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Seckel Syndrome to birth (intrauterine growth retardation) resulting in low birth weight. Growthdelays continue after birth (postnatal) resulting in short stature (dwarfism. http://www.bchealthguide.org/kbase/nord/nord491.htm
Extractions: It is possible that the main title of the report is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. Information on the following diseases can be found in the Related Disorders section of this report: Seckel Syndrome is an extremely rare inherited disorder characterized by growth delays prior to birth (intrauterine growth retardation) resulting in low birth weight. Growth delays continue after birth (postnatal) resulting in short stature (dwarfism). Other symptoms and physical features associated with Seckel Syndrome include an abnormally small head (microcephaly); varying degrees of mental retardation; and/or unusual characteristic facial features including "beak-like" protrusion of the nose. Other facial features may include abnormally large eyes, a narrow face, malformed ears, and/or an unusually small jaw (micrognathia). In addition, some affected infants may exhibit permanent fixation of the fifth fingers in a bent position (clinodactyly), malformation (dysplasia) of the hips, dislocation of a bone in the forearm (radial dislocation), and/or other physical abnormalities. Seckel Syndrome is thought to be inherited as an autosomal recessive genetic trait.
Dwarfism stature from various causes (Table 1). For a general description, see dwarfism. dwarfism, Table 1 Inborn errors of metabolism. intrauterine infections. Systemic inflammatory diseases http://www.amersham-health.com/medcyclopaedia/Volume III 1/DWARFISM.html
Extractions: Amershamhealth.com Search for: Type a word or a phrase. All forms of the word are searchable. Browse entry words starting with: A B C D ... Other characters Dwarfism, smallness of stature from various causes (Table 1). For a general description, see dwarfism Dwarfism, Table 1. Some causes of short stature. Endocrine disorders Hypopituitarism Hypothyroidism Diabetes mellitus Hypercortisolism Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Deficient somatomedin production (Laron dwarfism) Chronic disorders of major organ systems Chronic renal disease Congenital heart disease Juvenile chronic arthritis Sickle cell anaemia Malabsorption syndromes Skeletal disorders Achondroplasia Osteochondrodysplasia Pseudohypoparathyroidism and pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism Rickets Chromosomal aberrations Gonadal dysgenesis Trisomy conditions Miscellaneous disorders Malnutrition Familial short stature Inborn errors of metabolism Intrauterine infections Systemic inflammatory diseases Renal tubular disorders Psychosocial dwarfism Neurologic disorders Different types of dwarfism are described more fully under the names of specific dysplasias osteochondrodysplasias and Hypopituitarism
Extractions: Amershamhealth.com Search for: Type a word or a phrase. All forms of the word are searchable. Browse entry words starting with: A B C D ... Other characters Dwarfism, In harmonic dwarfism neuroradiological interest is focused particularly on hypopituitarism and MR imaging of the sellar region is suggested as specific anomalies may be identified. Other items of neuroradiological interest are coeliac sprue precocious puberty and Cushings syndrome , the cause of which again may reside in identifiable hypothalamic/hypophyseal pathology. In disharmonic dwarfism, he diagnosis can often be established by clinical phenotypic features. Among the causes of disharmonic dwarfism, achondroplasia presents particular features that merit neuroradiological investigation and these are discussed in their specific sections (see achondroplasia ). Table 1 presents most frequent causes in the two settings. Dwarfism, Table 1. Principal causes of dwarfism. HARMONIC DWARFISM Familial low height Intrauterine growth defect hypopituitarism Cushings syndrome Exogenous steroid therapy precocious puberty Laron's syndrome Cardiopulmonary diseases Coeliac disease , and other types of malabsorption DISHARMONIC DWARFISM Osteochondrodysplasia Achondroplasia Hypothyroidism Seckel's syndrome Russel's syndrome Chromosomal anomalies Gonadic dysgenesis Turners syndrome Mosaicism Trisomy syndrome Downs syndrome
Dwarfism Inborn errors of metabolism. intrauterine infections. Systemic inflammatorydiseases. Renal tubular disorders. Psychosocial dwarfism. Neurologic disorders. http://www.amershamhealth.com/medcyclopaedia/medical/Volume III 1/DWARFISM.ASP
Extractions: Amershamhealth.com Search for: Type a word or a phrase. All forms of the word are searchable. Browse entry words starting with: A B C D ... Other characters Dwarfism, smallness of stature from various causes (Table 1). For a general description, see dwarfism Dwarfism, Table 1. Some causes of short stature. Endocrine disorders Hypopituitarism Hypothyroidism Diabetes mellitus Hypercortisolism Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Deficient somatomedin production (Laron dwarfism) Chronic disorders of major organ systems Chronic renal disease Congenital heart disease Juvenile chronic arthritis Sickle cell anaemia Malabsorption syndromes Skeletal disorders Achondroplasia Osteochondrodysplasia Pseudohypoparathyroidism and pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism Rickets Chromosomal aberrations Gonadal dysgenesis Trisomy conditions Miscellaneous disorders Malnutrition Familial short stature Inborn errors of metabolism Intrauterine infections Systemic inflammatory diseases Renal tubular disorders Psychosocial dwarfism Neurologic disorders Different types of dwarfism are described more fully under the names of specific dysplasias osteochondrodysplasias and Hypopituitarism
Dwarfism - Short Stature of Persons of Short Stature regroups people who have dwarfism and/or Issues of GrowthDelayed Children, Transition to Adult, intrauterine Growth Retardation http://www.kumc.edu/gec/support/skeldysp.html
ORPHANET® Silver-Russell Dwarfism Clinical signs Clinodactyly of fifth finger; Downturned mouth; intrauterine growthretardation; Short stature/dwarfism; Triangular face; Asymmetry of the body; http://www.orpha.net/static/GB/silverrusselldwarfism.html
Extractions: Aetiology extracapsular ankylosis : ankylosis due to rigidity of structures exterior to the joint capsule. intracapsular ankylosis : obliteration of joint motion due to disease, injury, or surgical procedure within the joint capsule. false, fibrous or spurious ankylosis : reduced mobility of a joint due to proliferation of fibrous tissue bony or true ankylosis : the union of the bones of a joint by proliferation of bone cells, resulting in complete immobility cricoarytenoid joint ankylosis : fixation of the cricoarytenoid joint due to inflammation; characterized by hoarseness, cough, and difficulty in expectoration.
