News Feed : International Journal Of Paediatric Dentistry floatingharbor syndrome case report and craniofacial phenotype characteriza Floating-Harborsyndrome is a rare genetic disorder of unknown aetiology.
Extractions: Shintani S, Tsuji M, Toyosawa S, Ooshima T Summary. We performed an intentional replantation of an immature lower incisor that had a refractory peri-apical lesion. The incisor was extracted and the peri-apical lesion was removed by curettage. The root canal of the tooth was then rapidly irrigated, and filled with a calcium hydroxide and iodoform paste (Vitapex(R)), after which the tooth was fixed with an arch wire splint. Five years later, no clinical or radiographic abnormalities were found, and the root apex was obturated by an apical bridge formation. A team of two dentists is essential to prevent a prolonged operation time, thus eliminating any of the causes of ankylosis. Furthermore, calcium hydroxide and iodoform paste, along with an arch wire splint retained with composite resin, led to good healing of the periodontal tissue after the intentional replantation. Our results indicate that intentional replantation is a useful method for an immature tooth with refractory peri-apical problems.
CRANIOFACIAL is reviewed. floatingharbor syndrome case report and craniofacialphenotype characterization. link Summary. Floating-Harbor
HARBOR Links. links linking info. harbor. floatingharbor syndrome case reportand craniofacial phenotype characterization. link Summary. - /Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Genetic_Disorders floatingharbor syndrome. Siehe auch National Library of Medicine FHS - Floating-harborsyndrome, the synonyms, a summary and a list of major features.
Clinical Exchange MB. floatingharbor syndrome (FHS), named after the two hospitals where the firsttwo patients were described, has infrequently been described in the literature Exchange.htm
Extractions: Any Language English Afrikaans Arabic Bahasa Melayu Belarusian Bulgarian Catala Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Cymraeg Czech Dansk Deutsch Eesti Espanol Euskara Faroese Francais Frysk Galego Greek Hebrew Hrvatski Indonesia Islenska Italiano Japanese Korean Latvian Lietuviu Lingua Latina Magyar Netherlands Norsk Polska Portugues Romana Russian Shqip Slovensko Slovensky Srpski Suomi Svenska Thai Turkce Ukrainian Vietnamese Mode Guides Rare Disorders Web Sites National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. [Site Info] [Translate] [Open New Window] Information about NORD, its programs, special events and the variety of services offered. Includes a rare disease, organization and orphan drug database. Diseases are listed alphabetically for easy searching. URL: - Case Of The Week # 18 -Gerald Mulligan, MD Eur J Pediatr 1991 Feb;150(4)2502 The floating-harbor syndrome. Wedescribe the seventh patient with the floating-harbor syndrome.
Extractions: The support group was founded when one mom contacted another mom whose child also had Floating Harbor Syndrome. Our desire is to help others find a diagnosis (this can take years!) and to offer solutions that we have found helpful in dealing with our own precious kids who have this syndrome. *Short Stature (very low percentiles, off the charts eventually)
Floating Harbor Syndrome Floating harbor syndrome. Synonyme Leisti hollister rimoin (syndrome de). En anglais Floating harbor syndrome. syndrome caractérisant des enfants porteurs des malformations suivantes Symptômes
Extractions: Le cou est court et le patient a un visage de forme triangulaire, la racine du nez est large, le nez eSt long et augmenté de volume. Les oreilles sont implantées basses et sont disposées en " rotation posterieure " (vers l'arrière). Le reste du visage montre des cils longs, épais et recourbés. Il existe également une énophtalmie correspondant à une position anormale du globe oculaire, situé plus profondément dans l'orbite que la normale. Le patient présente également une dolichocéphalie (malformation du crâne présentant sous une forme forme allongée d'avant en arrière), une scaphocéphalie correspondant à une malformation du crâne se caractérisant par une forme élevée, excessivement allongée d'avant en arrière, et aplatie sur les cotés. L'examen la bouche du patient montre un palais ogival bordé de gencives épaisses et le plus souvent augmentées de volume (hypertrophiques). Le palais est la partie de la bouche constituée par la paroi supérieure de la cavité buccale, fait ses patients le palais est creusé par un sillon plus ou moins profond. En ce qui concerne les membres, les mains sont courtes, les orteils présentent une clinodactylie essentiellement du cinquième doigt. Ce terme issu du grec klinô, j'incline et daktulos, doigt, caractérise la déviation des doigts ou des orteils vers les trois côtés de la main ou du pied (l'avant, l'arrière, le côté). De façon générale les articulations sont raides. Il existe une brachydactylie. Ce terme est issu de brakhus, signifiant court et de daktulos, doigt, et traduit une malformation des doigts, qui ne possèdent pas la longueur d'un doigt normal (phalanges trop courtes). En ce qui concerne le tissu osseux (squelette) de façon générale, l'enfant présente un retard d'âge osseux s'accompagnant d'un nanisme (petite taille). D'autre part, il existe une tendance aux luxations (déboîtement) des articulations.
Search Jablonski's Syndromes Database More results from Floating Harbor syndrome Floating Harbor syndrome Support Group. Floating Harbor syndrome Floating Harborsyndrome Support Group WRITE Floating Harbor syndrome Support of N. Amer.
Floating Harbor Syndrome / Family Village Library Who to Contact. Where to Go to Chat with Others. Learn More About It. Web Sites. Search Google for "Floating Harbor syndrome" Who to Contact. Floating Harbor Support Group of North America. 160 Guild
Extractions: Web: The support group was founded when one mom contacted another mom whose child also had Floating Harbor Syndrome. Our desire is to help others find a diagnosis and to offer solutions that we have found helpful in dealing with our own kids who have this syndrome. Floating Harbor Syndrome Discussion Group A group open to anyone interested in sharing information and/or support for persons affected by "Floating Harbor Syndrome." Floating Harbor Group
Floating Harbor Syndrome Floating Harbor syndrome Important It is possible that the main title ofthe report Floating Harbor syndrome is not the name you expected.
Extractions: Floating-Harbor Syndrome is a very rare disorder characterized by short stature, delayed language skills, and a triangular shaped face. A broad nose, deep-set eyes and a wide mouth with thin lips give the affected patient a distinct appearance. FHS was named after the hospitals at which the first two patients were seen: the Boston Floating Hospital and Harbor General Hospital in California. The cause of this disorder is not known. Resources