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         Trachoma:     more books (91)
  1. Trachoma among the Blackfeet Indians by L. Webster Fox, 1924
  2. Trachoma control in the Indian service (Publication) by J. G Townsend, 1939
  3. Basis for treatment and prevention of ocular onchocerciasis: Report [presented at the] General Assembly of International Organization Against Trachoma ... Ligue Contre Le Trachome May 10, 1983, Paris by A Rolland, 1983
  4. Trachoma. Translated by J. Herbert Parsons and Thos. Snowball with an Introductory Chapter by E. Treacher Collins.
  5. Trachoma and Allied Dideases by Lavelle Hanna, 1967
  6. Trachoma manual and atlas (PHS publication) by Phillips Thygeson, 1960
  7. Trachoma, by Arthur Ferguson MacCallan, 1936
  8. Analysis of prevalence of trachoma and selected environmental factors by Gerald L Portney, 1969
  9. Trachoma, or granular lids
  10. Trachoma by Julius Boldt,
  11. ... Trachoma;: Some facts about the disease and some suggestions for trachoma sufferers, by Paul Darwin Mossman, 1931
  12. Trachoma: A women's health issue by Elaine M Wolfson, 1999
  13. Trachoma: A survey of its prevalence in the mountain sections of East Tennessee and Northern Georgia (Public health reports) by Charles A Bailey, 1914
  14. Some studies on trachoma in Indonesia by Albert August Heath, 1963

81. Trachoma Relating To Braille, Visual Impairments And Blindness - Braille Plus, I
Definition for the term trachoma and how it is related to braille, visual impairments and blindness.

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Below you will find the definition for the term "Trachoma" and how it is related to braille, visual impairments and blindness.
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A contagious disease of the conjunctiva and cornea, caused by the gram-negative bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis and characterized by inflammation, hypertrophy, and formation of granules of adenoid tissue. It is a major cause of blindness in Asia and Africa. For more information, see the "Medical" section of our Resources Links.
Related Terms and Resources: Medical
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82. CCHS Clinical Digital Library
trachoma Clinical Resources. Miscellaneous trachoma Clinical Resources Health Reviews for Primary Care Providers on the Internet Homepage
Clinical Resources by Topic: Ophthalmology
Trachoma Clinical Resources
Emergency Pediatrics Pathology Clinical Guidelines ... Miscellaneous Resources See also:

83. CCHS Clinical Digital Library
trachoma Patient/Family Resources. Miscellaneous trachoma Patient/Family Resources National Library of Medicine MEDLINEplus Health Topics Index
Patient/Family Resources by Topic: Ophthalmology
Trachoma Patient/Family Resources
Spanish Miscellaneous See also:

84. Scourge Of Trachoma
Scourge of trachoma, Pfizer will provide $6 million in funding for the trachoma program 20022003. trachoma Disabling Families and Communities.

85. Eye Disorders: Trachoma
Eye Disorders trachoma. Preventing trachoma and Blindness. Information by Global Child Net. trachoma. Brief, technical clinical definition.
Eye Disorders: Trachoma
Home Health Conditions and Diseases Eye Disorders : Trachoma google_ad_client = 'pub-3272565765518472';google_ad_width = 336;google_ad_height = 280;google_ad_format = '336x280_as';google_color_border = 'FFFFFF';google_color_bg = 'FFFFFF';google_ad_channel ='7485447737';google_alternate_color = 'FFFFFF';google_color_link = '0000FF';google_color_url = '008000';google_color_text = '000000';
Standard Listings
Preventing Trachoma and Blindness
Information by Global Child Net.
Brief, technical clinical definition. "Leading cause of blindness worldwide, and afflicts over 400 million people; preventable with adequate diet,...
The world's leading preventable cause of blindness.
Report from Helen Keller International.
Trachoma hub
Links to information and resources for trachoma.
WHO Alliance for the Global Elimination of Trachoma
Elimination of blinding trachoma from the globe by the year 2020.
Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web. Submit a Site Open Directory Project Become an Editor uses a modified version of the Open Directory.

