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         Von Willebrand:     more books (57)
  1. Von Willebrand Disease Medical Guide by Qontro Medical Guides, 2008-07-09
  2. 100 Questions & Answers about Von Willebrand Disease by Andra H. James, 2008-05-07
  3. Von Willebrand Disease (Uni-Med Science) by Reinhard Schneppenheim, Ulrich Budde, 2008-12-17
  4. Genetic Disorders Sourcebook: Basic Information About Heritable Diseases and Disorders Such As Down Synd Rome, Pku, Hemophilia, Von Willebrand Disease, ... Tay-Sachs d (Health Reference Series)
  6. The Superfamily with von Willebrand Factor VA Domains (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit) by Alfonso Colombatti, R. Doliana, 1996-12-30
  7. Von Willebrand Factor and the Mechanisms of Platelet Function (Biotechnology Intelligence Unit)
  8. Treatment of Hemophilia and Von Willebrand's Disease: New Developments by Robert G. Westphal, 1990-05
  9. Von Willebrand Disease: Basic and Clinical Aspects
  10. The Treatment of haemophilia A and B and von Willebrand's disease
  11. Hemophilia and Von Willebrand's Disease in the 1990's: A New Decade of Hopes and Challenges : Proceedings of the XIX Congress of the World Federatio (World Federation of Haemophilia//Proceedings) by Jeanne M. Lusher, 1991-07
  12. Factor VIII - von Willebrand Factor, Volume II (v. 2) by M. J. Seghatchian, G. F. Savidge, 1989-05-31
  13. Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: von Willebrand disease by CGC Lisa Maria Andres MS, 2002-01-01
  14. Factor VIII / Von Willebrand Factor: Biological and Clinical Advances; Proceedings of Bari International Conference, Pizzomunno Vieste del Gargano, Italy

1. Von Willebrand Disease
von willebrand Disease. von willebrand Disease.
Von Willebrand Disease Von Willebrand Disease
Types of Von Willebrand Disease Heredity Symptoms ... Precautions

2. Matt Klimshuk's Home Page
Information is Power . Providing Information on von willebrand s Disease. and Linksto von willebrand s Hemophilia Web Pages. What Is von willebrand s Disease?
"Information is Power" Providing Information on von Willebrand's Disease Go To Personal Information What Is Von Willebrand's Disease? Von Willebrand's Disease (vWD) is not a disease at all, but the most common genetic disorder in the world (classic hemophilia is more well known due to its connection with the royal families of Europe). In fact, vWD is times more common than classic hemophilia! It was discovered by a Finnish doctor in the 1920s, who named it after himself and called it a disease. Later, Dr. von Willebrand discovered in truth that the illness was linked to a missing blood factor, which assists with the clotting of blood. He named the factor after himself as well - von Willebrand's Factor (vWF). The disorder is not sex linked (autosomal), meaning that both men and women can have it, but some can be carriers only and not manifest any of the symptoms. VWD occurs when the body makes either inferior vWF or none at all. Other blood factors can be short-changed as well. Generally, vWD is divided into three types: Type I (mild), Type II (Medium) and Type III (severe). The lower the type, the less the symptoms will occur and the less strenuous they will be. What Are the Symptoms?

3. Treatment Of Von Willebrand Disease
Most people with von willebrand Disease display very mild symptoms, unless theyare suffering form type 3. Many people do not realise that they are suffering
Sy mptoms, testing and treatment Symptoms Testing Treatment Symptoms Most people with von Willebrand Disease display very mild symptoms, unless they are suffering form type 3. Many people do not realise that they are suffering from the disease until another family member is diagnosed. These symptoms are highly variable even within a family and not every sufferer displays every sign. von Willebrand disease is associated with easy bruising, recurrent nosebleeds, mucocutaneous haemorrhage and prolonged or posttraumatic bleeding. plasma von Willebrand Factor and Factor VIII levels increase during pregnancy. In patients suffering from type 3 spontaneous hemorrhage from mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract is quite common and can be life threating. For women suffering from this type and for those people whom have just undertaken surgery bleeding is controlled by hormone replacement therapy. Sufferers are advised against competing in any sport that carries a high risk of injury. This is to prevent injury that would be followed by the above symptoms. For classification of von Willebrand disease click here back to top Testing In a clinical laboratory there are five basic phenotypic tests to diagnosis von Willebrand disease and one genetic test.

