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21. Postgraduate Medicine: Valvular Heart Disease And Pregnancy valvular heart disease and pregnancy. A high index of suspicion is important to reduce risks. Special concerns with valvular heart disease. http://www.postgradmed.com/issues/2001/08_01/prasad.htm | |
22. The Howard Gilman Institute For Valvular Heart Diseases of physicians and researchers at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University has been pushing the frontiers of valvular heart disease research, evaluation http://www.gilmanheartvalve.org/ | |
23. Valves In The Big Apple Conference 2002 Valves in the Heart of the Big Apple II will get to the core of the latest strategies for evaluation and management of valvular heart disease patients. http://www.gilmanheartvalve.org/order_book2.html | |
24. Cleveland Clinic Journal Of Medicine Online CME: Valvular Heart Disease Online Continuing Medical Education, Current medical management of valvular heart disease Emil Hayek, MD, and Brian P. Griffin, MD. http://www.clevelandclinicmeded.com/ccjmcme/valvulardisease/default.asp | |
25. BioMed Central | Full Text | Appetite Suppressants And Valvular Heart Disease Appetite suppressants and valvular heart disease a systematic review Yoon K Loke , Sheena Derry and Angharad PritchardCopley Department of Clinical http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6904/2/6 | |
26. BioMed Central | Full Text | Risk Of Valvular Heart Disease Associated With Use Risk of valvular heart disease associated with use of fenfluramine Paul N Hopkins and Gerald I Polukoff Cardiology Division, University of Utah School of http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2261/3/5 | |
27. Valvular Heart Disease valvular heart disease. Aetiology. Bibliography. Goldsmith I, Turpie AG, Lip G Y. valvular heart disease and prosthetic heart valves. http://www.surgical-tutor.org.uk/core/ITU/valve.htm | |
28. Antithrombotic Therapy In Valvular Heart Disease. In: Sixth ACCP Consensus Confe Brief Summary. GUIDELINE TITLE. Antithrombotic therapy in valvular heart disease. In Sixth ACCP Consensus Conference on Antithrombotic Therapy. http://www.guideline.gov/summary/summary.aspx?view_id=1&doc_id=2727&nbr=1953 |
29. Antithrombotic Therapy In Valvular Heart Disease. In: Sixth ACCP Consensus Confe Antithrombotic therapy in valvular heart disease. Patients (particularly in ambulatory settings) with various forms of valvular heart disease, including http://www.guideline.gov/summary/summary.aspx?ss=15&doc_id=2727&nbr=1953 |
30. : The AMEDEO Literature Guide GoldenLinks4Doctors.com The Best Medical Websites. valvular heart disease. New articles, http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/hvd.htm | |
31. Valvular Heart Disease valvular heart disease. Definition. Valvular Patients with valvular heart disease have a malfunction of one or more of these valves. There http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/ency/valvular_heart_disease.html | |
32. Virtual Hospital: University Of Iowa Family Practice Handbook, Fourth Edition: C University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook, Fourth Edition, Chapter 3. Cardiology valvular heart disease. Table 32 summarizes valvular heart disease. http://www.vh.org/adult/provider/familymedicine/FPHandbook/Chapter03/03-3.html | |
33. Valvular Heart Disease - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention valvular heart disease. St. Jude Medical Information on how heart valves work, heart sounds, and types and causes of valvular disease. http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/cardiovascular-disorders/heart-disease/valvular. | |
34. BHF Heart Health - Heart Conditions: What Is Valvular Heart Disease? Heart Conditions What is valvular heart disease? Information affected. Associated Links. Download or order the BHF booklet valvular heart disease. http://www.bhf.org.uk/hearthealth/index.asp?secondlevel=77&thirdlevel=478 |
35. BHF Heart Health - Heart Conditions: Treatment For Valvular Heart Disease Heart Conditions Treatment for valvular heart disease Many patients with valvular heart disease may need little treatment but may benefit from having a regular http://www.bhf.org.uk/hearthealth/index.asp?secID=1&secondlevel=77&thirdlevel=47 |
36. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 16, Ch. 207, Valvular Heart Disease Section 16. Cardiovascular Disorders hyperlink to list of chapters in current section. Chapter 207. valvular heart disease. Topics. General. Mitral Valve Disease. http://www.merck.com/mrkshared/mmanual/section16/chapter207/207a.jsp |
37. THE MERCK MANUAL OF GERIATRICS, Sec. 11, Ch. 89, Valvular Heart valvular heart disease. These agerelated effects influence the development of symptoms and complications in elderly patients with valvular heart disease. http://www.merck.com/mrkshared/mm_geriatrics/sec11/ch89.jsp |
38. Valvular Heart Disease valvular heart disease. Damage to the heart valves, leading to either narrowing of the valve orifice when it is open (stenosis) or leaking through the valve http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0031601.html | |
39. Valvular Heart Disease valvular heart disease. Anatomy of the human heart. Patients with valvular heart disease have a malfunction of one or more of these valves. http://www.chclibrary.org/micromed/00069920.html | |
40. Phen/Fen & Valvular Heart Disease PHEN/FEN AND valvular heart disease July 8, 1997 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. 1. WHAT IS PHEN/FEN ? 2. WHAT IS valvular heart disease? http://www.fda.gov/cder/news/phen/phenfenqa.htm | |
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