Extractions: Title: Floating Harbor Syndrome Support Group of North America Description: Provides mutual support and networking for parents of children with Floating Harbor syndrome. Newsletter, literature, phone support, photos of children with FHS. Scope: National network Founded: Telephone: Email: JDSwanson@aol.com Web Address: http://hometown.aol.com/jdswanson This information has been generously provided by The American Self Help Clearinghouse and hosted by Med Help International . Please send corrections/updates to admin@selfhelpgroups.org
Floating Harbor Syndrome / Family Village Library Floating Harbor syndrome. The support group was founded when one mom contactedanother mom whose child also had Floating Harbor syndrome. http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/lib_fharbor.html
Extractions: Web: http://hometown.aol.com/jdswanson/ The support group was founded when one mom contacted another mom whose child also had Floating Harbor Syndrome. Our desire is to help others find a diagnosis and to offer solutions that we have found helpful in dealing with our own kids who have this syndrome. Floating Harbor Syndrome Discussion Group A group open to anyone interested in sharing information and/or support for persons affected by "Floating Harbor Syndrome." Floating Harbor Group
Floating Harbor Syndrome Floating Harbor syndrome. Floating Harbor syndrome Support Group. Provides mutualsupport and networking for parents of children with Floating Harbor syndrome. http://www.bchealthguide.org/kbase/shc/shc29flo.htm
Extractions: The above information is based upon information available through the "verified" date at the end of each listing. Since American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse's resources are limited; it is not possible to keep every entry in the American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse database completely current and accurate. Please check with the organizations listed for the most current information. For additional information and assistance about self-help groups, please contact the American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse in Cedar Knolls, New Jersey, by email at: info@selfhelpgroups.org
Floating Harbor Syndrome Floating Harbor syndrome. Self Help Clearinghouse. Floating Harborsyndrome Support Group. National network. Founded http://www.meritcare.com/hwdb/showTopic.asp?pd_hwid=shc29flo
Health Library - prevention. Floating Harbor syndrome. Synonyms Disorder Subdivisions GeneralDiscussion Resources National Organization for Rare Disorders. http://health_info.nmh.org/Library/HealthGuide/IllnessConditions/topic.asp?hwid=
Floating Harbor Syndrome Translate this page Floating harbor syndrome. Synonyme Leisti hollister rimoin (syndromede). En anglais Floating harbor syndrome. syndrome caractérisant http://www.vulgaris-medical.net/textf/floathar.html
Extractions: Le cou est court et le patient a un visage de forme triangulaire, la racine du nez est large, le nez eSt long et augmenté de volume. Les oreilles sont implantées basses et sont disposées en " rotation posterieure " (vers l'arrière). Le reste du visage montre des cils longs, épais et recourbés. Il existe également une énophtalmie correspondant à une position anormale du globe oculaire, situé plus profondément dans l'orbite que la normale. Le patient présente également une dolichocéphalie (malformation du crâne présentant sous une forme forme allongée d'avant en arrière), une scaphocéphalie correspondant à une malformation du crâne se caractérisant par une forme élevée, excessivement allongée d'avant en arrière, et aplatie sur les cotés. L'examen la bouche du patient montre un palais ogival bordé de gencives épaisses et le plus souvent augmentées de volume (hypertrophiques). Le palais est la partie de la bouche constituée par la paroi supérieure de la cavité buccale, fait ses patients le palais est creusé par un sillon plus ou moins profond. En ce qui concerne les membres, les mains sont courtes, les orteils présentent une clinodactylie essentiellement du cinquième doigt. Ce terme issu du grec klinô, j'incline et daktulos, doigt, caractérise la déviation des doigts ou des orteils vers les trois côtés de la main ou du pied (l'avant, l'arrière, le côté). De façon générale les articulations sont raides. Il existe une brachydactylie. Ce terme est issu de brakhus, signifiant court et de daktulos, doigt, et traduit une malformation des doigts, qui ne possèdent pas la longueur d'un doigt normal (phalanges trop courtes). En ce qui concerne le tissu osseux (squelette) de façon générale, l'enfant présente un retard d'âge osseux s'accompagnant d'un nanisme (petite taille). D'autre part, il existe une tendance aux luxations (déboîtement) des articulations.
