Hydrops Fetalis With Polymalformative Syndrome Medical report on two consecutive pregnancies with this diagnoses, as well as intrauterine growth retardation and Dysmorphic syndrome. http://www.hydropsfetalis.org/index.html
Extractions: My both pregnancies ended in non immune hydrops fetalis because of possible cardiomyopathy. The first case report describes a polymalformative syndrome. Some congenital malformations could be attributed to Seckel syndrome. The following address we refer you to will give you a good idea of this complex phenomenon called hydrops fetalis : Universal edema of the newborn Our site is intended for : physicians (gynecologists, geneticists, pathologists ) who have a real passion for uncommon and complex mechanisms before birth, who love caring for patients with humanity, who can question their knowledge and proceed like detectives paying attention to each detail ; couples whose pregnancy was affected who look for information desperately because no scientist was able to answer their questions. After your visit, you will know that you are not alone. We are most grateful to the specialists who really helped us in our search : Dr Raymonde Bouvier, Edouard Herriot Hospital in Lyon (France) Dr Géraldine Viot, Cochin Hospital Complex, Port-Royal in Paris (France)
CHARGE Syndrome Foundation Home Page Provides information about CHARGE syndrome, related disorders, therapies and outcome. http://www.chargesyndrome.org/
Extractions: CHARGE Syndrome Foundation Inc. CHARGE SyndromeRelated Terms: CHARGE Syndrome - Choanal Atresia, Posterior Coloboma, Heart defect, choanal Atresia, Retardation, Genital and Ear anomalies. CHARGE Syndrome refers to children with a specific set of birth defects. "CHARGE" originally came from the first letter of some of the most common features seen in these children: C = coloboma, H = heart defects, A = atresia of the choanae, R = retardation of growth and development, G = genital and urinary abnormalities, E = ear abnormalities and/or hearing loss. The diagnosis of CHARGE is based on finding several of these and possibly other features in a child. The diagnosis should be made by a medical geneticist who has ruled out other disorders with overlapping findings. FEATURES C = Coloboma A coloboma is a cleft or failure to close of the eyeball. This can result in a keyhole shaped pupil and/or abnormalities in the retina or optic nerve. Colobomas of the retina or optic nerve may result in significant vision loss, especially visual field defects in the upper half of the visual field. Visual acuity may also be affected, resulting in nearsightedness or farsightedness. Surgery cannot correct ocular colobomas, but glasses often help with visual acuity. Children with CHARGE Syndrome are often very sensitive to light. Many are more comfortable with sunglasses, even indoors.
Extractions: Polycystic ovary syndrome is characterized by anovulation (irregular or absent menstrual periods) and hyperandrogenism (elevated serum testosterone and androstenedione) . Patients with this syndrome may complain of abnormal bleeding, infertility, obesity, excess hair growth, hair loss and acne. In addition to the clinical and hormonal changes associated with this condition, vaginal ultrasound shows enlarged ovaries with an increased number of small (6-10mm) follicles around the periphery (Polycystic Appearing Ovaries or PAO) . While ultrasound reveals that polycystic appearing ovaries are commonly seen in up to 20% of women in the reproductive age range, P oly C ystic O vary S yndrome (PCOS) is a estimated to affect about half as many or approximately 6-10% of women. The condition appears to have a genetic component and those effected often have both male and female relatives with adult-onset diabetes, obesity, elevated blood triglycerides, high blood pressure and female relatives with infertility, hirsutism and menstrual problems. As of yet, we do not understand why one woman who demonstrates polycystic appearing ovaries on ultrasound has regular menstrual cycles and no signs of excess androgens while another develops PCOS. One of the major biochemical features of polycystic ovary syndrome is insulin resistance accompanied by compensatory
MARFAN'S SYNDROME Includes a survey for study and links to useful sites. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucahywc/
Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome American Academy of Pediatrics provides information on preventing shaken baby syndrome. Defining how the serious injuries can occur when an infant or toddler is severely or violently shaken. http://www.aap.org/family/preshake.htm
Extractions: Your Fibromyalgia resource for breaking research and treatment news. This site is updated daily with the latest Fibromyalgia news to help you learn the latest information to manage Fibromyalgia. Simply click on any of the links below to read the complete Fibromyalgia information. Fibromyalgia Treating Fibromyalgia: The Muscle Pain Epidemic According to Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O., M.R.O., "Manual therapy, nutrition, stress reduction, breathing and postural reeducation, exercise (in some cases), acupuncture, non-specific immune system modulation such as hydrotherapy, medication (herbal, homeopathic and standard), among other things, have all been useful in encouraging recovery from fibromyalgia." Research: Glucosamine Boosts NSAID for More Effective Pain Relief (Fibromyalgia News) The nutritional supplement glucosamine boosts the pain relieving power of ibuprofen, according to a new study by Temple University researchers in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (JPET). This new drug combination could one day allow patients to take a lower dose and get the same pain relief with fewer unwanted side effects.
