Extractions: Duane's ocular retraction syndrome Duane's ocular retraction syndrome: Definition(s) via UMLS Code translations and terms via UMLS Duane's ocular retraction syndrome: specific sites Send Duane's ocular retraction syndrome to medical search engines (JavaScript enabled browsers only) If your browser has no JavaScript you can still use these:
Birth Disorder Information Directory - D bone marrow failure neurologic abnormalities. duane( s) (retraction) syndrome(Eye retraction syndrome, retraction syndrome, StillingTurk-duane syndrome) http://www.bdid.com/defectd.htm
Extractions: HOME D Ercole Syndrome (Short Stature with Microcephaly and Heart Defect) D-Glycerate Kinase Deficiency (D-Glycericacidemia; Hyperglycinemia Syndrome, Nonketotic) D-Glycericacidemia Da Silva Syndrome (Mental Retardation with Hypoplastic Corpus Callosum and Preauricular Tag) Dacryocystitis/Dacryostenosis (Blocked Tear Duct) Dandy Walker Malformation/Syndrome Danon Disease (Glycogen Storage Disease, Type IIB) Dappled Metaphysis Syndrome Darier (White) Disease (Keratosis Follicularis) Davidson's Disease De Barsy Syndrome (Cutis Laxa with Corneal Clouding and Mental Retardation; Progeroid Syndrome, De Barsy Type) Cutis laxa corneal clouding mental retardation CUTIS LAXA, CORNEAL CLOUDING, AND MENTAL RETARDATION
Extractions: Am Orthopt J 43:5-14 (1993) Electrophysiology and Pathology of Duane Retraction Syndrome Neil R. Miller, M.D. Duane's retraction syndrome is a congenital condition that is characterized clinically by abnormalities of abduction, adduction, or both. In the most common form of this condition, there is mild limitation of adduction associated with narrowing of the lid fissure and retraction of the globe, and moderate to severe limitation of abduction with widening of the lid fissure. Although it was once thought that the condition was caused by primary fibrosis of the lateral rectus muscle, electromyographic and pathologic studies have shown that the condition is caused by anomalous innervation of the horizontal rectus muscles such that in most cases, there are no abducens motoneurons in the region normally occupied by the abducens nucleus, there is no abducens nerve, and the affected lateral rectus muscle is innervated by a branch of the oculomotor nerve. The areas of fibrosis within the lateral rectus muscle are areas that lack innervation.
AOJ 50:30-35 "Duane Syndrome" Characteristics in adduction include globe retraction, palpebral fissure narrowing,and vertical eye movements. duane syndrome is predominantly found in females http://www.aoj.org/abstracts/50/50_30.html
Extractions: Duane syndrome is an eye movement disorder characterized by marked limitation or absence of abduction and variable limitation of adduction in most cases. Characteristics in adduction include globe retraction, palpebral fissure narrowing, and vertical eye movements. Duane syndrome is predominantly found in females, left eyes, and unilaterally. Clinical findings reviewed include primary position ocular alignment, saccadic velocity, globe retraction, palpebral fissure narrowing, upshooting and downshooting, compensatory head postures, anisometropia, amblyopia, and sensory adaptations. Other points discussed are inheritance patterns, etiology, acquired Duane syndrome, and surgical implications. The etiology of Duane syndrome is an enigma. Various histopathologic, neurogenic, and embryologic findings are reported in the literature in an effort to explain reasons for the clinical manifestations of this complex syndrome. Electromyography (EMG), electro oculography (EOG), auditory evoked potentials, and autopsy were used to test these theories. Congenital anomalies related to Duane syndrome include ocular, skeletal, auricular, and neural structures. Duane syndrome and its relationship with Goldenhar, Klippel Feil, Wildervanck, and Okihiro syndromes will also be reviewed.
