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Extractions: (advertisement) Home Specialties CME PDA ... Patient Education Articles Images CME Patient Education Advanced Search Link to this site Back to: eMedicine Specialties Pediatrics Genetics And Metabolic Disease Last Updated: May 14, 2003 Rate this Article Email to a Colleague Synonyms and related keywords: XXY male, XXY syndrome, XXXY syndrome, XXYY syndrome, XXXXY syndrome, XXXYY syndrome AUTHOR INFORMATION Section 1 of 11 Author Information Introduction Clinical Differentials ... Bibliography Author: Harold Chen, MD, MS, FAAP, FACMG , Chief, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Section of Perinatal Genetics, Louisiana State University Medical Center Harold Chen, MD, MS, FAAP, FACMG, is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Pediatrics American College of Medical Genetics American Medical Association American Society of Human Genetics , and Teratology Society Editor(s): Ian Krantz, MD , Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Robert Konop, PharmD Hypospadias Why it happens, what it is, what to do; see photos of hypospadias and contact others with it. Discusses androgen insensitivity, testicular feminization syndrome, development, and even ISNA.
Extractions: Home Penis size Penis anatomy and circumcision Penis enlargement ... Andropause or male menopause [ Hypospadias ] Peyronie's disease The testicles and scrotum For gay or bi men The clitoris and female sexuality ... Other websites Other pages on hypospadias: Personal stories of living with hypospadias Support groups Hypospadias? A twist of fate - your penis isn't like most of the others I strongly recommend anyone with this problem to look at and join the relevant support groups (see links below) - you will learn you are not alone! Teenager with hypospadias or epispadias? Try this support group Hypospadias, which is an accident of birth, is a condition where the opening of the penis is found somewhere back along the shaft, anywhere from tip to base, and it is often accompanied by other differences such as penile twisting, a "hooked" appearance because the glans bends down, and a hooded, incomplete foreskin. There is little information about it on the net, and I hope that this page will be useful to those who have this challenge. Hypospadias may not be that well known, but for the men who experience it, the consequences can be devastating, because it strikes at the root of "normality" - and, as I suggested on the Size page, for most men, being up there with the rest of mankind is a crucial issue. The text below is written by a man with personal experience of hypospadias.
Turner's Syndrome Society, Texas Providing links and information about Turner's syndrome. Definition and Synonyms, FAQ, TSS Societies (National, State, and Local), Associated Links, Newsgroup discussions, Conference Information.
WHO: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Symptoms and treatment guidelines, travel advisory, and daily outbreak updates. From the World Health Organization (WHO).
Extractions: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) (pdf, 120k) SARS, an atypical pneumonia of unknown aetiology, was recognized at the end of February 2003. WHO is co-ordinating the international investigation with the assistance of the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network and is working closely with health authorities in the affected countries to provide epidemiological, clinical and logistical support as required. HIGHLIGHTS WHO Scientific Research Advisory Committe on SARS
Articles "The Insulin Resistance Syndrome" Information about this syndrome, typically characterized by an abnormality in blood glucose metabolism.
Extractions: School of Medicine Reprinted with permission from: The Monitor , Vol 1. Number 3, Spring 1996. A publication of the American Diabetes Association/Florida Affiliate, Inc./Southeast Region. This point was strikingly demonstrated by the PROCAM (Prospective Cardiovascular Munster) Study, in which the relationship between various cardiac risk factors and the incidence of heart attack over a four year period was examined in 2,754 men aged 40-65 years. The results showed that the presence of diabetes or high blood pressure alone increased the risk of heart attack by 2.5 times. When both diabetes and high blood pressure were present, the risk was increased 8 times. An abnormal lipid profile increased the risk 16 times; when abnormal lipid levels were present with high blood pressure and/or diabetes, the risk was 20 times higher. Treatment for the described metabolic syndrome therefore aims at treating all of: the features of the syndrome that exist in a given person.
The Williams Syndrome Foundation - Home Information for parents, carers, and professionals about a nonhereditary syndrome which can cause brain damage in varying degrees, combined with some physical side-effects.
Extractions: Feedback ... Williams Syndrome is a rare disorder. Like Down's Syndrome it is caused by an abnormality in chromosomes, and shows a wide variation in ability from person to person. If you are a concerned new parent or relative, this section will give you all the information you may need. A comprehensive resource for all medical practitioners, carers, parents and teachers working with and caring for those with Williams Syndrome. Includes information on research into WS, leaflets on Special Educational Needs for Children with WS, a leaflet for family doctors and information on The WS Advocacy Project. Northern Group Calendar - please see Members Area
PWSA Of Victoria (Australia) Home Page Includes details about the organization, a diagnosis/infant guide, a general guide, members stories and links.
Extractions: On this Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of Victoria (Australia) website you will find: Details on our Association, what we offer and how we can be contacted Information for those who have had a recent diagnosis of PWS for your infant or toddler General information about PWS across all age groups A list of books, publications, and tapes available in our Members Library Stories and pictures from some of our members Contacts for other Australian PWS Associations Links to PWS Associations around the world and other useful organisations A link to our community at MC2 (at the top of the page) where you can look at, or post messages to, a forum where parents and others discuss PWS issues. You can also "chat" to others in your situation and find out about events
Cushing's Syndrome NIDDK Cushing's Information site. Covers all the basics with Cushing's disease, such as symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, and continued research.