Liste F Translate this page de) Flack et Keith (nud de) Flamme de bougie(radiologie) Flasque FléchisseurFléchisseur commun des orteils Floating harbor syndrome Flore bactérienne http://www.vulgaris-medical.net/listf.html
Floating Harbor Syndrome Ailment Name Floating Harbor syndrome. Join this Community get help byemailing and chatting to others, and sharing information and experiences, http://www.thirdaid.com/conditions/Floating_Harbor_Syndrome.htm
Extractions: Registration (Details given below are only for use in the Community and under no circumstances is your information ever provided to other 3rd parties. Required Information How would you like to be known? Birthdate: document.RegistrationForm.birthdate_day.options[birthdate_current_Day].selected=true; January February March April May June July August September October November December document.RegistrationForm.birthdate_month.options[birthdate_current_Month].selected=true; E-mail: (confidential) you will not be able to access this site. You are a ... Sufferer Carer Doctor For how long? year(s) State/Province/City: Country: Select a Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua And Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Columbia Comoros Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote DnullIvoire (Ivory Coast) Croatia (Hrvatska) Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic D.P.R. Korea
Extractions: It is possible that the main title of the report is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report. Floating-Harbor Syndrome is a very rare disorder characterized by short stature, delayed language skills, and a triangular shaped face. A broad nose, deep-set eyes and a wide mouth with thin lips give the affected patient a distinct appearance. FHS was named after the hospitals at which the first two patients were seen: the Boston Floating Hospital and Harbor General Hospital in California. The cause of this disorder is not known. Human Growth Foundation
Health Library - Floating Harbor syndrome. Important It is possible that the main title ofthe report Floating Harbor syndrome is not the name you expected. http://yalenewhavenhealth.org/library/healthguide/IllnessConditions/topic.asp?hw
Floating Harbor Syndrome Support Group Of North America Floating Harbor syndrome Support Group of North America. 160 Guild NE Grand Rapids,MI 49505 Conditions Floating Harbor syndrome. Hours Answered MSat, 9-9 http://www.geneticalliance.org/diseaseinfo/displayorganization.html?orgname=Floa
Health Library - groups. Floating Harbor syndrome. Self Help Clearinghouse. Floating Harborsyndrome Support Group. National network. Founded http://healthlink.uhseast.com/Library/HealthGuide/SelfHelp/topic.asp?hwid=shc29f
Health Info Topic Floating Harbor syndrome, Back to previous page. Synonyms Disorder SubdivisionsGeneral Discussion Resources National Organization for Rare Disorders. http://www.pamf.org/health/healthinfo/index.cfm?page=article&sgml_id=nord934
ORPHANET - Maladies Rares - Médicaments Orphelins Translate this page Glossaire, Version pour Impression, MALADIE Floating harbor syndrome, Synonyme(s)Leisti hollister rimoin syndrome de, CIM Q87.8, Aucun descriptif disponible, http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=FR&Expert=2044
ORPHANET - Rare Diseases - Orphan Drugs Order the Orphanet book, Printing version, DISEASE Floating harbor syndrome, Synonym(s)Leisti hollister rimoin syndrome, ICD Q87.8, No description is available, http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=GB&Expert=2044
Extractions: Program Nr: 749 Floating- Harbor syndrome - further characterization of the phenotype. S. Ala-Mello , M. Peippo 1) Dept Medical Genetics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; 2) Dept Medical Genetics, The Family Federation of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. The Floating-Harbor syndrome (F-HS) is a rare syndrome first described in 1973. Since then about twenty cases have been reported. The F-HS is characterised by disturbance in speech development, especially in expressive sppech, characteristic dysmorphic faces and short stature. We report a second Finnish patient, a 6-year old girl, with the F-HS. Cleft palate was detected at birth. Speech development has been slow, and she spoke single words at 1 year and 8 months of age and sentences of a couple of words at 2 years of age. Her voice has been hypernasal. She walked unaided at 1 year and 10 months of age. Her height has been -2.5SD and at the time of investigation at 6 years of age it was -1.8SD. Her facial features are characteristic to the F-HS, and we represent photographs showing them and give more detailed data. All etiologic studies have been normal. None of the earlier patients with the F-HS have had cleft palate. Five of them, including our first patient, have been described to have immobile palate, nasal speech, palatal insufficiency or hypernasality. We suggest that cleft palate represents one end of the wide spectrum of palatal insufficiency in the F-HS. Thus, the F-HS can be seen as one of the orofacial clefting syndromes.
Program Nr 585 Floating Harbor syndrome, also an autosomal dominant condition, was named afterthe two hospitals where it was originally identified and is characterized by http://www.faseb.org/genetics/ashg00/f585.htm
Health Library - Floating Harbor syndrome. Important It is possible that the main title ofthe report Floating Harbor syndrome is not the name you expected.