4. DNA Studies In Doberman Von Willebrand’s Disease.
DNA Studies. in Doberman von willebrand's Disease. is very excited about our discovery of the mutation that causes von willebrand's disease (vWD) in the Doberman Pinscher
    DNA Studies
    in Doberman von Willebrand's Disease.
    The Mutation Discovered and a DNA Test Developed
    by George J. Brewer, Professor, Department of Human Genetics and Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School, Co-Founder of VetGen LLC
    Our research team is very excited about our discovery of the mutation that causes von Willebrand's disease (vWD) in the Doberman Pinscher. Credit for the discovery must include my colleagues, Dr.'s Patrick Venta, Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan, and William Schall, of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Michigan State University, and to Dr. Jianping Li, who works in my laboratory at the University of Michigan as well as at VetGen LLC, and who did all the DNA sequencing. This discovery is a nice example of the productive cooperation between the two universities and the company mentioned, as well as four funding organizations that provided support, The Doberman Pinscher Foundation of America, Inc., The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, the Morris Animal Foundation, and the American Kennel Club. The mutation itself has some interesting aspects. For one thing, precisely the same mutation has occurred in some human patients with vWD. It is a little unusual to see mutations be identical across species. This shows how closely we are related to our canine brethren! Second, the mutation is of a type such that completely normal von Willebrand's factor (vWf) is made about 5-10% of the time. Technically, the mutation is called a splice site mutation, with alternative splicing occurring about 90-95% of the time. That jargon won't mean much to the average Doberman breeder or owner, but let me explain what is happening in layperson language. It may be useful for the Doberman fancy to understand the mutation to a certain extent, because its nature explains why it was so confusing to understand for a long time, and it also explains why affected Dobermans have a milder disease than, say, affected Scotties.

5. Von Willebrand's Disease
von willebrand's Disease. VON WILLERBRANDS DISEASE. von willebrands disease (wVD) is the most common inherited bleeding disorder in dogs.
Von Willebrand's Disease
Veterinarians have a new blood test that measures very small and very large amounts of vWF with greater accuracy (and in less time) than the old test. Accurately measuring vWF helps predict if a dog will be affected by vWD or will merely be a carrier - unaffected by the disease but with the potential to pass along the defect to its offspring. There is also a genetic test for the disease in Dobermans, Scottish Terriers, Poodles,
Shetland Sheepdogs, Manchester Terriers and Pembroke Welsh Corgis. There
are two companies offering this testing. The first to develop it was Vet
Gen. For more information, they have a website for which I have included
the link. They also have a rival company offering the same testing considerably
cheaper. However, there is a lawsuit pending because Vet Gen has a patent
on these tests. The other company is Gene Search. They can be found at : The information of the above two paragraphs came from Nancy Troyer a Doberman Pincher breeder

6. JRTCA - Jack Russell - Medical: Canine Von Willebrand's Disease
Information on this disease from the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America.
Preserve, Protect and Work the Jack Russell Jack Russell Terrier Club of America Home JRTCA Breed Rescue ... Medical Menu Von Willebrand's Disease
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View All Books Gift Store Join Today! ... Web Site Survey Canine Von Willebrand's Disease Diagnosis can be performed by measurement of plasma concentrations of vWF. TESTING SHOULD BE DONE AT AN EARLY AGE SINCE THE DISORDER OFTEN DIMINISHES WITH AGE, CAUSING FALSE-NEGATIVE TEST RESULTS IN OLDER ANIMALS. Additional screening tests such as bleeding times or platelet agglutination assays can also be performed. Precautions should be taken before surgery, so it is important to let your veterinarian know of bleeding problems in the past. Different breeds exhibit different variations of the disease, and some individual animals appear to "acquire" vWD. While the bulk of the information available is based upon purebred dogs, the disease is not unknown in mixed breeds. The total number of breeds affected by vWF exceeds 50. The disease also appears in cats, pigs, horses, and humans. Human variants of vWD are broken into three main types which can be used to describe canine vWD. Type I vWD is characterized by a low concentration of normally structured protein. In screening studies done at Cornell over a period of years (1982-1992), percentages of dogs of some breeds tested as carrying the disease, and with concentrations of vWF less than 50% of standard (considered to be at risk) were the following breeds: Corgi, Poodle (std. and min), Scottie, Golden Retriever, Doberman, Sheltie, Akita, Cairn.

