NHG-Standaard: M39 psoriasis chronische erythematosquameuze huidaandoening, soms met nagelafwijkingen (putjes, dystrofie) of artritis (vingers, tenen); beloop in exacerbaties http://nhg.artsennet.nl/upload/104/standaarden/M39/svk.htm
Extractions: Psoriasis: chronische erythematosquameuze huidaandoening, soms met nagelafwijkingen (putjes, dystrofie) of artritis (vingers, tenen); beloop in exacerbaties en remissies. Psoriasis en plaque (psoriasis vulgaris): rode, symmetrische, scherp begrensde, verheven erupties, wisselend van grootte, met zilvergrijze, makkelijk verwijderbare schilfers; voorkeurslokalisaties: strekzijden van de extremiteiten, behaarde hoofdhuid, lumbosacrale regio. Psoriasis guttata: acuut, gegeneraliseerd voorkomen van erythematosquameuze papels, maximaal 1 cm doorsnee, vooral op de romp en de proximale delen van de extremiteiten, met name bij kinderen en jonge volwassenen; geneest in het algemeen spontaan. Psoriasis pustulosa: steriele, soms confluerende pustels, lokaal (voetzolen, handpalmen) of gegeneraliseerd (soms met koorts en algemene malaise). Vraag bij een vermoeden van psoriasis naar: grootte en lokalisatie afwijkingen; beloop; invloed trauma's, zonlicht, medicijngebruik; jeuk, gewrichtsklachten;
Extractions: -> 'Language Version' Versão Brasileira English-language Version(int.) English-language Version Suomalainen Versio Deutsche Version Magyar változat Versione Italiano Versione Italiano(Int) Nihongokaisetsu Croatian Version Nederlandse Versie Norske Versjon Versão Português Türkçe versiyon Russian Version Chinese Version Nu is er een schonere en effectievere behandeling ... De Exorex® Methode is een complete en succesvolle behandelingsmethode voor psoriasispatiënten. Het is aangetoond, dat afgezien van een effectieve medicatie en een goede zorg voor de huid, bepaalde veranderingen in leefstijl, zoals betere eet- en drinkgewoonten en het beheersen van stress, van doorslaggevend belang zijn voor het bereiken van de beste behandelingsresultaten. Deze complete behandelingsmethode wordt in de praktijk gebracht door de Meyer Zall Kliniek in Sedgefield, Oostelijke Kaapprovincie, Zuid Afrika.
NUFAR NATURAL PRODUCTS Manufactures and markets natural products for treatment of diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis, and prostate, plus natural sweetners, diets, natural cosmetics and dead sea products. http://www.nufar.co.il/english
PSORIASIS Edition ). psoriasis. Dr. KK LO Dr. LY HO. CHAPTER 4. 1. INTRODUCTION. psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause. It http://www.hkmj.org.hk/skin/psoriasi.htm
Extractions: Social Hygiene Handbook - 2nd Edition PSORIASIS CHAPTER 4 1. INTRODUCTION Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause. It is now considered to be due to T-lymphocytes mediated disease of abnormal keratinocyte proliferation in genetic predisposed subject. In 1995, Psoriasis is the sixth commonest skin condition found in all new cases attending dermatology clinics of Social Hygiene Service (4.18% of all new cases) and it is one of the common skin diseases worldwide. Although there is no study in the documentation of the exact number of psoriatic patients or prevalence of the disease in Hong Kong , the disease is commonly presented even in the primary care setting. There had been analysis in the figure of some local dermatology clinics of Social Hygiene Service in 1974 to 1976 and comparison with some of the larger cities in China Taiwan and Japan claiming the number of psoriasis in the Mongoloid race to be around 0.3% or well below 1%. 2. CLINICAL FEATURE Psoriasis is a chronic erythemato-squamous condition characterized by sharply circumscribed salmon pink patches, plaques covered with silvery scales. The onset of the disease is usually gradual and becomes noticeable by the patient from 30 years onwards. However, in patient with family history positive for psoriasis, there may be earlier onset at teenager or even below ten. In these cases, the prognosis is worse. From a study in
Gefäß- Und Hautzentrum Blaustein/Ulm Seite der Abteilung Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie im Bundeswehrkrankenhaus Ulm mit den Schwerpunkten Hautkrebsbehandlung (Melanom u.a.), Venenoperationen, Wundheilung, Kosmetik, Lasertherapie, UVTherapie von psoriasis sowie Begutachtung von Hautkrankheiten. http://www.hautklinik-ulm.de/
Extractions: Eczema Curing Program - Lifestyle Change: Eczema Diet Eczema Cleanse and Cleanup: Cleanse for Adults: Bowel cleanse and Parasites cleanse Dental cleanup - dental work may be one cofactor of your disease: amalgam Root canal Nickel crowns Cavitations (pocket inside jaw bone left after extraction of the wisdom and molar teeth ) Kidney stones cleanse Start cleansing your liver: Liver and Gallbladder Gallstones Cleanse - flush Cleanse for kids: Kids older then 10 may need dental cleanup (amalgam) and liver cleanse: Index Home ... Parasites
°Ç¼± (Psoriasis) The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://medcity.com/kunsun.html
Extractions: Psoriasis Menu général CISMeF Définition [VIDAL de la famille] : Maladie de la peau touchant surtout les coudes et les genoux, mais aussi les ongles et le cuir chevelu. Le psoriasis se manifeste par des plaques épaisses, rouges, et recouvertes d¿une pellicule blanche adhérente. Le psoriasis peut être plus ou moins inflammatoire. Il se présente parfois sous forme de petits boutons disséminés (psoriasis en gouttes). Le psoriasis peut avoir l'aspect de pustules.
