Barnes-Jewish Hospital - Cystic Fibrosis cystic fibrosis. cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that affects the respiratory and digestive systems. As cystic fibrosis patients
Hot Dog Safari Details on annual cystic fibrosis research fundraising event at Suffolks Downs.
Cystic Fibrosis of human genes and disorders Information Fact sheet from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, NIH The cystic fibrosis foundation information and links.
Extractions: CF is caused by a defective gene, which codes for a sodium and chloride (salt) transporter found on the surface of the epithelial cells that line the lungs and other organs. Several hundred mutations have been found in this gene, all of which result in defective transport of sodium and chloride by epithelial cells. The severity of the disease symptoms of CF is directly related to the characteristic effects of the particular mutation(s) that have been inherited by the sufferer. CF research has accelerated sharply since the discovery of CFTR in 1989. In 1990, scientists successfully cloned the normal gene and added it to CF cells in the laboratory, which corrected the defective sodium chloride transport mechanism. This technique - gene therapy - was then tried on a limited number of CF patients. However this treatment may not be as successful as originally hoped. Further research will be required before gene therapy, and other experimental treatments, prove useful in combating CF. Internet community for cystic fibrosis patients, families and loved ones. Information on clinical trials, gene therapy, testing, associations, research and events.
Extractions: Learn important information about daily living nutrition stories games ... snacks , and much more... latest Forum topics Teenagers - Your opinion on the term "cystic" or"Cysti" is it offensive to you? Adults - How to start GSH/Curcumin regimen? ... Join our forums, it's compltely free! You may also post anonymously as well!
Wescor Inc. Manufactures osmometers, slide stainers, cytocentrifuges, dairy mastitis detection systems, and cystic fibrosis diagnosis equipment.
Cystic Fibrosis International Medical A-Z Directory Cellscience is the A to Z biomedical information directory covering AIDS HIV Cancer - cystic fibrosis - Diabetes and Nervous Disorders. cystic fibrosis.
Extractions: rating for web sites is intended to serve only as an indication of the design quality, clarity, presentation and style of the URL, and is in no way intended as a judgement of the quality of services or information provided. To have a site listed is itself an indication that the site is of general interest - (Guide: NR Not rated, strong, good, excellent)
Welcome To Genevieve's Cystic Fibrosis Site About a personal journey living with this disease, and alternative therapies used, besides antibiotics.
Extractions: The red rose has been adopted as the universal sign for Cystic Fibrosis. Apparently a young child struggled to say the name, and said "65 Roses". In Australia, a week in October is dedicated to CF week - to help raise money for a cure. So if you see people selling Red Roses, please help our cause. My name is Genevieve. I was born in 1975, and I have a disease called Cystic Fibrosis. In this website, I talk about my personal story with CF, and alternative therapies I have used besides antibiotics. I will constantly update this site with new topics, so please make sure you come back to visit. Cystic Fibrosis is the most common life - threatening condition affecting Australian children. Today with earlier diagnosis, better understanding of the condition and better treatment of the disease, more and more children are reaching adulthood. As CF patients are living longer and healthier lives, new issues develop, such as marriage, being independent, family planning and financial concerns. With such a growing awareness of the disease, these important things and more are being addressed. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT CYSTIC FIBROSIS AND FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES, PLEASE VISIT THE VICTORIAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS WEBSITE.
Bronchiectasis In Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis in cystic fibrosis. Jeanne S Chow, MD Bradley Snyder, MD Andetta Hunsaker, MD. Diagnosis. Bronchiectasis resulting from cystic fibrosis. Discussion.