86. Trachoma Prevention
trachoma Prevention. trachoma is the world s leading cause of blindness, yet very simple hygiene behaviors – frequent face and
Trachoma Prevention
Trachoma is the world's leading cause of blindness, yet very simple hygiene behaviors – frequent face and hand washing, use of one’s own towel, and improved domestic sanitation – prevent the transmission of the bacteria that infects the eye. By adapting its skills in rural marketing from product related promotion to preventive health promotion, IDE is participating in a multi-organizational effort spearheaded by the World Health Organization to eradicate blinding trachoma by the year 2020. IDE has designed a sophisticated social marketing campaign, which it is conducting alongside local government partners to reach a target audience of 1.8 million people across six provinces in northern Vietnam. IDE is employing innovative strategies that include diverse audio, video, and print materials, schools programs, and women's union meetings to encourage the adoption of targeted improved hygiene habits. In addition, IDE is partnering with Helen Keller International to install water and sanitation facilities in schools throughout the target areas. IDE’s social marketing project is a component of a larger effort funded and coordinated by the International Trachoma Initiative that includes the distribution of an antibiotic and surgery for the most severe cases of infection. The program has achieved remarkable results. Trachoma rates in all project districts have fallen under 5%, the threshold level below which the scientific community believes the bacteria cannot sustain itself.

87. The Health Network - Your Complete Online Health Centre
trachoma is an infection of the eye by a bacterialike organism, Chlamydia trachomatis. trachoma is the most common cause of blindness in the world.

88. Eye Disorders, Trachoma
More trachoma Categories » Submit Your Site to the trachoma category. Sponsored trachoma Sites. The Official Patient s Sourcebook
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  • International Trachoma Initiative - ITI, founded by Pfizer Inc and The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, is dedicated to eliminating the world's leading cause of preventable blindness. Includes information on trachoma, the initiative and its sponsors.
  • Preventing Trachoma and Blindness - Information by Global Child Net.
  • Trachoma - The world's leading preventable cause of blindness.
  • Trachoma - Report from Helen Keller International.
  • Trachoma - Brief, technical clinical definition. "Leading cause of blindness worldwide, and afflicts over 400 million people; preventable with adequate diet, proper sanitation, and education."

89. Trachoma - Introduction. The page you have accessed is restricted please login. If you have come here from an external search engine it is
Home News FAQ Chlamydiales ... Links
The page you have accessed is restricted please login-
If you have come here from an external search engine it is because the page you want requires registration. Registration is quick, free of charge and gives you access to the full site. You may wish to visit the home page first to see what this comprehensive site is about. If all you want is basic information about chlamydial genital tract infections, click health information If you wish to register straight away, please click register now E-Mail Address: Password: Tick this box to remember your login
(not recommended for users of shared computers)

90. BANGLAPEDIA: Trachoma
trachoma a highly contagious chronic form of conjunctivitis affecting the eyelids caused by a strain of Chlamydia trachomatis. Hypertrophy
Trachoma a highly contagious chronic form of conjunctivitis affecting the eyelids caused by a strain of Chlamydia trachomatis. Hypertrophy of the conjunctiva, and formation of follicles with subsequent cicatrichal changes are noted in this disease. The disease is very harmful to the eyes and in the past it was the main cause of blindness throughout the world. It is estimated that the disease affects about 400 million people annually, mostly in tropical Africa and Asia, but is also seen in southwestern parts of America. About 20 million persons became blind by this disease. Although the incidence of the disease is greatly reduced during recent years, it has not been eradicated completely. Children under 15 years are susceptible, but elderly people are not spared. People living in damp, slum areas of different cities of Bangladesh, and those living in unhygienic conditions in rural and thickly populated suburban areas are the victims. Complications include pannus, ptosis, and corneal ulcers. The eyelids become very swollen and inflamed and there is a discharge. Children with ocular infections are the primary reservoir of the infection, and the spread is by hand-to-eye contact between children or on the feet of flies that feed on the exudate of the children with active infection. Transmission readily occurs not only by direct contact with trachomatous material, but also indirectly through contaminated articles such as towels

91. Health, Conditions And Diseases, Eye Disorders: Trachoma
International trachoma Initiative (ITI) Includes information on trachoma, prevention, treatment, initiative and programs. Founded
Top Health Conditions and Diseases Eye Disorders ...
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92. Health - Conditions And Diseases - Eye Disorders - Trachoma
Top Health Conditions and Diseases Eye Disorders trachoma DBMD trachoma - Factsheet on the disease with cause, incidence, and symptoms.
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93. Other Vision Related Resources - Eye Disorders: Trachoma
Eye Disorders trachoma International trachoma Initiative ITI, founded by Pfizer Inc and The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, is dedicated to eliminating the

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Our Other Sites Eye Disorders: Trachoma
International Trachoma Initiative

