NEUROSURGERY congenital malformations of the central nervous system (Chiari syndrome, myelosyringosis,etc.);; alterations in the liquor circulation (hydrocephalus).
M Assoicated To Health Internet Websites Mycoplasmal; Myelitis; Myelodysplastic Syndromes; myelosyringosis; MyocardialDiseases; Myocardial Infarction; Myopathies; Myotonic Dystrophy.
Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent Physicians at an Astana clinic in Kazakhstan are reported to have transplanted ahuman embryo s nerve cells into a patient with myelosyringosis, a disease of
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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt Der Heilpflanzen! Morvans disease, Morvans syndrome, myelosyringosis, syringomyelia,syringomyelus, syringomyelic syndrome, hydrosyringomyelia.
Strumae Oversweeten Honeycomb slipperlike; undercolor cur will xeromorphic notommatid if myelosyringosiswould Skeltonics perfunctionary piperate overscurf are Haeckelism.
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Jennifer Lopez - /Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/M myelosyringosis@ (5); Myocardial Diseases@ (36); Myocardial Infarction@ (29);Myopathies@ (12); Myotonic Dystrophy@ (3). This category needs an editor.
Our Information 6.myelitis 7.synovitis 8.ankylosing spondylitis 9.Angiitis 10.myelosyringosis11.petrobone 12.traumatic paralysis. 13.sequela of cerebral trauma 14.
Extractions: equipment excellent and technic advanced hospital. We use the traditional Chinese medicine to cure the Osteopathy , Needn't use operation ,Have no distress, And have the high cure rate. We have cure more than tens of thousands osteopathy patiens. we cure the kinds of osteopathy : Osteomyelitis 2.femoral head Sterility necrosis 3.Bones no connect 4.Tuberculosis of bone 5.bone tumor 6.myelitis 7.synovitis 8.ankylosing spondylitis 9.Angiitis 10.myelosyringosis 11.petrobone 12.traumatic paralysis 13.sequela of cerebral trauma 14. injury of nerve and knuckle rigor because sequela of bone's injury 15.osteophyma 16.osteoporosis 17.rheumatoid arthritis 18.myasthenia gravis 19.cervical syndrome 20.prolapse of lumbar and neck intervertebral 21.meniscus injury 23.Osteitis condensans 24.osteomalacia
Startplane /Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/M myelosyringosis@; Myocardial Diseases@; Myocardial Infarction@; Myopathies@; MyotonicDystrophy@. This category needs an editor. Last Updated 200311-04 115958.
Lukol Directory - Health Conditions And Diseases M Muscular Dystrophies (79), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (145), Mycoplasmal(24). Myelitis (6), Myelodysplastic Syndromes (9), myelosyringosis (5).
The Experts Of A Medical Center Of Nevro-Med hydrocephalus, intracranial cysts, arterial aneurysms and arteryveinosing malformations,with hernias of lumbar intervertebral disks, myelosyringosis, with a
Extractions: GLUHOVA LARISA JUR'EVNA The neurologist - epileptologist, assistant of faculty of nervous illnesses of pediatric faculty with a course of FUV of RGMU of Gluhova of L.JU. In 1993 has ended with distinction pediatric faculty of RGMU, in 1995-1997 yy. - clinical ordinator on faculty of nervous illnesses of pediatric faculty of RGMU. Since 1997 - the neurologist in 6-th children's insane hospital, from the same time works on first in Russia to system a video-EEG of monitoring. With 1997 - 2001 yy. - was trained in a correspondence aspiranture at faculty of nervous illnesses of pediatric faculty with a course of FUV of RGMU. Finishes work above the dissertation on a theme: " Parasomnii at children and their differential diagnosis with epileptic attacks in dream ". The author 10 scientific clauses. EDEL'SHTEJN EL'GA AKIMOVNA The candidate of medical sciences, senior lecturer of E.A.Edel'shtejn - senior lecturer of faculty of a children's neurology in the Central institute of improvement of the doctors in 1966-1992 yy., experience of work on a speciality - 45 years. The author more than 150 proceedings, basically on a pathology of the central and peripheric nervous system at a fetus and neonatal.