Extractions: Computed tomographs (CT) and plain radiographs of the chest demonstrate thickened bronchial walls. In addition, CT images show tubular dilated central bronchi (without tapering) ( arrows ) and mosaic oligemia ( arrows ), in which pulmonary segments most affected by bronchiectasis are distinguished from apparently normal lung tissue. Radiographs further demonstrate parallel line shadows (tram-lines) ( arrows ), ring shadows, and hyperexpansion (note flattened hemidiaphragms). Bronchiectasis Etiologies include: cystic fibrosis bronchial wall weakness (eg, Williams-Campbell syndrome) prior infection (eg, childhood pneumonia, measles, pertussis, mycoplasma, and tuberculosis) obstruction (eg, neoplasms, broncholith, foreign body, bronchostenosis or atresia, granulomatous disease) inhalation and aspiration (eg, ammonia, Riley-Day syndrome, gastric aspiration, heroin overdose)
Division Of Genetics, URMC Featured is information on laboratory testing, genetic susceptibility to cancer, cystic fibrosis, and sickle cell, thalassemia and other hemoglobinopathies. In addition there are links to counseling services, the graduate program, the Sickle Cell Clinic, newsletters, and list of staff.
Extractions: Our Role in Newborn Screening* ... Brochure* *These files are available as Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 files - online versions that look just like the originals. The Adobe Acrobat Reader software is freely available for you to download and use from Adobe's software site. Comments/Suggestions to: . For questions or suggestions concerning the content of these pages, contact the URMC Webmaster
Extractions: Contents The Cystic Fibrosis Database (CF) consists of 1239 documents published from 1974 to 1979 discussing Cystic Fibrosis Aspects, and a set of 100 queries with the respective relevant documents as answers. The original collection is available in a single gzipped tar file or a zip file both of 1.47Mb, containing 7 document files and 1 query file. The collection is also available in XML format also in a single gzipped tar file or a zip file both of 1.54Mb, including the Document Type Definition (DTD) for the collection and for each query/answer. Each document includes 11 fields as follows: Paper Number The first two digits give the year of publication, and the rest three digits range from 1 to the number of docs published that yea Record Number serial id number varying from 1 to 1,239. Medline Acession Number CF is a subset of the MEDLINE database. Author(s) Title Source Bibliographic citation of source. Major Subjects The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and subheadings representing the major subjects of the document. The Medical Subject Headings are shown in capital letters and have been assigned by expert indexers. The two-letter symbols are subject subheadings, also assigned manually from a controlled vocabulary (see the MeSH vocabulary published by the National Library of Medicine).
Céline Dion Celine Dion lost her niece to CF and has supported the cause since.
If You Ask James About Cystic Fibrosis cystic fibrosis, CF links, cystic fibrosis information including personal experience with CF, treatments, medications, complications, coping, support groups
Extractions: If You Ask James About Cystic Fibrosis preload("twe44152A",""); preload("twe44152B",""); preload("twe44153A",""); preload("twe44153B",""); preload("twe44154A",""); preload("twe44154B",""); preload("twe44155A",""); preload("twe44155B",""); ... preload("twe441517A",""); preload("twe441517B",""); Cystic Fibrosis,CF links,diagnosis of cystic fibrosis,CF treatments,CF medications,cystic fibrosis foundations,cystic fibrosis awareness,complications of CF,symptoms of cystic fibrosis,causes of cystic fibrosis,cystic fibrosis information,Pseudomonas,Burkholderia cepacia,Pseudomonas aeruginosa,respiratory treatment,chest physiotherapy,cpt,digestive enzymes,mucus,sputum,mal absorption,chronic lung infections,antibiotics,James,James Binegar
Cystic Fibrosis Site for those wanting to learn about end stage. Not for someone whose child has been recently diagnosed. By a woman waiting for a lung transplant.
Extractions: Cystic Fibrosis ... There are many sources of info for cf on the internet. Read my links page and you will find several! This page is for those who wish to know about end stage cf. I'm hoping to get listed for a lung transplant I'm truly very optimistic! However, this page is not intended for someone whose child has been recently diagnosed. I have had a wonderful life. (and it's not not too damn bad now! hahahhaah!) Cystic fibrosis basically the gene defect is too much saltthickens your mucusclogs up all your organsand eventually destroys your lungs. Also affects and can be equally destructiveto the liver, pancreas etc. The complications are innumerable and diversefor more detailcheck my links I have always known I had cf. It is my first memory. I was sitting on my dad's lap, I guess I was about 3 or 4.He said, "you have cystic fibrosis ." Only I thought he said,"you have 65 broses." So I asked him how many he had! I was quite healthy and had a completely normal childhood. I didn't start going into the hospital for the regular "tune up" (two week stay in hospital for i.v. meds) until I was 21 years old. I went to work for the Cincinnati Police Department where I remain as a Police Dispatcher. I am on extended leave awaitinghopefullya lung transplant .
