Neurology -- Abstracts: Drummond And Edis 40 (5): 847 ARTICLES. Loss of facial sweating and flushing in holmesadie syndrome. PD Drummond and RH Edis Psychology Section, Murdoch University, Western Australia.
Extractions: Psychology Section, Murdoch University, Western Australia. We investigated pupillary responses to parasympathetic (pilocarpine) and sympathetic agents (tyramine, cocaine, and phenylephrine) in a 51- year-old woman with tonic pupils, loss of muscle stretch reflexes in the limbs, and hemifacial loss of sweating and flushing (Ross' syndrome). A smaller pupillary response to tyramine and cocaine eyedrops on the symptomatic side indicated that outflow was disrupted in the postganglionic section of the ocular sympathetic pathway. A greater response to phenylephrine eyedrops on
Tonic Pupil Back To Previous Level Adie See Related Articles Chronic cough in the holmesadie syndrome association in five cases with autonomic dysfunction. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.
Casereport Pavesi G, Macaluso GM, Medici D, Ventura P, Lusvardi M, Gemignani F, et al. On the cause of tendon areflexia in the holmesadie syndrome.
Extractions: In 1932 Adie [1] described a syndrome in which unilateral accommodation and pupillary contraction were abnormal. lt typically was observed in young women with no history or evidence of syphilis and involved a unilateral dilated pupil that was unresponsive to light. He noted that deep tendon reflexes were absent or markedly diminished in these patients. He concluded that it was "a benign disorder sui generis". We report a recent case of Adie syndrome. Case Report A 37-year-old woman came to the office with right pupil dilatation. lt was noticed by a nurse for the first time earlier that morning and had not been present previously according to the patient's report. The patient's only visual complaint was mild photophobia in sunlight. She also had complaints of sinus congestion, headaches, and intermittent mucopurulent rhinorrhea believed to be due to an exacerbation of seasonal allergies. She denied fever, extremity weakness, paresthesias, or a history of sexually transmitted diseases. The patient had a remote history (more than 10 years ago) of an episode of left arm and facial weakness, which resolved. On a physical examination she had anisocoria with a 5-mm right pupil and a 3-mm left pupil. Pupillary light response was absent on the right and decreased accommodation was present. Extraocular movements were intact bilaterally. Findings on a fundal examination were normal, and her blood pressure was 128/84 mmHg. No other abnormalities were noted. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was ordered and findings were normal except for sinusitis.
ADIE SYNDROME Definition See tonic pupil. Synonym Adie s pupil, HolmesAdie pupil, holmes-adie syndrome, pupillotonic pseudotabes. Toys and Blankets. Miami Rooms. New York Hotels.
Extractions: A service of Browse Dictionary Alphabetically A B C D ... Z An idiopathic postganglionic denervation of the parasympathetically innervated intraocular muscles, usually complicated by signs of aberrant regeneration of these nerves: a weak light reaction with segmental palsy of iris sphincter, a strong slow near response. Deep tendon reflexes, particularly ankle and knee, are often asymmetrically reduced. See: tonic pupil. Synonym: Adie's pupil, Holmes-Adie pupil, Holmes-Adie syndrome, pupillotonic pseudotabes.
EMedicine - Anisocoria : Article By Richard Gray, MD The combination of an idiopathic tonic pupil with decreased deep tendon reflexes and/or orthostatic hypotension is termed holmesadie syndrome.
Extractions: (advertisement) Home Specialties Resource Centers CME ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Consumer Health Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Emergency Medicine Neurology Last Updated: August 4, 2003 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: unequal pupil size AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 7 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography Author: Richard Gray, MD , Director of Undergraduate Education, Assistant Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School, Hennepin County Medical Center Richard Gray, MD, is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Emergency Medicine Editor(s): Edward Bessman, MD , Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine, John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center; Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Johns Hopkins University; Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD
RedNova News: Adie Syndrome Adie Syndrome. Synonyms Adie s Pupil. Adie s Syndrome. Adie s Tonic Pupil. holmesadie syndrome. Papillotonic Psuedotabes. Tonic Pupil Syndrome. .
Extractions: Forum Check E-mail My RedNova Join Us ... Tell a Friend - Win $500 Search January 02, 2003 RedNova Health Link Adie Syndrome Synonyms: Adie's Pupil Adie's Syndrome Adie's Tonic Pupil Holmes-Adie Syndrome Papillotonic Psuedotabes Tonic Pupil Syndrome More science, space, and technology from RedNova Email this story to a friend Post your thoughts on this story
Extractions: A syndrome characterized by a TONIC PUPIL that occurs in combination with decreased lower extremity reflexes. The affected pupil will respond more briskly to accommodation than to light (light-near dissociation) and is supersensitive to dilute pilocarpine eye drops, which induce pupillary constriction. Pathologic features include degeneration of the ciliary ganglion and postganglionic parasympathetic fibers that innervate the pupillary constrictor muscle. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p279)
:: Ez2Find :: H Disk (11) Herpes (72) Hidradenitis Suppurativa (11) Hirsutism (5) Histoplasmosis (8) Hives (14) Hodgkin s Disease (13) holmesadie syndrome (4) Homocystinuria
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Extractions: ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION Timothy C. Hain, MD. Please read our Return to Index Search this site Page last modified: February 2, 2004 Orthostasis means upright posture, and hypotension means low blood pressure. Thus, orthostatic hypotension consists of symptoms of dizziness, faintness or lightheadedness which appear only on standing, and which are caused by low blood pressure. Only rarely is spinning vertigo caused by orthostasis. Vertigo and orthostatis may co-exist however. Symptoms that often accompany orthostatic hypotension include chest pain, trouble holding the urine, impotence, and dry skin from loss of sweating. Blood pressure is maintained by a combination of several things. The heart is the central pump, and a weak or irregular heart can cause orthostasis. Conditions such as arrhythmia, heart failure, deconditioning, and pregnancy are examples where the heart may not be up to the task of providing an adequate blood pressure. The heart pumps blood, and if there is too little blood volume (anemia, dehydration, dialysis), the pressure drops. The blood vessels in the body also can squeeze (constrict) to raise blood pressure, and if this action is paralyzed, blood pressure may fall. Numerous medications affect blood vessels including most of the medications used for blood pressure, and many of the medications used in psychiatry and for anginal heart pain. Heat, such as a hot shower or from a fever can also dilate blood vessels and cause orthostasis. The nervous system senses and responds to regulate blood pressure. If something is wrong in this control system, blood pressure may fluctuate.