Seckel's Syndrome (www.whonamedit.com) Seckel s syndrome An intrauterine form of dwarfism. Also known as Harpers syndrome,Seckel sbird head syndrome,Seckel s nanism,VirchowSeckel syndrome. http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/869.html
Extractions: This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor. An intrauterine form of dwarfism characterized by proportional short stature, reduced circumference of the cranium, a characteristic bill-like protrusion of the central area of the face with microcephaly, prominent sometimes beaked nose, large ears, sparse hair, joint defects, clubfoot, trident hands, absence of some teeth, cloacalike malformation of genitourinary tract and rectum, mental retardation and sweet disposition. A small, simplified cerebrum resembles the chimpanzee brain (pongidoid microcephaly. There is a reduction in the number of blood cells. Both sexes affected; present at birth. Inheritance is autosomal recessive. There has been described a case in which all the features of the syndrome were present, but not the dwarfism. This could be an incomplete form or a variant of the syndrome.
Karger Publishers 6 Russell A A syndrome of intrauterine dwarfism recognisable at birth with craniofacialdysostosis, disproportionately short arms, and other anomalies. http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ProduktNr=
Karger Publishers 2 Russell A A syndrome of intrauterine dwarfism recognisable at birth with craniofacialdysostosis, disproportionately short arms and other anomalies. http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowFulltext&ProduktNr=
Silver-Russells Syndrom - Små Och Mindre Kända Handikappgrupper Russell A. A syndrome of intrauterine dwarfism recognizable at birth with craniofacialdysostosis, disproportionately short arms and other anomalities. http://www.sos.se/smkh/2001-29-128/2001-29-128.HTM
Extractions: HTML-version 1.0 Socialstyrelsen Detta är ett utdrag ur Socialstyrelsens kunskapsdatabas om små och mindre kända handikappgrupper. Med små och mindre kända handikappgrupper avses ovanliga sjukdomar/skador som leder till omfattande funktionshinder och som finns hos högst 100 personer per miljon invånare. Syftet med databasen är att ge aktuell information om små och mindre kända handikappgrupper och om det stöd och den service som dessa grupper behöver. För ytterligare information om aktuell diagnos hänvisas till informationsmaterial, litteratur och databaser som anges under resp diagnos. Orsak till sjukdomen/skadan Symtom Dessutom styrks diagnosen ytterligare om barnet har: 5. Krokiga lillfingrar. Praktiska tips Resurspersoner kerstin.albertsson-wikland@pediat.gu.se
Gale Encyclopedia Of Childhood And Adolescence Dwarfism Environmental factors that influence intrauterine growth include maternal use ofdrugs The four most common causes of dwarfism in children are achondroplasia http://www.findarticles.com/g2602/0002/2602000208/p1/article.jhtml
Extractions: Print friendly Tell a friend Find subscription deals While dwarfism is sometimes used to describe achondroplasia, a condition characterized by short stature and disproportionately short arms and legs, it is also used more broadly to refer to a variety of conditions resulting in unusually short stature in both children and adults. In some cases physical development may be disproportionate, as in achondroplasia, but in others the parts of the body develop proportionately. Short stature may be unaccompanied by other symptoms, or it may occur together with other problems, both physical and mental. Adult males under 5 ft (1.5 m) tall and females under 4 ft 8 in (1.4 m) are classified as short-statured. Children are considered unusually short if they fall below the third percentile of height for their age group. In 1992 there were about five million people of short stature (for their age) living in the United States, of which 40% were under the age of 21. Some prenatal factors known to contribute to growth retardation include a variety of maternal health problems, including toxemia, kidney and heart disease, infections such as
A Case Of Cleft Lip And Palate Associated With Seckel Syndrome It is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by birdlike face,intrauterine growth retardation, dwarfism, and microcephaly. http://cpcj.allenpress.com/cpcjonline/?request=get-document&doi=10.1597/02-087
Types Of Dwarfism Dysosteosclerosis; Dyssegmental dwarfism; Dyssegmental Dysplasia, SilvermanHandmakerType; DDSH; Finger Locking, Recurrent, With intrauterine Growth Retardation http://www.dwarfism.org/medical/types.php