7. Hemophilia Resources Of America (HRA): About Hemophilia Von Willebrand Disease F
Diagnosis Treatment Resources for additional information What causes vonWillebrand disease? What are the symptoms of von willebrand disease?
This information sheet was compiled by Doris Michalovic, RN, MS, FNP
Clinical Director, Hemophilia Resources of America
Phone (800) 549-2654



Who should be tested?

Resources for additional information

What causes von Willebrand disease?
Von Willebrand (VWD) is a genetic disorder which can be inherited from either parent. It affects both males and females. VWD is the most common bleeding disorder. It is estimated to occur in approximately one in 100 people and affects all ethnic groups. Over 3,000,000 people in the U.S. are affected. Most people who have this disorder do not know that they have it.
What are the symptoms of von Willebrand disease? Symptoms in people with VWD vary from time to time. They may range from none to severe. Typical symptoms include: Frequent or prolonged nosebleeds Easy bruising Heavy or prolonged menstrual periods Prolonged bleeding after injury, surgery, childbirth, or dental work.

8. Von Willebrand
Over de ontdekker van de gelijknamige aandoening.
Von Willebrand d e Finse bloeddeskundige Door Marten Dooper, wetenschapsjournalist Eilanden kunnen om veel redenen beroemd worden. De Kanaaleilanden Jersey en Guernsey zijn het vanwege hun belastingvoordelen, de Waddeneilanden vanwege hun natuurschoon en de Galápagos-eilanden omdat hun soortenrijkdom Darwin op het spoor zette van zijn evolutietheorie. Ook de Åland-eilanden, gelegen in de Botnische Golf, de zee tussen Finland en Zweden, hebben een zekere mate van beroemdheid weten te verwerven. Het was daar dat de Finse arts Erik von Willebrand op het spoor kwam van de stollingsziekte die later naar hem vernoemd is. Enkele decennia later ontdekten de Finse oogartsen Forsius en Eriksson bij de bevolking van diezelfde eilanden bovendien een (naar hen vernoemde) oogaandoening. Erik A. von Willebrand wordt geboren in 1870 in de Finse havenplaats Vaasa. Hij studeert geneeskunde aan de universiteit van Helsinki waar hij in 1896 zijn arts-examen behaalt. Hij promoveert in 1899 op een onderzoek naar veranderingen in het bloed na hevig bloedverlies. Bloed, en met name de stolling ervan, blijft von Willebrand zijn hele leven lang boeien.
Vanaf 1908 is Von Willebrand werkzaam als internist in het Diaconessenziekenhuis in Helsinki. In 1925 wordt hem gevraagd een 5-jarig meisje te onderzoeken. Het kind, Hjordis geheten en afkomstig van een dorpje op de Åland-eilanden, bloedt overmatig na een relatief kleine verwonding aan haar lip. Navraag leert Von Willebrand dat zij ook regelmatig last heeft van langdurig neusbloeden en bloedend tandvlees. Zij is de negende van twaalf kinderen, tien van hen vertonen dezelfde klachten. Vier kinderen zijn al op jonge leeftijd gestorven aan niet te stelpen bloedingen. Het meisje zal, tragisch genoeg, zelf op tienerleeftijd doodbloeden tijdens haar vierde menstruatie.

