Extractions: A twenty seven years old woman has come to the hospital with complaints of swelling, pain and restriction of movements in the right little and ring fingers and in the right elbow for the past one year. The radiographs of the patient's right hand and forearm were obtained (fig.1,2). Fig 1 : Frontal radiograph of the hand Fig 2 : Lateral radiograph of the elbow Diagnosis: MELORHEOSTOSIS (LERI'S DISEASE) The radiographs showed irregular dense cortical hyperostosis involving the phalanges and metacarpals of fourth and fifth fingers and carpal bones on ulnar aspect (fig.1), and also the medial aspect of ulna and lower end of humerus (fig.2). 1. A whole extremity is affected, and the dense cortical proliferations appear to flow as a regular continuous flow from shoulder to finger or hip to foot. 2. Only half of the extremity, usually the proximal half is affected.
DERMATOLOGIE INGENHOUSZ-ORO S., CHIGOT V., HAMEL-TEILLAC D., BRUNELLE F., de PROST Y. melorheostosis associated with arteriovenous malformation of the ear. Ann. Dermatol. http://www.necker.fr/irnem/Unites 2001/01dermato.htm
Health Conditions And Diseases Rare Disorders Melorheostosis messages.teradex.com/Health_Fitness/Diseases/Rare_Disorders/melorheostosis/ Case 1779.1 Staging studies were highly suggestive of the parosteal osteosarcoma arising in the area of melorheostosis. The patient was treated http://www.intelligence-territoriale.fr/index.php3/Health/Conditions_and_Disease
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Extractions: Osteopathia striata (Voorhoeve's disease) is a benign, usually painless disorder characterized by longitudinal dense striations in affected bones. In meloreostosis, there is thickening of the endosteal and periosteal bone that has been likened to "candle dripping". Multiple punctate or rounded small bone islands characterize Osteopoikilosis. Mixed sclerosing bone disorder refers to patients who have manifestations of two or three of these patterns together.