Rett Syndrome Resources Facts and various information containing links. http://expage.com/page/curerettnow
Extractions: Tél. 45 77 89 36 84 ISBN 87 982104 Traduction en français du texte anglais: Bernard Noel Layout: Harald Nymark Composition: Jens Erik Thygesen La publication de l'édition française a été possible grâce aux donations de KabiVitrum, Suède. Sommaire Préface Origine de la dénomination, syndrome de Turner Fréquence du syndrome de Turner Quelle en est la cause? ... À continuer
PAS: An Age-Old Custody Problem Paper by Michael R. Walsh and J. Michael Bone in the Florida Bar Journal. http://www.deltabravo.net/custody/pas-walsh.htm
Extractions: by Michael R. Walsh and J. Michael Bone The term parental alienation syndrome (PAS), first described by Richard Gardner, is also sometimes referred to as "brainwashing."( ) Its concept and dynamics include a complex network of involvement and motives on the part of all members acting in this family drama. Furthermore, each of them usually takes his or her role in the alienation process well before the dissolution or separation process begins. Additionally, one should be mindful that in some instances a child does not reject a parent immediately following a parental separation but rather based upon actual or true life experiences. Thus, this syndrome affects intact, as well as divided, families. PAS, in its most extreme form, refers to a disturbance in which a child is preoccupied with viewing one parent as all "good" and the other as all "bad." The former is loved and idealized, while the other is hated and verbally vilified. The PAS hostility expressed by the child is generally characterized without any outward expression of guilt, embarrassment, or ambivalence. Accordingly, this conduct may be especially puzzling, even to a trained observer, if there is no apparent factual basis to justify the depth of the emotions involved.
Extractions: Cette situation ne peut être améliorée que par des études portant sur un nombre important de cas cliniques détaillés et contenant des informations homogènes. Etant donné la difficulté de recueillir un nombre suffisant de cas par un seul clinicien (ou équipe de cliniciens), je propose ici la création d'une base de données concernant le syndrome de Munchausen avec signes et symptômes psychologiques.
NOMID Home Page Resource for parents and patients suffering from Neonatal Onset Multiinflammatory Disease Chronic, or Infantile, Neurologic, Cutaneous and Articular syndrome. Site maintained by patients, parents and friends for their counterparts worldwide. Email support group at eGroups. http://pweb.netcom.com/~jkbarton/nomid/Html/nomid_home_page.htm
Extractions: For patients, families and friends What's new? Click here for summary of website updates. Most recent update: 23 May 2004 Contents: Egroups discussion board List of contacts Photo gallery Personal stories ... What's New on the website? ..... Happy Birthday Miranda Putvin ..... 9 years old on 10 May ! ..... and, new contact, Isabela Condé .... also 9 on 6 May ! ..... Number of hits since 6 Aug 2000 s="na";c="na";j="na";f=""+escape(document.referrer)
Extractions: An online community for those suffering from Benign Fasciculation Syndrome Frequently Asked Questions Articles Message Forums Web Links Welcome to AboutBFS.com AboutBFS.com is an Online Community for people suffering from BFS - Benign Fasciculation Syndrome, and those who wish to know more about the illness. It is my desire to be a place to find support, get information, have your questions answered, and raise awareness about this illness. I am always striving to make this site better, so please visit the forums and give me any suggestions or comments you may have about the site. I certainly welcome your input. Please help me to make this the best place to find information about Benign Fasciculation Syndrome on the Web! Have you been recently diagnosed with BFS or are expriencing it's symptoms? Make sure you check out the Frequently Asked Questions section for answers about BFS. Also, the Featured Articles Section has more in depth information. If you have a question that hasn't been answered in the FAQ section, you can post it in the Forums and someone is sure to help.