Extractions: Duane syndrome (DS) is a rare, congenital (present from birth) eye movement disorder. Most patients are diagnosed by the age of 10 years and DS is more common in girls (60 percent of the cases) than boys (40 percent of the cases). DS is a miswiring of the eye muscles, causing some eye muscles to contract when they shouldn't and other eye muscles not to contract when they should. People with DS have a limited (and sometimes absent) ability to move the eye outward toward the ear (abduction) and, in most cases, a limited ability to move the eye inward toward the nose (adduction). Often, when the eye moves toward the nose, the eyeball also pulls into the socket (retraction), the eye opening narrows and, in some cases, the eye will move upward or downward. Many patients with DS develop a face turn to maintain binocular vision and compensate for improper turning of the eyes.
12.1.15 duane s retraction syndrome in Siriraj Hospital. Thammanoon SurachatkumtonekulMD*. Thirtyone cases (0.75%) of duane s retraction syndrome were diagnosed. http://www.rajavithi.go.th/eye/TJO/vol12.1.15.htm
Extractions: Duane's Retraction Syndrome in Siriraj Hospital Thammanoon Surachatkumtonekul M.D.* Dhaivadee Dulyajinda M.D.* Suchada Songcharoen M.D.* Sutha Neungniyom B.E. (Science)* *Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study is to determine the incidence, type, indication and result of surgery of Duane's retraction syndrome in Siriraj Hospital. The authors retrospectively analyzed the records of patients in muscle clinic between March 1, 1985 to March 31, 1998. Thirty-one cases of Duane's retraction syndrome were diagnosed. Duane's retraction syndrome type I is the most common (80%). Cases are more common in females (1.2 : 1). Majority of cases are unilateral. Amblyopia is detected in 16.13% of all cases. Most of indications for corrective surgery is the angle of deviation exceeds 20 A (prism diopters) or there is abnormal head position. The satisfactory outcome is found in Even though Duane's retraction syndrome is a rare con dition but the precision of the diagnosis is essentially important in order to detect amblyopia and correct abnormal head position. Key words : Duane's retraction syndrome. co contraction. strabismus.
Free Online ICD9/ICD9CM Codes And Medical Dictionary duane s retraction syndrome 378.71. duaneStilling-Türk syndrome (ocularretraction syndrome) 378.71. Dubin-Johnson disease or syndrome 277.4. http://icd9cm.chrisendres.com/index.php?action=alphaletter&letter=Dl
Duane which there is failure of the scapula to descend). Questions 1. Whatis the proposed pathogenesis of duane s retraction syndrome? http://www.mrcophth.com/ocularmotility/duane.html
Ophthalmologist And Eponyms - Alexander Duane duane s retraction syndrome is frequently mistaken for a sixthnerve palsyin infancy because of deficient abduction of the involved eye. http://www.mrcophth.com/ophthalmologyhalloffame/duane.html
Extractions: Alexander Duane American ophthalmologist, born September 1, 1858, Malone, New York; died June 10, 1926. Duane's syndrome = The characteristic lid narrowing and retraction of the globe on adduction, caused by simultaneous contraction of the medial and lateral rectus muscles, help identify the condition. Duane's retraction syndrome is frequently mistaken for a sixth-nerve palsy in infancy because of deficient abduction of the involved eye. In fact, as a cause of limited abduction Duane's syndrome is quite common in children, so it must be kept in mind. Alexander Duane was one of the first investigators in ophthalmology with a special interest in accommodation and squint. He was born into a prominent family in Molone, New York. His father was the army general James Duane and his boyhood was spent moving between various postings. He was educated at the Union College, Cincinnati, where he gained many academic rewards and thereafter studied medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, which later became the medical school of Columbia University. After graduation in 1881 Duane interned at the New York Hospital and was educated in eye medicine by the German-born American ophthalmologist Hans Jakob Knapp (1832-1911). He specialised in this discipline and commenced ophthalmological practice in New York in 1884. For a brief period he taught ophthalmology at the Cornell University.
NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. $7.50) View Cart/Checkout. Copyright 1986, 1990, 1994, 1996, 2000 Synonymsof duane syndrome DR syndrome; duane s retraction syndrome; http://www.rarediseases.org/search/rdbdetail_abstract.html?disname=Duane Syndrom
Extractions: * Recibido el 28/02/97. RESUMEN El Síndrome de Duane es una alteración congénita de la motilidad ocular debida a una inervación anómala del músculo del recto lateral. El tipo I es el más frecuente, presentando limitación en la abducción, con aducción normal o levemente limitada. El objetivo del tratamiento no es la normalización de las versiones, sino eliminar la tropía y posición anómala de la cabeza. Presentamos un estudio retrospectivo de ocho pacientes diagnosticados de Síndrome de Duane tipo I. En cuatro de ellos se realizo únicamente seguimiento clínico ya que presentaron ortoforia en posición primaria de mirada durante todo el período de estudio (año y medio). Los otros cuatro pacientes presentaban tortícolis y tropía por lo que se decidió tratamiento quirúrgico, solucionando por completo el problema en dos de ellos y consiguiendo una apreciable mejoría en los dos restantes. PALABRAS CLAVE: Síndrome de Duane, tortícolis, tropía, retroinserción del recto medio.
Extractions: Acta Estrabológica 1998 ROMERO APIS D, HERRERA GONZÁLEZ B, ACOSTA SILVA M, CAMPOMANES G SÍNDROME DE DUANE: UNA CLASIFICACIÓN CLÍNICA RESUMEN PALABRAS CLAVE: Clasificación, Síndrome de Duane, substitución, duplicación, cuantificación signos, posición primaria. DUANE'S SYNDROME: CLINICAL CLASIFICATION SUMMARY KEY WORDS: Clasification, Duane´s syndrome, substitution, duplication, signs quantification, primary position. INTRODUCCIÓN El cuadro clínico del síndrome de retracción ocular fue descrito por primera vez por Heuck (1) en 1879, y posteriormente por Stilling (2) en 1887, Türk (3) en 1899, y Duane (4) en 1905 al conjuntar una serie de 54 casos. Han sido propuestas varias clasificaciones con base a sus características clínicas: Malbrán (5) en 1949, Brown (6) en 1950, Lyle y col (7) en 1959, y otra clasificación que combina el criterio clínico con el electromiográfico: Huber (8) en 1970. En el síndrome de Duane las alteraciones que se observan son originadas en la mayoría de los casos por cambios inervacionales en el recto lateral (9-13). Una de las alteraciones constantes es la presencia de un Ramo Medial del III Nervio lo cual origina los signos que se presentan en la aducción. Otra de las alteraciones, la cual es variable, es la disminución o ausencia del VI Nervio lo cual origina los signos que se presentan en la abducción. En el síndrome de Duane los signos clínicos observados son habitualmente: A) En la aducción: retracción, limitación, disparos verticales. B) En la abducción: limitación.
Stilling-Türk-Duane Syndrome (www.whonamedit.com) Also known as duanes retraction syndrome,duanes syndrome,duaneStilling-Türksyndrome,Mengel s bilateral deficiency of abduction,Stillings syndrome http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/1934.html
Extractions: This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor. Prevalent in females, often familial, resembling sixth nerve palsy. The lateral rectus muscle is usually more affected than the medial rectus muscle. Unilateral involvement is most common, the left eye being the affected one in almost 80 % of cases. Radiological findings are similar to those seen in the Holt-Oram syndrome and may include triphalangeal or fingerlike thumbs, extra carpal bones, and thumb hypoplasia. Frequently associated is Klippel-Feils syndrome and various malformations of face, ears, and teeth. Electromyographic investigations suggest it may be partly a disorder of innervation. Inheritance is probably autosomal dominant.
