Extractions: Top Health Conditions and Diseases Rare Disorders ... Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome Related links of interest: Health:Conditions and Diseases:Genetic Disorders Cherubs - A non-profit support group for the families and medical care providers of children and adults born with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Contact a Family - Information about this organization as well as the CaF directory of specific conditions and rare disorders. Also details about the Rare Disorders Alliance - UK. Fibrosing Mediastinitis - The least common, but most severe, late complication of histoplasmosis. Educational and research information. Includes interviews, patient stories, and a community forum. Fibrous Dysplasia Support Online - For those seeking support and information concerning the rare bone diseases: fibrous dysplasia, McCune Albright Syndrome and Cherubism. Human Growth Foundation - Information about growth-related disorders through education, research, and advocacy. Member driven organization. International Rare Disease Support Network - A community providing more than a 1000 different links to support groups for the people of all nations. Kindler Syndrome - An article and case study of this rare disease. Includes links.
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Extractions: See Also: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Rare Disorders Gene Clinics - Medical genetics knowledge base. NIH funded, expert-authored descriptions of inherited disorders. Covers genetic testing in diagnosis and management and genetic counseling of patients. Your Genes, Your Health - The DNA Learning Center's multimedia guide to genetic disorders. Complete in depth articles about each disease listed. Dr. Greene's HouseCalls - A discussion of medical information on trisomy, trisomy 13, genetics, and his own personal family experience with this rare disease. The UDGD Spot - Resources and information for families of children with genetic disabilities or syndromes that are still awaiting a diagnosis. Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia - Information on a rare congenital disease. Genetic and Rare Conditions Site - Lay advocacy groups, support groups, information on genetic conditions and birth defects for professionals, educators and individuals. Disorders from A-Z. XLH Network - Patient support group for XLH, a genetic condition also known as X-Linked Hypophosphatemia, X-Linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets, Familial Hypophosphatemia, Vitamin D-Resistant Rickets.
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Extractions: Front Page Today's Digest Week in Review Email Updates ... Genetic Disorders Pallister Killian Mosaic Syndrome (3 links) See Also: News about Pallister Killian Mosaic Syndrome New Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndrome Identified (June 1, 2004) full story Silence Of The Genes: Researchers Provide Unique View Of Inherited Disorders And Cancer (June 1, 2004) full story UW-Madison Scientists Find A Key To Cell Division (May 28, 2004) full story Vaccines Against Foodborne Disease On Horizon (May 25, 2004) full story Discovery Of Gene For Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Discovery May Lead To Prenatal Test For Debilitating Disorder (May 20, 2004) full story [ More news about Pallister Killian Mosaic Syndrome
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Extractions: See Also: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Genetic Disorders National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. - Information about NORD, its programs, special events and the variety of services offered. Includes a rare disease, organization and orphan drug database. Diseases are listed alphabetically for easy searching. Cherubs - A non-profit support group for the families and medical care providers of children and adults born with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Office of Rare Diseases - Information on more than 6000 rare diseases, including current research, publications from scientific and medical journals, completed research, ongoing studies, and patient support groups. International Rare Disease Support Network - A community providing more than a 1000 different links to support groups for the people of all nations.
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