Home Support group for people with PostPolio syndrome in the Phoenix, AZ area. There is information on the local chapters and their activities and speakers as well as updated articles and events to come. http://polioecho.org
Extractions: We are Polio Survivors with needs just like other Polio Survivors. Polio Echo, Inc.- a tax exempt, non profit organization certified under United Way and supported by Easter Seal Society of Arizona and Arizona Chapter of March of Dimes - strives to service these needs by offering information, services, equipment and "support" by professionals and most importantly, by those who are walking in your shoes! Chapters meet monthly, General Membership meetings are held bi-annually.. To subscribe to the Polio Echo Newsletter E-mail the Treasurer Ed Crawford at: janwec94@earthlink.net Besides having meetings featuring guest speakers who keep us informed, we have a bi-monthly newsletter called " Polio Echo News " , an Assistive Equipment Loan program, a library full of informative books and videos, a message line to call for questions you may have, informational packets on Post-Polio, and get-togethers such as parties and field trips.
THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 17, Ch. 224, Glomerular Diseases A description of nephritic syndrome with a look at its acute stage, the etiology, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, prognoses and treatment. Also includes crescentic glomerulonephritis and chronic nephritic syndrome. http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/section17/chapter224/224b.htm
Extractions: This Publication Is Searchable The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy Section 17. Genitourinary Disorders Chapter 224. Glomerular Diseases Topics [General] Nephritic Syndrome Nephrotic Syndrome Nephritic Syndrome The classic nephritic syndrome includes hematuria, hypertension, renal insufficiency, and edema. Frequently, individual components of the syndrome are absent. Nephritic syndrome may be acute and transient (eg, postinfectious GN), fulminant with rapid renal failure (eg, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis [RPGN]), or indolent (eg, IgA nephropathy). Pathologic changes, and therefore clinical manifestations, often vary over time. ACUTE NEPHRITIC SYNDROME (Acute Glomerulonephritis; Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis) A syndrome characterized pathologically by diffuse inflammatory changes in the glomeruli and clinically by abrupt-onset hematuria with RBC casts, mild proteinuria, and, often, hypertension, edema, and azotemia. Etiology The prototype of an acute nephritic syndrome is poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN) due to infection with certain nephritogenic strains of group A Pathology and Pathogenesis Lesions are confined mainly to the glomeruli, which become enlarged and hypercellular, initially with neutrophils or eosinophils and later with mononuclear cells. Epithelial cell hyperplasia is a common early, transient feature. Microthrombosis may occur; if damage is severe, hemodynamic changes produce oliguria, frequently accompanied by epithelial crescents (formed within Bowman's space from epithelial cell hyperplasia, probably mediated by growth factors from stimulated macrophages). Endothelial and mesangial cells increase in number, and the mesangial regions often are greatly expanded by edema and contain neutrophils, dead cells, cellular debris, and subepithelial deposits of electron-dense material.
Extractions: BMJ Muhammad B Yunus professor of medicine, section of rheumatology a Jean C Aldag associate professor of preventive medicine in medicine a a Department of Medicine, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, Box 1649, Peoria, IL 61656, USA Correspondence to: Professor Yunus. Restless legs syndrome is characterised by an unpleasant, difficult-to-describe sensation in the legs that produces an invariable urge to move them frequently. This symptom typically occurs at rest or before sleep and is alleviated by activity. Restless legs syndrome may occur without or with an associated condition, such as rheumatoid arthritis. We investigated the prevalence of restless legs syndrome and of leg cramps in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome, a common condition with widespread musculoskeletal
Extractions: et en italique Termes Signification abdomen ventre aberrant abrasion abricot fruit aux vertus fortifiantes abstinence 1) abstinence (pop) - 2) continence acathisie accomodation pomme chez l'adulte substance chimique renfermant une fonction acide et une fonction amine ( idem aminoacide acide gras acide urique sentiment de brûlure et d' irritation acidose acidose lactique sensation auditive anormale acrosyanose bleuissement des mains et des pieds finesse de perception de l'oeil/de l'oreille additif infection inflammation des ganglions lymphatiques augmentation du volume de la prostate, tumeur qui parasite une glande adjuvant qui supprime les effets de adsorption micro-organisme agalactie absence de lait agalaxie absence de lait absence / insuffisance de gammaglobulines plasmatiques agitation (motrice + mentale) trouble du comportement alliant excitation mentale et motrice agoniste agranulocytose diminution importante ou disparition de certains globules blancs ail plante stimulant de certains microbes, a un
Follow The White Rabbit... The author David Rodgerson, offers information about a condition called XLP, XLinked Lymphoproliferative Disease. http://torch.cs.dal.ca/~rodgerso/xlp/
Antiphospholipid Syndrome A case study as well as indepth look at this disease discussing treatment, diagnosis, ocular and systemic manifestations. Written by Erik Letko, M.D. http://www.uveitis.org/Enhanced/MD_info/antiphospholipid_syndrome.htm