ORPHANET - Rare Diseases - Orphan Drugs duane syndrome is a congenital form of strabismus characterized by horizontal eyemovement limitation, globe retraction with palpebral fissure narrowing in http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=GB&Expert=233
You Ll Find Hundreds Of Files On Cleft Lip, Cleft Palate Here On duane syndrome Type I duane syndrome Type II duane syndrome Type III DR syndromeduane s retraction syndrome Eye retraction syndrome retraction syndrome http://www.widesmiles.org/cleftlinks/WS-584.html
Extractions: is prohibited. Email: widesmiles@aol.com Duane Syndrome More info, not included below can be found at [OMIM database]: http://www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/htbin-post/Omim/dispmim?126800 From the NORD (National Organization Of Rare Disorders) site: http://stepstn.com/nord/db/dbsearch/search.htm Duane Syndrome http://www.stepstn.com/nord/rdb_sum/224.htm Synonyms Stilling-Turk-Duane Syndrome Abstract (General Discussion) The information contained in the Rare Disease Database (RDB) is provided for educational purposes only. It should not be used for diagnostic or treatment purposes. If you order the full text version of this report from NORD, you can contact the agencies listed in the Resources section for more detailed information and avenues to support. In addition, your personal physician may be able to provide details specific to your case.
Extractions: I was diagnosed with Duane's Retraction Syndrome at a very young age and received treatment from an ophthalmologist (proven by the fact that I know how to spell it) all my life. I am now pregnant and am interested in knowing if there are any studies which show the inheritability of this birth defect. I have the most mild form and would PERHAPS be willing to participate in your study, although I really hate needles. Of course, being pregnant, I am seeing a lot of them lately. Thanks! Previous Message : I was diagnosed with Duane's Retraction : Syndrome at a very young age and : received treatment from an : ophthalmologist (proven by the fact : that I know how to spell it) all my : life. I am now pregnant and am : interested in knowing if there are : any studies which show the : inheritability of this birth defect. : I have the most mild form and would : PERHAPS be willing to participate in : your study, although I really hate : needles. Of course, being pregnant, : I am seeing a lot of them lately. : Thanks! : Jill Brosvik : : : Optional Link URL:
Abstract The authors describe a case of duane s retraction syndrome, which isan unfrequent cause of eye movement disturbances. The classic http://www.ia.pw.edu.pl/~wujek/neurol/str/2-03-e10.html
Extractions: The authors describe a case of Duane's Retraction Syndrome, which is an unfrequent cause of eye movement disturbances. The classic syndrome is characterized by a disability for horizontal eyes movements without concurrent diplopia. It is a multi-etiological, congenital or acquired syndrome. The authors describe a case of Duane's Retraction Syndrome, which is an unfrequent cause of eye movement disturbances. The classic syndrome is characterized by a disability for horizontal eyes movements without concurrent diplopia. It is a multi-etiological, congenital or acquired syndrome.
Comparison Of Palpebral Fissure Height According To Horizontal fixation direction in normal subjects, strabismic patients(exotropia, esotropia,abducens nerve palsy), and patients with duane s retraction syndrome. http://med-aapos.bu.edu/AAPOS2000/post0084.html
Mark S. Borchert, MD - Childrens Hospital Los Angeles Recent Publications 1. Chung, M., Stout, JT, and Borchert, MS Clinical diversityof hereditary duane s retraction syndrome. Ophthalmology, 107500503, 2000. http://www.childrenshospitalla.org/1630.cfm
Extractions: @import url(default.css); Research Faculty Back @import url(module.css); Mark S. Borchert, MD Associate Professor of Clinical Research Interest Non-Invasive Imaging Technology Phone Fax Email mborchert@chla.usc.edu Non-Invasive Imaging Technology The second area of non-invasive technology that we are exploring is the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to measure microscopic changes in the nerve fiber layer of the retina and optic nerve. OCT uses optical interferometry to generate cross sectional images of tissue at the microscopic level. Our present device can distinguish the cellular and non-cellular layers of the retina. Our preliminary data indicate that changes in the thickness of the human nerve fiber layer correlates with the difference between the intracranial pressure and the intraocular pressure. We believe that this technology can lead to a method of non-invasively calculating intracranial pressure. The last area of technology involves the development of a skin patch to non-invasively measure physiologic analytes (e.g. calcium) in interstitial fluid or sweat. In this project, we are making genetically modified green fluorescent protein (GFP) linked to analyte-specific binding proteins. These are embedded in a skin patch. Analyte concentrations in the patch are determined by measuring the relative intensities of two emission wavelengths of the GFP via a process known as fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Recent Publications