Extractions: Cushing's syndrome is a hormonal disorder caused by prolonged exposure of the body's tissues to high levels of the hormone cortisol. Sometimes called "hypercortisolism," it is relatively rare and most commonly affects adults aged 20 to 50. An estimated 10 to 15 of every million people are affected each year. Symptoms vary, but most people have upper body obesity, rounded face, increased fat around the neck, and thinning arms and legs. Children tend to be obese with slowed growth rates. Other symptoms appear in the skin, which becomes fragile and thin. It bruises easily and heals poorly. Purplish pink stretch marks may appear on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms and breasts. The bones are weakened, and routine activities such as bending, lifting or rising from a chair may lead to backaches, rib and spinal column fractures. Most people have severe fatigue, weak muscles, high blood pressure and high blood sugar. Irritability, anxiety and depression are common.
Extractions: SAPONIFICATION Réaction chimique permettant la fabrication du savon. SCLEROSE Induration de la peau et du tissu sous-cutané, due à la condensation des éléments du Derme (Collagène, Elastine). A la palpation, la peau est dure et ne se laisse plus plisser. SEBORRHEE Augmentation de la sécrétion de sébum par les glandes sébacées. SECRETION Production par certains tissus de substances plus ou moins liquides, dont les éléments sont empruntés au sang, ou élaborés par l'activité glandulaire. SENESCENCE Phénomène biologique général de vieillissement. SENSIBILISATION Action de rendre un être vivant capable de réagir de manière particulière au contact d'un agent chimique ou physique. C'est un phénomène immunologique. SOLUTION Mélange qui peut résulter, soit de la dissolution d'un solide dans un liquide, soit de 2 ou plusieurs liquides totalement miscibles. SPECTRE D'UN ANTIBIOTIQUE Partie de la flore microbienne sur laquelle l'antibiotique exerce son action bactériostatique ou bactéricide. SQUAME Lamelle épidermique qui se détache à la surface de la peau.
Extractions: Toile de Mrs stewart-Jones. Couverture de Synaesthesia , John Harrison (2001) "Je me souviens avoir pensé en couleurs pour la première fois dès l'âge de deux ans. Je songeais à mon petit frère Edward et dans l'oeil de mon esprit apparaissait le reflet de son nom." Elizabeth Stewart-Jones, une peintre galloise de 83 ans, possède l'étrange faculté de synesthésie, terme générique d'un trouble sensoriel où un stimulus donné déclenche une tout autre sensation dans le corps. Pour Mrs Stewart-Jones, ce sont les mots qui provoquent ces visions; d'autres réagissent aux sons, aux notes de musique ou aux lettres prononcées. "Je n'ai pas besoin de fermer les yeux, poursuit elle. Les couleurs sont juste là, automatiquement, dans l'oeil de mon esprit, après que les mots ont été prononcés, lus ou pensés." Pour le nom "Mo
Extractions: Select a Health Topic ADD/ADHD Allergy Alternative Medicine Arthritis Asthma Beyond Dieting Body Aches and Pains Breast Cancer Cancer Awareness Cardio Health Children's Health Contraception COPD/Emphysema Dental Health Diabetes Elder Care Emergency Room Epilepsy Eye Care Fertility Fitness Gastrointestinal Health Hair Loss Headache Healthcare Today Healthy Aging HIV and AIDS Infectious Diseases Kidney Health Leukemia Liver Health Lung Cancer Lymphoma Multiple Sclerosis Men's Health Mental Health Nutrition Osteoporosis Sexual Health Skin Health Sleep Disorders Special Events Stroke Surgeries and Procedures Teen Health Thyroid Health Urologic Health Vascular Disease Women's Health Measuring anywhere from 15 to 20 feet, with a total surface area sometimes equivalent to that of a football field, it's hard to believe just how big the small intestine really is. We require much of our small intestine to comfortably absorb enough water, vitamins, and other food nutrients to stay healthy. But, for those who have had at least half their small intestine removed during surgery, absorbing nutrients and controlling the flow of fluid and food through the digestive tract can become very difficult. The problems associated with a shortened small intestine are known as short bowel syndrome, and the effects of this syndrome can range from mild to life threatening. Below, Dr. Uma Sundaram, Professor of Internal Medicine at University of Rochester School of Medicine, talks about the characteristics of short bowel syndrome, and how to treat it.
The Noonan Syndrome Support Group Website Information about this organization as well the disease itself. Offers news, events, a survey, a newsletter and further resources.
Extractions: Together, we can solve this puzzle. Enter Hello we are the parents of Gaelle (ASD, single ventricle, situs solitus, TGA, atresia, coarctation of the aorta). We live in Paris (France) and we are very so happy and honored to send you this award for your website because it was a pleasure visiting your wonderful site,and your story. Please link it back to . For me this award is a bearer of peace and happiness, because I think that your Web site is the reflection of your soul. Have a nice day, Christian DAUMAL Wanda Robinson,
Untitled Document Provides comprehensive information on several important topics, including homeless personnel, Agent Orange, POW/MIA, PTSD and Gulf War syndrome.
The Williams Syndrome Association A rare genetic condition (estimated to occur in 1/20,000 births) which causes medical and developmental problems.