side may lead to asymmetry. Plagiocephaly head shape: The most common one is where there is flattening on one side at the back of the head, which can be accompanied by bulging of the forehead on the side of the flattening, which when viewed from above will give the head a parallelogram shape instead of a normal symmetric oval shape. It can also be accompanied with misaligned ears (the ear on the flattened side is displaced forward relative to the other side), eyes that appears displaced and mismatched in size, a jaw that looks tilted and one cheek that appears fuller then the other
BrainTalk Communities - Prom Queen 2004 Nikki was born with severe hydrocephalus, Chiari II, encephalocele, scaphocephaly, and other brain abnormalities. http://brain.hastypastry.net/forums/showthread.php?t=12828&page=1
BrainTalk Communities - Blood Alcohol Levels exam. Thanks! Nina. Nikki was born with severe hydrocephalus, Chiari II, encephalocele, scaphocephaly, and other brain abnormalities. http://brain.hastypastry.net/forums/showthread.php?goto=lastpost&t=6192
CCDD: References: Links: Craniosynostosis Conditions Sagittal Synostosis Home Page, Skull is long and narrow scaphocephaly. Sagittal craniosynostosis. scaphocephaly, premature closure of sagittal suture. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/craniofacial/References/LinkList.cfm?Category=All
Craniofacial Diseases scaphocephaly Here we have premature fusion of the sagittal suture, as mentioned before there is no growth in a plain perpendicular to the line of the suture http://www.bgf.asn.au/textbook/diseases/craniofacial/craniofacial.html
Extractions: Craniofacial diseases and abnormalities are those conditions which involve the skull and upper face. The speciality is multi disciplinary where several specialists from different disciplines manage these conditions. CLASSIFICATION Craniofacial diseases are classified into the following categories depending whether the major abnormality involves premature fusion of the craniofacial sutures or due to deficiencies and defects in the craniofacial bony structure. CRANIOSYNOSTOSES In this condition there is premature fusion of the cranial sutures resulting in disproportionate growth of the cranial bones and as a sequence the growth of the facial bones. When a suture is fused there is no growth in a plain perpendicular to the line of the suture. Skull has two different components, membranous part which comprises the vault, and chondrocranium which comprises the base of the skull. After a certain age no regrowth occurs in skull defects in the membranous skull contrary to the chondrochranium. It is particularly important to indicate that brain growth induces the osteogenesis of the skull and this occurs in a homogeneous and symmetrical manner. The skull grows rapidly from birth to 7th year but the greater part of the increase of its cranial part occurs is during the first year owing to the rapidity of the growth in that period of the brain The brain reaches its maximum growth at about the age of two years.
Gillette Internet trauma. There are four types of craniosynostosis scaphocephaly scaphocephaly is the most common type of craniosynostosis. It is http://www.gillettechildrens.org/default.cfm/PID=
Extractions: Contact Us Site Map Assistive Technology Brachial Plexus ... Sport Medicine At Gillette Children's, our craniofacial team has expertise in treating all types of deformities affecting the skull and facial bones, including: Our use of advanced microsurgical and craniofacial techniques helps ensure the best possible repair and outcome for children with even the most complex malformations. In preparation for surgery, the craniofacial surgeon plans the movement of the child's skeletal bones with the help of computer-assisted imaging. Gillette has recently received FDA-clearance for its CranioCap⢠, a cranial orthosis (custom-made brace or helmet for the skull) to treat forms of deformational plagiocephlay (a misshapen head) which do not require surgery.
Craniofacial Diseases scaphocephaly The deformity is noticed at birth and medical advice is usually sought soon after. scaphocephaly fused sagittal suture. scaphocephaly. http://www.health.adelaide.edu.au/paed-neuro/craniofacial.html
Extractions: It is particularly important to indicate that brain growth induces the osteogenesis of the skull and this occurs in a homogeneous and symmetrical manner. The skull grows rapidly from birth to 7th year but the greater part of the increase of its cranial part occurs is during the first year owing to the rapidity of the growth in that period of the brain The brain reaches its maximum growth at about the age of two years.