Extractions: ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION Timothy C. Hain, MD. Please read our Return to Index . Content last updated: 12/2002 Orthostasis means upright posture, and hypotension means low blood pressure. Thus, orthostatic hypotension consists of symptoms of dizziness, faintness or lightheadedness which appear only on standing, and which are caused by low blood pressure. Only rarely is spinning vertigo caused by orthostasis. Symptoms that often accompany orthostatic hypotension include chest pain, trouble holding the urine, impotence, and dry skin from loss of sweating. Blood pressure is maintained by a combination of several things. The heart is the central pump, and a weak or irregular heart can cause orthostasis. Conditions such as arrhythmia, heart failure, deconditioning, and pregnancy are examples where the heart may not be up to the task of providing an adequate blood pressure. The heart pumps blood, and if there is too little blood volume (anemia, dehydration, dialysis), the pressure drops. The blood vessels in the body also can squeeze (constrict) to raise blood pressure, and if this action is paralyzed, blood pressure may fall. Numerous medications affect blood vessels including most of the medications used for blood pressure, and many of the medications used in psychiatry and for anginal heart pain. Heat, such as a hot shower or from a fever can also dilate blood vessels and cause orthostasis. The nervous system senses and responds to regulate blood pressure. If something is wrong in this control system, blood pressure may fluctuate.
Baylor Neurology Case Of The Month holmesadie syndrome, or tonic pupil with generalized loss of tendon reflexes, may be associated in some cases with clinical signs of sensory or autonomic
Extractions: Coexistence of motoneuron disease and suspected demyelinating lesions has a limited, but interesting, differential diagnosis. Radiation injury can produce MRI T2 signal changes suggestive of demyelination, focal lower motoneuron degeneration, and upper motoneuron signs below the level of the injury, but would not be consistent with the clinical history and presentation of this patient. Several hereditary syndromes have been described with combinations of late-onset paraparesis, optic atrophy, and amyotrophy, but none well fitting the apparently sporadic and rapidly progressive bulbar disease encountered in this patient. Prion diseases , including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, may present with amyotrophy and bulbar dysfunction (reviewed in Worrall et al., 2000), as well as oligoclonal bands on CSF studies, but anatomic findings typically reflect spongiform changes rather than demyelination. Furthermore, cases of prion-related amyotrophy have nearly always occurred in a clinical context suggesting prion disease (e.g., advancing dementia), which was not observed in this patient. Motoneuron disease and lesions suggesting CNS demyelination have been reported in HIV disease as well as HTLV-1 associated myelopathy ; the role of opportunistic infections is not always clear in reports of the former.
Pubblicazioni 1999 a wide spectrum of seizures. Mov Disord. 2000 Nov;15(6)1264. Martinelli P. holmesadie syndrome. Lancet. 2000 Nov 18;356(9243)1760
SearchBug Directory: Health: Conditions_and_Diseases: H Disk (10) Herpes (83) Hidradenitis Suppurativa (11) Hirsutism (5) Histoplasmosis (18) Hives (14) Hodgkin s Disease (13) holmesadie syndrome (4) Homocystinuria
Archivos De Neurociencias - PUPILA TONICA DE ADIE EN EL DIAGNOSTICO DIFERENCIAL Translate this page 6. Rodriguez-Barrionuevo AC, Herrero-Hernandez A, Vazquez-Martin L, holmes-adie syndrome. Clinical case. 10. Mak W, Cheung RT. The Holmes-Adie plus syndrome.
Dorlands Medical Dictionary holmesadie syndrome (holmes-adie syndrome) (homacrmz-a¢de) GM Holmes; William John Adie, Australian neurologist in England, 18861935 Adie s syndrome.
The Journal : Back Issues Jacobus Lubsen, Arno Hoes, Diederick Grobbee. Eponym. holmesadie syndrome Summary Full Text PDF. Paolo Martinelli. Correspondence. Correspondence.
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The Journal : Back Issues MG Tutton, N Aqel, D St J Collier. holmesadie syndrome and Lyme disease Full Text PDF. *Raphael B Stricker, Edward E Winger.
Extractions: Correspondence Correspondence Drug use during pregnancy [ Full Text PDF Andrew E Czeizel Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine devices [ Full Text PDF Ilan Cohen Liposomal amphotericin B [ Full Text PDF Shyam Sundar 32 polymorphism in asthma [ Full Text PDF Peter J Helms Complementary and alternative medicine [ Full Text PDF Nick Lampert Ciprofloxacin resistance in gonococci [ Full Text PDF *Catherine Ison, Iona Martin, Dan Ivens, Stuart Philip, Linda Greene Onset of coeliac disease and interferon treatment [ Full Text PDF Fluticasone and asthma [ Full Text PDF Discomfort with fine-needle aspiration cytology of the breast [ Full Text PDF *M G Tutton, N Aqel, D St J Collier
Re: Holmes-Adies holmesadie syndrome should definitely be managed together with a neurologist. I can sense that you are a very observant individual.