Extractions: CreateTd(0) Hydro nephrosis is therefore not itself a separate disease, but rather a physical manifestation of the disease process that keeps urine from draining out of the kidney s, ureter s, and bladder . The symptoms, treatment , and expected outcome are those of the associated diseases. callurl('http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000474.htm'); CreateTd(1) BILE NEPHROSIS Acute renal failure occurring in a patient with liver failure. The exact causal relationship in unclear, but those with alcoholic cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis a re at greatest risk. Symptoms include decreased or absent urine production, callurl('http://www.medhelp.org/glossary/new/GLS_0673.HTM'); CreateTd(2) Hydro nephrosis is a condition that occurs with a disease and is not a disease itself. The symptoms, treatment , and prognosis for uni lateral hydro nephrosis are those of the associated disorder.
Nephrotic Syndrome - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention The Merck Manual An in depth look at nephrotic syndrome as well as lipoid nephrosis,focal segmental gomeruloscleroses, HIVassociated nephropathy, and http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/urological-disorders/glomerular/nephrotic-syndro
Extractions: Web Directory: Australian Kidney Foundation Explains what nephrotic syndrome is, the causes, the types, treatment and complications. Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome An in depth look at this disorder. Included is a look at the kidneys and what there function is. Also a discussion about the treatment, prednisone and what some of the effects might be. Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome An introduction, a look at minimal change disease other conditions and hope through research.
Images.MD: View Collection Click here for more detail about this table. Primary glomerular lesions.Click here for more detail about this image. lipoid nephrosis. http://images.md/users/explore_chapter.asp?ID=ADK0201-01-02&colID=ADK0201-01&col
MedPix Radiology Teaching Files, Cases, And Medical Image Database - Geo_brows image, meningioma. image, Minimal Change Disease (lipoid nephrosis). image, MixedGerm Cell Tumor of the Testis. image, Multiple Myeloma. image, multiple sclerosis(MS). http://rad.usuhs.mil/medpix/medpix.html?mode=geo_browse&table=card&expand=113
Respuesta A Los Esteroides En El Síndrome Nefrótico Idiopático Translate this page P, Lee JC, Rosenan W. lipoid nephrosis in 31 adult patients renal biopsy studyby ligth, electron and fluorescence microscopy with experience in treatment. http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/ped/vol71_4_99/ped06499.htm
Extractions: Rev Cubana Pediatr 1999;71(4):222-7 Formato PDF RESUMEN Descriptores DeCS: White y otros, 87 % en el estudio de Kleinknecht y Gubler y 86 % de los que se reportaron con anterioridad, responden al tratamiento con prednisona, para desaparecer la proteinuria en las primeras 4 semanas. y entre 7 y 18 % de los pacientes presentan GFS. RESULTADOS FIG. TABLA. Respuesta a la prednisona NR RA RF RE Total LM GFS OMD En el estudio de White y otros Kleinknecht y Gubler pero en nuestros casos existe una diferencia notable en la respuesta inicial a la prednisona en estos 2 grupos de pacientes (resistencia de 2,2 % en la LM y de 26,7 % en la PMD). Subject headings: NEPHROTIC SYNDROME/drug therapy; PREDNISONE/therapeutic use. Saxena KM, Crawfor JD. The treatment of nephrosis. N Engl J Med 1989;272:522-6. White RHR, Glasgow EF, Mills RJ. Clinicopathological studies of nephrotic syndrome in childhood. Lancet 1970;1:1353-9. Kleinknecht C, Gubler MC. Nephrose. En: International Study of Kidney Disease. The primary nephrotic syndrome in children. Identification of patients with minimal change nephrotic syndrome from initial response to prednisolone. J Pediatr 1981;98:561-4. Al-Eisa A, Carter JE, Lirenman DS, Magil AB. Childhood IgM nephropathy: comparison with minimal change disease. Nephron 1996;72:37-43.
HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results patients suffering from abnormal fat metabolism, severe hepatic diseases, some bloodclottingdefects, lung diseases, lipoid nephrosis, hepatocellular damage http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru
ICD-9-CM 580 glomerulonephritis. 581.3 With lesion of minimal change glomerulonephritisFoot process disease; lipoid nephrosis; Minimal change glomerular http://www.tpmm.com/solutions/professional/ICD9/1tabular580.html
Extractions: 580 Acute glomerulonephritis 580.4 With lesion of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis 580.8 With other specified pathological lesion in kidney 580.89 Other 580.9 Acute glomerulonephritis with unspecified pathological lesion in kidney Nephritis specified as acute Nephropathy specified as acute 581 Nephrotic syndrome 581.0 With lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis
Pediatric Research -- Abstracts: Gur Et Al. 10 (3): 197 A study of the renal handling of water in lipoid nephrosis. Children with lipoidnephrosis were studies during clinical relapse and after complete remission. http://www.pedresearch.org/cgi/content/abstract/10/3/197
Extractions: Children with lipoid nephrosis were studies during clinical relapse and after complete remission. As expected, the calculated serum oncotic pressure was reduced severely from the remission value of 28.6 +/- 0.9 mm Hg to 15.4 +/- 1.1 (P less than 0.005) during relapse. Although no apparent change in plasma volume was noted using the volume of distribution of labeled human albumin, calculated plasma volume was reduced 13 +/- 8% during relapse when estimated from changes in hematocrit. After a water load, the ability to excrete water was markedly blunted during relapse. The clearance of solute-free water (CH2O) was 0.9 +/- 0.8 ml/min during
Pediatric Research -- Table Of Contents (10 [3]) Abstract. A Gur, PY Adefuin, NJ Siegel, and JP Hayslett A study of the renalhandling of water in lipoid nephrosis Pediatr Res 1976 10 197201. Abstract. http://www.pedresearch.org/content/vol10/issue3/
Extractions: [Search ALL Issues] To see an article , click its [Full Text] link. To review many abstracts , check the boxes to the left of the titles you want, and click the 'Get All Checked Abstract(s)' button. To see one abstract at a time , click its [Abstract] link. CH Beatty, MK Young, and RM Bocek Control of glycolysis in skeletal muscle from fetal rhesus monkeys
Minimal Change Glomerulopathy Minimal Change Glomerulopathy. There are many synonyms for minimal change glomerulopathy,eg, minimal change disease, lipoid nephrosis, nill disease. http://www.gamewood.net/rnet/renalpath/ch4.htm
Extractions: Normal Histology Clinical Presentation ... Type II MPGN Slide 12 shows the characteristic light microscopic finding, i.e., no abnormality. Sometimes there may be a little bit of mesangial hypercellularity in a few segments. Otherwise, any scarring, any infiltration of leukocytes, any necrosis, or any other substantial structural changes in glomeruli rule out a diagnosis of minimal change glomerulopathy. Slide 13 The ultrastructural finding diagramed in Slide 14 are effacement of visceral epithelial foot processes and epithelial microvillous transformation. Microvillous transformation of epithelial cytoplasm often accompanies effacement. The effacement of foot processes and microvillous transformation are not specific for minimal change glomerulopathy. Foot process effacement is characteristic for minimal change glomerulopathy and is required for the pathologic diagnosis of this disease; however, this same change is present in any patient with substantial proteinuria of any cause. Therefore, the diagnosis of minimal change glomerulopathy is one of exclusion, i.e., these ultrastructural changes should be present in the absence of light microscopic, immunohistologic or other ultrastructural features of any other cause of proteinuria. The electron micrograph in Slide 15 is from a patient with minimal change glomerulopathy and shows almost complete effacement of the visceral epithelial foot processes. There is condensation of the epithelial cytoskeleton near the basement membrane. If you don't know what this is, you can mistake it for subepithelial electron dense deposits, suggesting membranous glomerulopathy. It is actin condensation that takes place inside of visceral epithelial cytoplasm when there is effacement of foot processes, suggesting that there is movement of cytoplasmic structures during the effacement event.
