HUMERAL LENGTHENING FOR SEPTIC NEONATL GROWTH ARREST al. reported humeral lengthening in 6 extermities; the diagnosis was arthrogryposis 1, enchondromatosis 1, posttraumatic hypoplasia 2, and congenital humerus
Extractions: MAGDY ABDEL-MOTA'AL, M.D. , Orthopaedic Research Fellow . WILLIAM MACKENZIE, M.D. , Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Attending . March 12, 1996 CLINICAL CASE PRESENTATION ORTHOPAEDIC DEPARTMENT THE ALFRED I. DUPONT INSTITUTE WILMINGTON, DELAWARE INTRODUCTION Upper extremity limb length discrepancy is a rare occurrence. Although pediatric leg length equalization is well understood, surgical treatment of upper limb length discrepancy has rarely been described. This case report illustrates the use of Ilizarov's method for the treatment of humeral shortening secondary to septic neonatal growth arrest . CASE REPORT A three year one month old boy presented to AIDI with shortening of the right humerus. Clinical examination revealed 4 cm shortening of right arm and painless limitation of ROM of right shoulder; abduction was 150 degrees with 80 degrees at the glenohumeral joint and internal rotation was significantly limited. There was also 1 cm shortening of the right leg and a 10 degree valgus deformity of the same knee. Radiological examination showed absence of proximal epiphysis of the right humerus with marked deformity of the metaphyseal region. There was mild shortening of the right tibia in association with destruction of the lateral part of the proximal metaphysis and epiphysis. The diagnosis was neonatal sepsis with multifocal osteomyelitis involving the right humerus
Radiology Case 438-3114 Wauu.DE Health Conditions and Diseases Rare Disorders Ollier http// Virtual Children s Hospital A look at enchondromatosis by Michael P. D Alessandro, MD Includes clinical presentation, etiology
NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. Copyright 1987, 1989, 1995, 1998, 2001 Synonyms of Ollier Disease enchondromatosis; Multiple Cartilaginous Enchondroses; Multiple enchondromatosis. Diseas
Cancer Spectrum Medline Abstract J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 1998;11(3) 14750. Juvenile granulosa cell tumor in a 13-year-old girl with enchondromatosis (Ollier s disease) a case report.;9704306
Extractions: Subscriptions Advertising About JNCI Cancer Spectrum Contact Us Go To: Home Search J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 1998;11(3): 147-50 Juvenile granulosa cell tumor in a 13-year-old girl with enchondromatosis (Ollier's disease): a case report. JS Gell, MW Stannard, DM Ramnani, and KD Bradshaw Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Texas 75235-9032, USA. Juvenile granulosa cell tumor (JGCT) of the ovary has been reported to occur rarely in conjunction with Ollier's disease. We report a case of a 13-year-old girl who was noted to have a large abdominal mass at the time of excision of a symptomatic enchondroma of the right femur. Subsequent laparotomy at a tertiary care children's medical center identified a JGCT confined to the right ovary. Review of the literature reveals eight previous cases of JGCT in patients with Ollier's disease. The pathophysiology and possible common causes of both disorders is discussed.
Karger Publishers syndrome associating macrocephaly, polyposis of the colon and subcutaneous lipomas 21, (b) Maffucci syndrome combining enchondromatosis and haemangioma and (c
Radiology Case 438-3114 The lesions have well demarcated endosteal margins. Diagnosis More information.
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