Esmerel's Collection Of Cystic Fibrosis Resources cystic fibrosis Resources. (Courtesy Resources. This page is dedicated to cystic fibrosis resources. This list is growing constantly.
Extractions: (Courtesy of Esmerel: Home of Unicorn Quest : The Kids' Typing Tutor Game for One or Two Hands ) Welcome to another part of Esmerel's Collection of Disability Resources. This page is dedicated to cystic fibrosis resources. This list is growing constantly. If you know of any other resources or have suggestions, please email Heather.
Hanissian Clinic, P.C. A clinic providing allergy, asthma, immunology, rheumatology, and cystic fibrosis care for children and adults by Drs. Gregory and Aram Hanissian.
Peter Rabbit Has Cystic Fibrosis JOHNNY RABBIT HAS cystic fibrosis. cystic fibrosis is a disease. Click here if you don t know much about it. Version française. A
Extractions: Hello !! My name is Mary-Ellen Benn. I am the president of the Niagara Cystic Fibrosis Chapter. The Niagara Cystic Fibrosis Chapter is a small group of parents and concerned citizens working very hard to raise funds for reasearch to find a cure or control for Cystic Fibrosis. I am available to answer any questions or concerns you may have about Cystic Fibrosis. I work mostly afternoons so the best time to get in touch with me is in the morning. If you subscribe to ICQ and I am on line you can contact me directly my ICQ # is 8134001 CANADIAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS FOUNDATION
Cystic Fibrosis Screening Genetics. All rights reserved. 0029297/90/4602-0019$02.00. The American Society of Human Genetics Statement on cystic fibrosis Screening.
Extractions: November 13, 1989 C. Thomas Caskey, M.D., President 1990; Michael M. Kaback, M.D., President 1991; and Arthur L. Beaudet, M.D., Board of Directors, 1988-90; as Read by Luca L. Cavalli-Sforza, M.D., President 1989, at the 40th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics in Baltimore The recent identification of the gene associated with cystic fibrosis (CF) offers great hope for new treatments for this common disease. Even more immediately, it is now possible to identify healthy individuals who carry the CF trait. However, the current test detects only 70% of carriers, and there is little experience in the delivery of such complex information to large populations. Accordingly, there are serious reservations, and there is no concensus among geneticists regarding widespread screening for CF carriers at this time. However, there is consensus on a number of issues. First, carrier testing should be offered to couples in which either partner has a close relative affected with CF. Second, one or a few federal, foundation, or privately supported pilot programs should be conducted as soon as possible in order to gather more data regarding laboratory, educational, and counseling aspects of screening. Third, there is an immediate need for centralized quality control of laboratories conducting these tests. Fourth, it will be appropriate to begin large-scale population screening in the foreseeable future, once the test detects a larger proportion of CF carriers and more information is available regarding the issues surrounding the screening process. Until that time, it is considered premature to undertake population screening.
Extractions: Click the CD Player to the left to hear a 60 second sample of "One Heart at a Time" , a special song written exclusively for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. If you like the sound, click the CD Jacket on the right to read more about this CD and how you can add it to your collection. Learn more about the Great Strides Walk to Cure CF . . . click the button below this banner. About the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) was established in 1955 to raise money to find a cure for cystic fibrosis (CF) and to improve the quality of life for the 30,000 children and young adults with CF. The CFF puts funds to work as efficiently as possible; 90% of all money raised goes to CF research. The Gateway Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (Gateway CFF) raises money in the St. Louis, Missouri Metropolitan area, various locations throughout the state of Missouri, and St. Louis' neighboring counties in Western Illinois. Money raised by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation supports: A network of multidisciplinary research and gene therapy centers at major universities across the United States.