9. Von Willebrand
What is von willebrand Disease? von willebrand Disease is an inherited deficiency or defect of a blood clotting substance called von willebrand factor.
What is von Willebrand Disease? von Willebrand Disease is an inherited deficiency or defect of a blood clotting substance called von Willebrand factor. Its' symptoms include easy bruising, frequent nose bleeds, bleeding gums, gastrointestinal bleeding, prolonged menstrual bleeding, and excessive bleeding following surgery. Unlike hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease occurs equally amongst males and females and is much more common than hemophilia, occurring in 1 in every 50 births.
The Symptoms of von Willebrand Disease:
von Willebrand Disease (vWD) should be suspected in anyone who has the following symptoms:
  • Easy bruising Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding Frequent or prolonged nosebleeds Prolonged bleeding after injury, surgery, childbirth, or invasive dental procedures
The severity of symptoms varies from person to person.
Who gets vWD?
Anyone can get vWD; both males and females. It affects an estimated 1 out of every 50 people. That's millions of Americans!
Where Does vWD Come From?

10. Von Willebrand's Disease
dogs is thus tested for the amount of von willebrand's factor and the Dogs that are carriers of von willebrand's disease but not likely to
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vonWillebrand's disease
vonWillebrand's Disease care

von Willebrand's disease

von Willerand's and anemia

also see blood disorders

vonWillebrand's Disease care Question: Dear Dr. Richards, I recently had our 5 1/2 month old Doberman tested for vonWillebrand's
Disease before I had her spayed. She has the disease. My vet said that
she had only 3% of the vonWillebrand's factor, which sounds pretty bad to me. The plan is to take her in the afternoon before her surgery and give her a plasma transfusion, then do the surgery the next morning. I know nothing about this disease or what to expect or how to take care of her in the future. I have looked for information on the internet and what I have

11. WebMD - Von Willebrand's Disease
Comprehensive information on definition, causes, incidence and risk factors as well as symptoms, signs and tests, treatment, prognosis and complications.
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12. Jack Russell Terrier Medical - Canine Von Willebrand's Disease
Canine von willebrand's Disease. We have seen so many breeders advertising their breeding stock as von willebrand's tested and vWD negative, we decided to do some research into this INHERITED disorder.


Canine Von Willebrand's Disease
We have seen so many breeders advertising their breeding stock as von Willebrand's tested and vWD negative, we decided to do some research into this INHERITED disorder. We personally know of one Jack Russell Terrier that was diagnosed as having vWD after whelping her first litter of puppies. She didn't clean up normally, the bleeding never stopped, and after 6 weeks, the little bitch almost bleed to death. There were no earlier signs of this disease before the whelping. By the way, we are fortunate to have a veterinary teaching hospital and library 10 miles from our door. We make use of both facilities frequently. Diagnosis can be performed by measurement of plasma concentrations of vWF. TESTING SHOULD BE DONE AT AN EARLY AGE SINCE THE DISORDER OFTEN DIMINISHES WITH AGE, CAUSING FALSE-NEGATIVE TEST RESULTS IN OLDER ANIMALS. Additional screening tests such as bleeding times or platelet agglutination assays can also be performed. Precautions should be taken before surgery, so it is important to let your veterinarian know of bleeding problems in the past. Different breeds exhibit different variations of the disease, and some individual animals appear to "acquire" vWD. While the bulk of the information available is based upon purebred dogs, the disease is not unknown in mixed breeds. The total number of breeds affected by vWF exceeds 50. The disease also appears in cats, pigs, horses, and humans.

13. Von Willebrand Disease
How to test and diagnose this bleeding disorder.
von Willebrand Diease
Author: Judy Huston
When I started asking breeder friends of mine about vWF, most stated versions of the following: Their vet advised them the test was inaccurate so there was not much point in doing it. If properly performed, the test is NOT unreliable – but a commercial company marketing a DNA marker test for certain breeds (not GSD), has claimed so. Their worth has never been published and current literature no longer claims that blood test is "unreliable" – good thing as it is unprofessional and ……. They stated the disease is not in their lines so again there is no reason to do the test. The Type I disease is much more common than the other types of vWD and has been recognized in more than 50 breeds to date. Breeds with a high prevalence of the vWD gene include the Doberman Pinscher (80%), Scottish Terrier, Minature Poodle, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, German Shepherd (vWD Gene 15 to 80%), Rottweiler, Standard and Toy Manchester Terrier, Keeshond, and the Standard and Miniature Dachschund. Although relatively few have severe problems and even fewer die from it, many animals are affected by vWD. Bleeding typically involves mucosal surfaces. The bleeding episodes are worsened by physical, emotional, and physiological stresses as well as by other concomitant diseases. Typical clinical signs include: recurrent gastrointestinal hemorrhage with or without diarrhea; recurrent hematuria; existaxis; bleeding from the gums, vagina, or penis; lameness that mimics eisinophilic panosteitis; stillbirths or neonatal deaths ("fading pups") with evidence of bleeding at necropsy; prolonged bleeding at estrus or after whelping; bruises or hematomas on the surface of the body, limbs, or head; excessive umbilical cord bleeding at birth; and excessive bleeding from toenails cut too short or after tail docking, ear cropping, and dew claw removal. Affected dogs may bleed to death from surgical procedures.

