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1. EMedicine - Transient Global Amnesia : Article By Roy Sucholeiki, MD transient global amnesia An introduction, clinical, differentials, work up, treatment, medication and follow up. http://www.emedicine.com/NEURO/topic380.htm | |
2. Transient Global Amnesia Neuroland. Search NeuroLand. Neuro diseaseNotes. Practice Hints. Relax page. Search for medical info. Neuro Med. transient global amnesia. Diagnostic criteria proposed by Caplan, Hodges and Warlow . http://www.neuroland.com/sands/tga.htm | |
3. EMedicine - Transient Global Amnesia : Article Excerpt By: Roy Sucholeiki, MD transient global amnesia transient global amnesia (TGA) has been a well-described phenomenon for more than 40 years. Excerpt from transient global amnesia. http://www.emedicine.com/neuro/byname/transient-global-amnesia.htm | |
4. Transient Global Amnesia transient global amnesia. Posted by Pennywise on Monday August 25, @1151PM us a personal story of transient global amnesia, a form of amnesia with a sudden onset that typically http://cognews.com/1061880670/index_html | |
5. Transient Global Amnesia Information Diseases Database transient global amnesia, Disease Database Information Sponsors Contact Previous Page. transient global amnesia Information. transient global amnesia Definition(s) via UMLS ..Code translations and terms via UMLS http://www.diseasesdatabase.com/ddb13251.htm | |
6. BehaveNet® Clinical Capsule: Transient Global Amnesia psychopathology transient global amnesia. Shortlived, but complete, amnesia. Markowitsch, Hans J. ( Editor) transient global amnesia and Related Disorders Hardcover 1990 http://www.behavenet.com/capsules/path/transientglobalamnesia.htm | |
7. Transient Global Amnesia (TGA) transient global amnesia The causes, epidemiology, diagnoses, symptoms, the course of the illness and prognosis. http://schatz.sju.edu/neuro/disorders/tga.html | |
8. Transient Global Amnesia transient global amnesia. Diagnostic criteria proposed by Caplan, Hodges and Warlow. An attack must be witnessed by an observer who http://neuroland.com/sands/tga.htm | |
9. Good Medicine - Magazine Details about transient global amnesia. Includes a personal account of Michael Craig, a well known actor who played Dr William Sharp in the A.B.C. program G.P. http://lifestyle.ninemsn.com.au/goodmedicine/factsheets/db/body/neurological/104 | |
10. MayoClinic.com - Transient Global Amnesia transient global amnesia is the medical term for a sudden memory disturbance during which an individual is unable to Attacks of transient global amnesia begin and end abruptly http://www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?id=AN00248 |
11. Transient Global Amnesia transient global amnesia. Miranda White. The doctors reassured him that it was not a stroke, but rather a memory disorder called transient global amnesia. http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro02/web1/mwhite.html | |
12. Transient Global Amnesia - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention home neurological disorders brain diseases transient global amnesia transient global amnesia. Information Diagnosis Treatment Prevention. http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/neurological-disorders/brain-diseases/transient- | |
13. Transient Global Amnesia transient global amnesia ally occur in otherwise healthy `purely', results confirm that these processes are preserved in the disorder (Beauregard et al., 1997, see Case P693 middleaged or elderly http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/340659.html&y=0 |
14. Transient Global Amnesia Definition Of Transient Global Amnesia. What Is Transie Definition of transient global amnesia in the Dictionary and Thesaurus. transient global amnesia. Word Word. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/transient global amnesia | |
15. PharmGKB: Amnesia, Transient Global Global Amnesia, Transient; TGA (transient global amnesia); TGAs (transient global amnesia); transient global amnesia http://www.pharmgkb.org/do/serve?objId=PA446961&objCls=Disease |
16. Neurological Disorders, Brain Diseases, Transient Global Amnesia More transient global amnesia Categories » Submit Your Site to the transient global amnesia category. Sponsored transient global amnesia Sites. http://www.iseekhealth.com/transient_global_amnesia-1962.php | |
17. Lipitor - Thief Of Memory I awoke six hours later in the office of the examining neurologist with the diagnosis of transient global amnesia, cause unknown. http://www.spacedoc.net/lipitor_thief_of_memory.html | |
18. Cholesterol transient global amnesia ( TGA ) probably has been around as long as man but the first reported case of this bizarre theft of memory was made in 1955. http://www.spacedoc.net/Statins_flyer.html | |
19. Transient Global Amnesia transient global amnesia, Psychology Posted by Pennywise on Monday August 25, @1151PM from the didi-already-post-this? dept. The http://cognews.com/1061880670/addPostingForm | |
20. Transient Global Amnesia - General Practice Notebook transient global amnesia. transient global amnesia (TGA) is a temporary and isolated disorder of memory. The patient is usually over http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/1557135375.htm | |
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