ITI, founded by Pfizer Inc and The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, is dedicated to eliminating the world's leading cause of preventable blindness. Includes information on trachoma, the initiative and its sponsors.
Preventing Trachoma and Blindness

Information by Global Child Net.
Sight Savers International

Charity devoted to helping the blind, preventing and curing eye diseases and blindness.
Brief, technical clinical definition. "Leading cause of blindness worldwide, and afflicts over 400 million people; preventable with adequate diet, proper sanitation, and education." Trachoma Report from Helen Keller International. Trachoma The world's leading preventable cause of blindness. Trachoma hub Links to information and resources for trachoma. WHO Alliance for the Global Elimination of Trachoma Elimination of blinding trachoma from the globe by the year 2020. Some of the information on this page is a derivative work of the Open Directory Project in accordance with their license Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web.

94. Trachoma
trachomaGeneral Information What is trachoma? trachoma is an infectious disease, which affects mainly the mucous membranes of the eye and eyelids.
King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital Cataract Glaucoma Trachoma Amblyopia ... Diabetes
Trachoma-General Information: What is Trachoma? Trachoma is an infectious disease, which affects mainly the mucous membranes of the eye and eyelids. Most people get this infection from other members of the family, usually as children. If not treated the disease quietly damages the eye over the course of many years. Commonly the only symptoms may be itching or burning of the eyes. In late stages, trachoma can cause the eyelashes to turn in and rub against the eye, which might lead to recurrent infection and at the end corneal scar formation and decreased vision. Trachoma is difficult to treat as: - Patients have only mild eye discomfort and may not go early enough to the doctor for treatment. - The germ which causes trachoma is hard to kill and it must be treated with medicines for a long time: a few weeks with pills by mouth; or, by ointment. Some people may forget to take their eye medicine this long. If only one member of the household is treated and cured, he or she may acquire the disease again from another member of the family who was not treated. What can you do to successfully free yourself and your family from trachoma and help to conquer this disease in the Kingdom?

95. MAURITANIA Campaign Launched To End Trachoma Blindness By 2010
MAURITANIA Campaign launched to end trachoma blindness by 2010. ©. trachoma causes the eyelids to turn inwards and the eyelashes to damage the cornea.

96. Deployments - Gulf War - Common Endemic Diseases - Trachoma
Common Endemic Diseases trachoma The infection is usually acquired early in childhood. Gulf War Deployments. Common Endemic Diseases trachoma.
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Gulf War Deployments Common Endemic Diseases
Trachoma Etiologic agents
  • Chlamydia trachomatis
Clinical Features
  • Trachoma usually produces few symptoms until its final stages, when trichiasis develops. Active Inflammation Stage: Follicles are large pale yellow or white spots that may be slightly elevated. Those on the limbus are often a dirty gray and may be semitranslucent. There is also marked thickening of the conjunctiva
  • The infection is usually acquired early in childhood. Most transmission occurs within the family, as a result of close contact between young children and their mothers or other caregivers. Transmission can also occur through fomites on bedding or from the nasopharnx by coughing and sneezing. Flies can also transmit infected ocular or nasal secretions.
  • TA simplified grading scheme developed by WHO is widely used public health purposes. Laboratory tests may be conducted to detect chlamydial antigens and chlamydial DNA (PCR - where available).
  • Improved environmental conditions and personal hygiene habits.

97. CBMI
Publications. Church Resources. Cataract Surgery. Blindness Prevention. trachoma. DDSN Interactive, Copyright (c) 2003 Christian Blind Mission International.

98. About The International Trachoma Initiative
About the International trachoma Initiative. In the mid1990s, after nearly a quarter century of work in Tropical Disease Research
About the Foundation Program for Youth Development Grantmaking at the Foundation President's Corner ... Search
About the International Trachoma Initiative
In the mid-1990s, after nearly a quarter century of work in Tropical Disease Research, the Foundation began to take stock of its accomplishments and prospects for the future. In particular, our work in the prevention and treatment of trachoma - a painful disease of the eyelids that normally leads to blindness - had shown remarkable results, in extensive field tests and through international collaborations in some of the worst-affected nations.
We were determined, as we explored opportunities to conclude our own efforts, that progress toward wiping out trachoma-related blindness should not end. Indeed, our goal was to find a way to accelerate the fight against trachoma, expand its reach, and establish it soundly enough to endure until the job is done. Research and experience pointed toward the need for a new institution to carry on that mission.
We eventually found a solution in a partnership with Pfizer Inc , which is contributing both financial support and its antibiotic Zithromax(r) to the cause. The

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