14. Von Willebrand's Disease
Article on von willebrand's disease identifying breeds most commanly affected as well as symptoms and treatment.
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for dog owners Von Willebrand's disease By Brandon Brooks, DVM
V on Willebrand's Disease (vWD) is both an inherited and acquired condition. Breeds most commonly inheriting the trait for this disease are Doberman Pinschers, standard poodles, Pembroke Welsh Corgis, Scotties, Shelties and golden retrievers, among others. This disease, which is a deficiency in a certain clotting factor (a blood protein), can also be caused by other conditions such as hypothyroidism, estrus, pregnancy, infections and certain drugs including NSAIDs like aspirin. vWD is the most common inherited bleeding disorder in dogs, and it is a recessive trait that can affect males and females equally. These dogs lack the ability to manufacture von Willebrand's factor, or Factor VIII (8), a blood protein essential in the clotting cascade. With its absence, blood cannot clot properly and many affected animals will spontaneously bleed. Without the ability to clot reliably, these animals are at serious risk of bleeding to death. Sometimes problems are noted first when the animal bleeds spontaneously, such as a nosebleed. vWD can also be picked up during things like a nail trim, and if one of the nails is "quicked" it doesn't stop bleeding, even with much application of styptic powder. It can also be noticed at the time of spaying or neutering, or during examination when blood is drawn for a heartworm test. Bleeding can also be noted in vomitus or in the stool, and the presence of a dark tarry stool indicates bleeding in the upper GI tract.

15. Von Willebrand Disease
Excessive or prolonged bleeding could be a sign of von willebrand disease. Learn more about this genetic disorder that affects the blood's ability to clot. Heart Blood Vessels von willebrand

Parents Medical Problems
Every parent has dealt with their child's bruises and bloody noses from time to time. For most kids, a bandage and a sympathetic hug is all it takes to get them back in the game. But a small group of parents may notice that their children seem to have constant nosebleeds, unexplained bruising, or prolonged bleeding after a tooth is pulled. Excessive or prolonged bleeding could be a sign of a genetic disorder known as von Willebrand disease. For many people, the symptoms are so mild that they never even know they have the disorder. For those with a more severe form of the disease, a proper diagnosis and treatment plan can help them to live a full life. What Is von Willebrand Disease?
Von Willebrand disease, or vWD, is an inherited disorder that impacts the blood's ability to clot properly. It takes its name from Dr. Erik von Willebrand, who first described the condition in 1926. As a group, bleeding disorders (including hemophilia ) are rare. Von Willebrand disease is the most common inherited bleeding disorder, affecting as much as 1% of the population or more. Normally, bleeding occurs when a blood vessel is cut or torn.

16. All About Bleeding
Your personal resource for education, guidance and support forpeople who have or suspect they have von willebrand disease.
You'll find information about von Willebrand disease, a community of people sharing their experiences, plus an expert to answer your questions. Track your bleeding symptoms, doctor appointments, medication, diet and exercise with a personal interactive journal. New! Discover allaboutbleeding's wealth of information on VWD. Gain an understanding of how to detect, treat and live better with VWD. New! Get answers to all your questions straight from the expert Jamie Siegel, MD. Aventis Behring L.L.C. Privacy Statement Terms of Use Contact Us / Feedback Last Updated: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 The product information presented in this site is intended for U.S. residents National Women's Health Week
May 9-15, 2004
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New Publication! Order Your Copy of A Guide to Living With von Willebrand Disease