Extractions: Home About Links Index ... Editor's Choice document.write(code); Advertisement Nephrology Glomerulus Assorted Pages Acute Glomerulonephritis Glomerulonephritis Causes Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis ... Glomerular Basement Membrane Antibody Acute Glomerulonephritis Glomerulonephritis Book Home Page Cardiovascular Medicine Dentistry Dermatology Emergency Medicine Endocrinology Gastroenterology General Medicine Geriatric Medicine Gynecology Hematology and Oncology HIV Infectious Disease Jokes Laboratory Neonatology Nephrology Neurology Obstetrics Ophthalmology Orthopedics Otolaryngology Pediatrics Pharmacology Prevention Psychiatry Pulmonology Radiology Rheumatology Sports Medicine Surgery Urology Chapter Nephrology Index Acid and Base Disorders Calcium Chloride Cardiovascular Medicine Dermatology Edema Endocrinology Examination Failure Glomerulus Laboratory General Pulmonology Magnesium Neurology Pharmacology Phosphorus Potassium Radiology Sodium Surgery Tubule Page Glomerulus Index Glomerulonephritis Acute Glomerulonephritis Causes Glomerulonephritis Goodpastures Glomerulonephritis PostStreptococcal Glomerulonephritis Rapid Progression Proteinuria Nephrotic Syndrome Proteinuria Isolated Proteinuria Isolated Definition Gross Hematuria with Red Blood Cell casts Proteinuria Hypertension Renal insufficiency Causes See Glomerulonephritis Causes Nephrotic Syndrome Minimal change disease (Nil lesion, lipoid
JN 2003; Vol.16 N°1: 148-153 One had membranous glomerulonephritis with negative immunofluorescence findings.One patient had focal glomerulosclerosis and lipoid nephrosis. http://www.sin-italia.org/jnonline/vol16n1/148.html
Extractions: Table of Contents Case report J NEPHROL 2003; 16: 148-153 Unexpected IgA nephropathy during the treatment of a young woman with idiopathic dermatomyositis: Case report and review of the literature Tzung-Hai Yen , Jeng-Yi Huang , Chen-Yin Chen Department of Nephrology, Department of Pediatrics, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan - China ABSTRACT: This article reports the unexpected discovery of IgA nephropathy in a 26-year-old Chinese woman 1.5 years after the onset of idiopathic dermatomyositis. The patient was taking immunosuppressive agents, prednisolone 25 mg and azathioprine 75 mg daily. Glomerulonephritis associated with idiopathic polymyositis/dermatomyositis is rare. A review of the medical literature indicates that the most common pattern seen in idiopathic polymyositis is mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis. However, both membranous and mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis are often seen in idiopathic dermatomyositis. It is still not clear, however, whether the humorally- mediated immune process in dermatomyositis and the cell-mediated immune process in polymyositis can explain the different patterns of occurrence of glomerular lesions in these two closely related disease entities. Key words: Dermatomyositis, Polymyositis, Nephrotic syndrome, IgA nephropathy
ÐÄÎ, Ìàòåðèàëû, Æóðíàë, 2000-3, Óðîâíè Èë-10, Èë-8 Matsumoto K., Osakabe K., Katayama H., Hatano M. In vitro lymphocyte disfunctionin lipoid nephrosis mediated by suppressor cells. Nephron 1982; 32 270272. http://www.dialysis.ru/magazine/2000_3/il_10.php
Extractions: Sorry, Unknown browser! IL-10, IL-8 in Serum of Children with Different Variants of Steroid-Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome of Primary Chronic Glomerulonephritis T.V. Vashurina, T.B. Sentsova, T.V. Sergeeva g (IFN- g ) ïðîäóöèðóþòñÿ Ò-õåëïåðàìè 1 (Th 1). Èíòåðëåéêèí 4 (Èë-4) ÿâëÿåòñÿ öèòîêèíîì Òh2. Èë-10, Èë-13 ñåêðåòèðóþòñÿ â áîëüøåé ñòåïåíè Th2, â ìåíüøåé - Th0, Th1. Ñëåäîâàòåëüíî, ñîîòíîøåíèå IFN- g Ìíîãèå èññëåäîâàíèÿ ïðîäåìîíñòðèðîâàëè ïîâûøåííóþ àêòèâíîñòü êëîíà ñóïðåññîðíûõ/öèòîòîêñè÷åñêèõ êëåòîê (CD8+) è íàòóðàëüíûõ êèëëåðîâ (NK-êëåòîê) ïðè ðåöèäèâå ÍÑÌÈ [1,2,12]. Íåñêîëüêî ðàáîò ïîêàçàëè òàêæå in vitro óâåëè÷åííóþ ìèòîãåíñòèìóëèðîâàííóþ ïðîäóêöèþ Èë-2, Èë-4 è IFN- g ëèìôîöèòàìè äåòåé ñî ñòåðîèä÷óâñòâèòåëüíûì ÍÑ [11,13]. Ïîâûøåííûå óðîâíè Èë-2, IFN- g , ðàñòâîðèìîãî ðåöåïòîðà Èë-2 (SIL-2R) â êðîâè è óäàëåííàÿ ýêñïðåññèÿ IL-2R íà ëèìôîöèòàõ òàêæå íàáëþäàëèñü äðóãèìè àâòîðàìè ïðè ðåöèäèâå ýòîãî çàáîëåâàíèÿ [1,4,5,12]. Ïðîòèâîïîëîæíûå ðåçóëüòàòû áûëè ïîëó÷åíû Hui-Kim Yap et al. (1999). Ýòè èññëåäîâàòåëè íå íàøëè ïîâûøåíèÿ ýêñïðåññèè ìÐÍÊ Èë-2, IFN- g in vitro èíãèáèöèþ ñåêðåöèè VPF â êîíêàíàâàëèí À-ñòèìóëèðîâàííûõ ÏÌÊ ïîñëå ââåäåíèÿ ðåêîìáèíàíòíîãî ÷åëîâå÷åñêîãî Èë-10 [7]. Êîìáèíàöèÿ äâóõ öèòîêèíîâ (Èë-10 è Èë-13, Èë-10 è Èë-4) ñïîñîáñòâîâàëà ïîòåíöèàëüíîé ñèíåðãè÷åñêîé ñóïðåññèè ýòîãî ôàêòîðà [8,9].
THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 17, Ch. 224, Glomerular Diseases Removal of nephrotoxins (eg, gold, penicillamine, NSAIDs) may be followedby remission. MINIMAL CHANGE DISEASE (lipoid nephrosis; Nil Disease). http://www.merck.com/mrkshared/mmanual/section17/chapter224/224c.jsp
Nephrotic Syndrome : Information And Treatment Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome 1. Minimal Change Glomerulopathy/ Nil disease/lipoid nephrosis/ Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome of childhood A glomerular http://www.nephroticsyndrome.com/relatedConditions.htm
Extractions: Related Conditions While diagnosing NS, the clinician has to closely examine other similar conditions, as shown below. It may be noted that makes a suggested reading only for those who want to go into the detail of understanding Nephrotic Syndrome. Nephrotic Syndrome is the outcome of ample number of diseases that damage the filtering units of the kidneys in a certain way that allows them to leak protein into the urine. Hence there are array of diseases, which eventually end up in Nephrotic Syndrome. Some of the diseases that cause Nephrotic Syndrome, such as glomerulonephritis, affect only the kidney. Other diseases that cause Nephrotic Syndrome, such as diabetes and lupus, affect other parts of the body as well. It should be also noted that in vast majority of cases exact cause couldnt be pinpointed. This group categorizes all those conditions, which directly and primarily affect kidneys and damage glomeruli. They are largely termed as nephropathies or glomerulopathies. Glomerulonephritis (GN) occupies peak position among glomerulopathies causing Nephrotic Syndrome. GN is a group of kidney diseases caused by inflammation of the internal kidney structures (glomeruli). The disease may be caused by specific problems with the body's immune system, but the precise cause of most cases is unknown.
Discussion.html lipoid nephrosis (minimal change lesion) is responsible for 80% of all cases in children,SLE and other collagen diseases would be prominent considerations in http://cats.med.uvm.edu/cats_teachingmod/pathology/colloquium/case__20/discussio
Extractions: Discussion Back to Home This woman has generalized edema as noted by gain in weight and swelling of the face, legs, and hands. When fluid retention and edema occur (expansion of the interstitial component of the extracellular fluid volume), three possibilities immediately come to mind: congestive heart failure (CHF), cirrhosis of the liver, and the nephrotic syndrome. Less likely considerations are idiopathic cyclic edema, often characterized by abrupt weight changes correlating with the menstrual cycle, and hypothyroidism where brawny swelling can be mistaken for pitting edema. Venous or lymphatic obstruction in the legs can be ruled out by the presence of facial and hand edema too. Good exercise tolerance and lack of dyspnea or fatigue on exertion tend to exclude CHF. Further, there is no history of congenital heart disease, acute rheumatic fever, hypertension, or murmurs, which might be expected in a young woman with CHF. Absence of drug or alcohol abuse, and no history of jaundice make severe liver disease unlikely. Tolerance to cold, normal bowel habits, and absence of other related symptoms refute thyroid hypofunction; cyclic premenstrual edema is denied by the history. nocturia is a common manifestation of edema from any cause, and relates to more effective renal perfusion in the reclining position. Foamy urine occurs in patients with massive proteinuria. So far, then, the evidence points to the kidney as the source of her illness.
Objectives For Renal Systems Course Clinical course and prognosis. Compare lipoid nephrosis (minimal changenephropathy) with membranous glomerulonephritis in the context of http://medicine.creighton.edu/medschool/m2courseware/renal/renobj.htm
Extractions: Objectives for Renal and Urinary System Course Revised 11-18-2002 kidney proximal tubule internal urethral sphincter ureter loops of Henle external urethral sphincter bladder medullary rays mesangial cells urethra vasa recta glomerular endothelial cells renin renal pyramids glomerular epithelial cells erythropoietin renal calyx glomerular mesangial cells nephron juxtaglomerular apparatus collecting ducts glomerulus countercurrent multiplier ducts of Bellini Malpighian corpuscle countercurrent exchange lamellipodia distal tubule transitional epithelium glands of Littre Bowman's capsule lacunae of Morgagni Describe and diagram the nephron with specific reference to site, blood supply and cellular components Identify the fine structural features of the glomerulus and renal tubules and discuss the relationship of these with the processes of filtration, secretion and absorption. Diagram and discuss the histology of: Describe the fine structural specialization of transitional epithelium and discuss its possible role in facilitating distention of the bladder Identify and distinguish between the component parts of the juxtaglomerular apparatus and discuss their functions Given a histological section of the kidney, ureter, bladder or urethra, identify the tissue, various cellular components and correlate with physiological function