Extractions: CASE STUDY. DOC Band tm These photographs represent the patient prior to DOC tm treatment (left) and one month following exit of treatment (right) Sex: Male Age at onset of treatment: 7.75 mo. (4.75 mo. Developmental age-DOC tm Age at exit of treatment: 15.0 mo. (12.0 mo. Developmental age-DOC tm * Born at 27 weeks gestation DX (Diagnosis): Post Shunt Scaphocephaly (Dolichocephaly) RX (Prescription): Dynamic Orthotic Cranioplasty (DOC Band) ABNORMAL HEAD SHAPE This patient was referred to Cranial Therapies, Inc. by his Pediatric Neurosurgeon. The patient was hydrocephalic at birth with subsequent stabilization via shunt. The diagnosis of post-shunt scaphocephaly reflects head shape as a result of partial calvarial collapse following hydrocephalic stabilization via shunt.
USA Today-Health Library Synostosis means a union of adjacent bones. Synonyms include craniostenosis, plagiocephaly, scaphocephaly, and trigonocephaly. http://www.healthscout.com/ency/68/380/main.html
Extractions: News Front Nationline Washington World ... Columnists Search HealthScout Web MEDLINE Special Offers TV Specials Top Features Schizophrenia Hair Loss Liver Disease Allergies ... Impotence Resources Healthscout News 3D Interactive Human Atlas Health Videos Health Encyclopedia ... Drug Library Channels Home Today Women Men ... Drug Checker Advertisement Library A B C D ... Y Craniosynostosis From Our Sponsors:
VARIABILITY AND EVOLUTION MARIJA DJURIÆSREJIÆ The case of scaphocephaly in chinese skeletal material. The case of scaphocephaly in Chinese skeletal material. http://main.amu.edu.pl/~anthro/html/var007.html
Extractions: VOL. 7 (1999) - CONTENTS Analysis VÁCLAV VANÈATA, VLADIMÍR PØÍVRATSKÝ, HELENA ZLÁMALOVÁ, MARINA VANÈATOVÁ AND IVAN MAZURA: A longitudinal study of ontogeny of Maccaca Mulata MARINA VANÈATOVÁ, VÁCLAV VANÈATA, ZDENKA JEØÁBKOVÁ, HELENA ZLÁMALOVÁ, JINDRA SKØIVÁNKOVÁ, JOSEF JANEÈEK: A longitudinal study of the growth and development of captive chimpanzees and orangutans ARTUR REWEKANT: Does the disturbance of the ontogeny during the initial phases of life influence the further individual growth? - An analysis of two stress indicators EL¯BIETA MI£OSZ: Variability of non-metric traits in the medieval population of £ekno, Poland MARIJA DJURIÆ-SREJIÆ: The case of scaphocephaly in chinese skeletal material Adult mortality and biodynamic characteristics in the early Middle Ages population at Bled, Slovenia EL¯BIETA MI£OSZ: Demographic structure of the local medieval and nineteenth century populations of £ekno, Poland ZBIGNIEW CZAPLA, ZBIGNIEW FOJUD: The appraisal of the scope for the application of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurement methods for the estimation of the biological age in various stages of human ontogeny Summary of the thesis MAGDALENA KOSIÑSKA: Synchronic and diachronic analysis of the level of development of quantitative traits development in ontogenesis AGNIESZKA KOZ£OWSKA: Adaptive interpretation of touch sensation in man
Bannayan Riley Ruvalcaba Syndrome by excessive growth before and after birth; an abnormally large head (macrocephaly) that is often long and narrow (scaphocephaly); normal intelligence or mild http://www.bchealthguide.org/kbase/nord/nord1105.htm
Extractions: It is possible that the main title of the report is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. Information on the following diseases can be found in the Related Disorders section of this report: Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome is a rare inherited disorder characterized by excessive growth before and after birth; an abnormally large head (macrocephaly) that is often long and narrow (scaphocephaly); normal intelligence or mild mental retardation; and/or benign tumor-like growths (hamartomas) that, in most cases, occur below the surface of the skin (subcutaneously). The symptoms of this disorder vary greatly from case to case.