Marburg marburg. The patient was found to be excreting virus in his semen. The first outbreak of marburg disease to be recognised in Africa was in South Africa in 1975.
Extractions: MARBURG Marburg disease was recognised in 1967, when an outbreak affected workers in scientific units in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany, and Belgrade m Yugoslavia. Altogether, 25 workers were infected all of whom had contact with the blood, organs or cell-cultures derived from a batch of imported monkeys (African green monkeys-Cercopithecus aethiops) from north-western Uganda. Six secondary cases occurred five, in healthcarers who had contact with the body fluids or blood of the primary cases. One secondary case was the wife of a patient who became ill 83 days after the onset of his illness, after he returned home, in convalescence. The patient was found to be excreting virus in his semen. The first outbreak of Marburg disease to be recognised in Africa was in South Africa in 1975. The index case was a young Australian man who had hitch-hiked through Zimbabwe. He died in a Johannesburg hospital and shortly afterwards his companion and a nurse who had cared for him fell ill with the same disease, but both recovered. There was evidence of virus persisting in the body; it was cultured from fluid aspirated from the anterior chamber of the eye of one of the cases 80 days after the onset of illness. Two further episodes were reported in 1980 and 1987 amongst European tourists visiting the Kitum cave, Mt. Elgan in Kenya, and a third in Zimbabwe in 1982.
Bildarchiv Foto Marburg Translate this page Als Zentrum für kunstgeschichtliche Dokumentation arbeitet Foto marburg mit Museen und Instituten daran, Fotobestände zu inventarisieren und anzubieten.
Diagonal-Verlag Marburg Der auf religionswissenschaftliche Werke spezialisierte Verlag stellt sich und die B¼cher und Zeitschriften in seinem Programm vor und bietet Serviceinformationen.
Fachgebiet Indologie, Uni Marburg PhilippsUniversität marburg. Fachgebiet Indologie und Tibetologie. Department of Indology and Tibetology. University of marburg, Germany. Address Wilhelm-Röpke-Str. 6 F. D-35032 marburg. Tel. + 49
Extractions: Short History The Philipps University of Marburg was founded in 1527 and although Sanskrit was taught in 1845 full-time Indology in the true sense of the term has been active since 1853. and , with a Latin glossary, and his reference book for old Sanskrit prints. After Gildemeister, who taught in Marburg from 1845-1859, three names need to be mentioned for maintaining an age-old tradition of Indology at the University of Marburg: Karl Friedrich Geldner (1852-1929), Johannes Nobel (1887-1960) and Wilhelm Rau (1922-1999). K. F. Geldner had a rich and active indological career in Marburg from 1907-1921. He was a renowned philologist in Avestan and Vedic studies, using his acumen for linguistics rather than religious studies. He is remembered especially for his work on and translation of the Vedas. In the last years of his life he devoted all his attention to a translation of the
BILDARCHIV FOTO MARBURG Translate this page Ihr Browser ist zu alt! Bitte kehren Sie zur Anfangsseite zurck. Translate this page, Liebe Besucherin, Lieber Besucher,. willkommen auf der Homepage des AStA marburg. Wir sind stets bemüht, Euch die
Special Pathogens Branch: Diseases-Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever marburg Hemorrhagic Fever What is marburg hemorrhagic fever? In marburg, the monkeys had been imported for research and to prepare polio vaccine.
Extractions: What is Marburg hemorrhagic fever? Negative stain image of an isolate of Marburg virus, showing filamentous particles as well as the characteristic "Shepherd's Crook". Magnification approximately 100,000 times. Image courtesy of Russell Regnery, Ph.D., DVRD, NCID, CDC. Go to high-resolution version. Marburg hemorrhagic fever is a rare, severe type of hemorrhagic fever which affects both humans and non-human primates. Caused by a genetically unique zoonotic (that is, animal-borne) RNA virus of the filovirus family, its recognition led to the creation of this virus family. The four species of Ebola virus are the only other known members of the filovirus family. Marburg virus was first recognized in 1967, when outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever occurred simultaneously in laboratories in Marburg and Frankfurt, Germany and in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia). A total of 37 people became ill; they included laboratory workers as well as several medical personnel and family members who had cared for them. The first people infected had been exposed to African green monkeys or their tissues. In Marburg, the monkeys had been imported for research and to prepare polio vaccine.
Fachschaft Medizin Marburg: Aktuelles Nett gestaltete Seite mit Studiumshinweisen, Skripten, Altklausuren und Hinweisen zum Studium im Ausland.
Rhenania Verein Katholischer Deutscher Studenten Rhenania zu marburg im CV.
Extractions: iese Frage ist einfach zu beantworten: Von außen betrachtet, sind wir männliche, katholische Studenten der Universität Marburg mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit - jeder in seinem Studiengang von den Rechts- über die Natur- bis hin zu den Wirtschafts- und Geisteswissenschaften. Alles ist möglich.
Extractions: Unter diesem Wahlspruch vereinen sich Studenten und ihre Freunde aus ganz Deutschland, um ihrem Studium das gewisse Etwas zu geben, das das Studieren interessanter, aufregender, abwechslungsreicher, kurz - intensiver macht. uns Unser Verbindungshaus Bilder von der Renovierung unseres Hauses in diesem Sommer Aktuelles aus Aktivitas und Altherrenschaft - Die Schaumburgerzeitung Unser aktuelles Semesterprogramm Die Geschichte der T! Schaumburgia Unsere Anschrift Anregungen und Fragen bitte an
Staatsarchiv Marburg Translate this page Hessisches Staatsarchiv marburg. +++ Das Philipps-Jahr 2004 Ausstellungen ab 14. Mai im Staatsarchiv marburg ! +++ Leitung Ltd.
ATV-Marburg ATV zu marburg im Akademischen Turnbund (ATB).
Institut Für Europäische Ethnologie / Kulturwissenschaft Die Vorstellung des Instituts, seiner Mitarbeiter und seiner Forschungsschwerpunkte wird erg¤nzt durch Informationen f¼r Studierende und Vorlesungsverzeichnis.
KFZ - DER Kulturladen In Marburg Translate this page Programm. Team. Laden. Fragen. Kontakt. Kulturladen KFZ - marburg. 12. Nacht der Stimmen. Internationales A-Cappella-Festival mit baSix Das Semesterprogramm der KHG marburg. Dazu gibt es einen Kalender, Kontaktinformationen und einen Lageplan.