Frede Klejs Hansens Hjemmeside Information on psoriasis og behandling. Specielt beskrives klimabehandling ved det d¸de hav i Israel. http://home11.inet.tele.dk/klejs/
Psoriasis - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention home skin disorders psoriasis psoriasis. Information Diagnosis Treatment Prevention. Subtopics psoriasis Promotions, psoriasis Research. http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/skin-disorders/psoriasis.html
Corona Climate Therapy Ultraviolet phototherapy lamps used in the treatment of skin disorders. Includes product references and usage instructions. http://www.psoriasis-uvb.org/
Psoriasis . psoriasis, which affects at least four million Americans, is slightly more common in women than in men. psoriasis. Definition. http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/ency/psoriasis.html
Extractions: Definition Named for the Greek word ps ra meaning "itch," psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious disease characterized by inflamed lesions covered with silvery-white scabs of dead skin. Description Psoriasis, which affects at least four million Americans, is slightly more common in women than in men. Although the disease can develop at any time, 10-15% of all cases are diagnosed in children under 10, and the average age at the onset of symptoms is 28. Psoriasis is most common in fair-skinned people and extremely rare in dark-skinned individuals. Normal skin cells mature and replace dead skin every 28-30 days. Psoriasis causes skin cells to mature in less than a week. Because the body can't shed old skin as rapidly as new cells are rising to the surface, raised patches of dead skin develop on the arms, back, chest, elbows, legs, nails, folds between the buttocks, and scalp. Psoriasis is considered mild if it affects less than 5% of the surface of the body; moderate, if 5-30% of the skin is involved, and severe, if the disease affects more than 30% of the body surface. Types of psoriasis Dermatologists distinguish different forms of psoriasis according to what part of the body is affected, how severe symptoms are, how long they last, and the pattern formed by the scales.
Extractions: Healthcommunities.com works to raise the quality of consumer health care information services. Our goal is to empower you with accurate, trustworthy information that will help you make important health care decisions. Board-certified physicians develop and monitor the content on dermatology channel to ensure that we meet that goal.
Support - Psoriasis Assoc Of NZ - Everybody.co.nz psoriasis Association of New Zealand Inc. OUR ASSOCIATION. The psoriasis internationally. CONTACT DETAILS. psoriasis Association of New Zealand Inc. PO http://www.everybody.co.nz/support/psoriasis.html
Psoriasis And Dermatosis How is psoriasis treated? Because psoriasis is a chronic skin condition, it requires longterm treatment for each flare-up. What is psoriasis? http://www.dermik.com/skin/psoriasis/sp-psoriasis.html
Extractions: Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes the body to produce skin cells at an abnormally fast rate. Because the body can't shed these cells as quickly as they are produced, thick layers of skin, called plaques, develop. Psoriasis is characterized by red plaques with thick, flaking, silvery scales.
Extractions: Die Schuppenflechte (Psoriasis Vulgaris) Inhaltsverzeichnis Was ist Psoriasis und in welchem Alter tritt sie auf ? Häufigkeit der Psoriasis Krankheitsverlauf der Psoriasis Hauterscheinungen der Psoriasis vulgaris ... Verlaufsformen und Erscheinungsformen der Psorisasis 1.6.1 Eruptiv-Exanthematische Psorisasis vulgaris 1.6.2 Psoriatische Erythrodermie 1.6.3 Psoriasis arthropathica (Gelenk-Psoriasis, Psoriasis-Arthritis) 1.6.4 Psoriasis pustulosa