17. NHF | Bleeding Disorders Information Center | Von Willebrand Disease
HEMOPHILIA.ORG BLEEDING DISORDERS INFO CENTER TYPES von willebrand DISEASE. Hemophilia A. Hemophilia B. von willebrand Disease. Factor I Deficiency. Factor II Deficiency. Factor V Deficiency .
Hemophilia A Hemophilia B von Willebrand Disease Factor I Deficiency Factor II Deficiency Factor V Deficiency Factor VII Deficiency Factor X Deficiency Factor XI Deficiency Factor XII Deficiency Factor XIII Deficiency Thrombophilia
von Willebrand Disease
What Is It?

von Willebrand's disease is a hereditary deficiency or abnormality of the von Willebrand factor in the blood, a protein that affects platelet function. It's the most common hereditary disorder of platelet function, affecting both women and men. The disease is estimated to occur in 1% to 2% of the population.
The disease was first described by Erik von Willebrand, a Finnish physician, who reported a new type of bleeding disorder among island people in Sweden and Finland.
In von Willebrand disease, blood platelets don't stick to holes in blood vessel walls. Platelets are tiny particles in the blood that clump together at the site of an injury to prepare for the formation of a blood clot. von Willebrand factor causes them to bind to areas of a blood vessel that are damaged. If there is too little von Willebrand factor, or the factor is defective, platelets do not gather properly when a blood vessel is injured.
von Willebrand factor is found in plasma, platelets, and blood vessel walls. When the factor is missing or defective, the first step in plugging a blood vessel injury (platelets adhere to the vessel wall at the site of the injury) doesn't take place. As a result, bleeding doesn't stop as quickly as it should, although it usually stops eventually.

18. Von Willebrand's Disease
University of Carolina's information on diagnosis and treatment.

19. Von Willebrand's
Seattle Veterinary Associates facts on diagnosis and treatment.'s.htm
Seattle Veterinary Associates Green Lake Animal Hospital * Queen Anne Animal Clinic * Ravenna Union Bay Animal Hospital CANINE von WILLEBRAND's DISEASE What is von Willebrand's disease? Von Willebrand's disease (VWD) is the most common inherited bleeding disorder of both man and animals. It is caused by a deficiency in the amount of a protein needed to help platelets (a blood cell used in clotting) seal broken blood vessels. The deficient protein is called von Willebrand factor antigen. Which breeds are most commonly affected by VWD? About 30 different breeds are known to be affected but the Doberman Pinscher is the breed most commonly associated with this disease. Of 15,000 Dobermans screened, more than 70% were found to be carriers of the disease. Fortunately, most of these are not clinically affected (i.e., we see no evidence of bleeding). However, the number of Dobermans with a history of bleeding appears to be on the rise. Although Dobermans are commonly affected, they usually have the mildest form of the disease. The average at diagnosis for this breed is about four years of age. One study showed that 30% of Scotties and 28% of Shelties had abnormally low concentrations of von Willebrand factor. Chesapeake Bay Retrievers and Scotties are affected with the most severe form of the disease.

20. Types Of Von Willebrand Disease
Types of von willebrand disease. The biochemical heterogeneity of von willebranddisease became apparent in the late seventies and early eighties.
Ty pes of von Willebrand disease The biochemical heterogeneity of von Willebrand disease became apparent in the late seventies and early eighties. This led to a complex mode of classification. However with continued research into the biosynthesis and function of von Willebrand Factor has led to a more simplified classification. The main three categories are based on whether the patient suffers from; a quantitative deficiency; a qualitative deficiency or a total deficiency of von Willebrand Disease. Type 2 is divided into four variants based upon details of the phenotype. There is also an acquired form of von Willebrand Disease. Classification of von Willebrand Disease TYPE DEFICIENCY QUANTITATIVE QUALITATIVE QUALITATIVE QUALITATIVE QUALITATIVE TOTAL DEFICIENCY Type 1; Type 1 von Willerband disease is the most commonest type affecting approximately 70-80% of the population. Likewise type 1 produces the mildest effects. In type 1 the distribution of multimers is normal and all molecular forms are decreased proportionally. This reduction of multimers is different in each patient and may be variable on different occasions in each patient. Diagnosis of type 1 is impaired as plasma levels of Factor VIII

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