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141. Recognition And Management Of Tourette's Syndrome And Tic Disorders - April 15, April 15, 1999 AFP. Recognition and Management of tourette s syndrome and Tic Disorders. Table 2 lists current diagnostic criteria for tourette s syndrome. http://www.aafp.org/afp/990415ap/2263.html | |
142. Understanding Tics And Tourette's Syndrome - April 15, 1999 - American Academy O Understanding Tics and tourette s syndrome. What are tics? What is tourette s syndrome? tourette s syndrome is one form of tic disorder. http://www.aafp.org/afp/990415ap/990415f.html | |
143. City Pages: The Tower Of Babble By creating a detective with tourette's syndrome, Jonathan Lethem addresses the mystery of language. http://www.citypages.com/databank/20/982/article8012.asp | |
144. Untitled Document Online community for TS kids and their families. Offers basic information for parents, message boards, a mailing list, kids club, and personal information pages. (Formerly TS Kids and tourette's syndrome Friendship and Support Circle) http://www.tourettesyndromesupport.com/ | |
145. Tourette's Syndrome: Description, Criteria, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments And Med , Criteria, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments and Medications. tourette s syndrome. Also known as Description.......tourette s syndrome http://www.mental-health-matters.com/disorders/dis_details.php?disID=100 |
146. Tourette's Syndrome Our tourette s syndrome site offers free information about tourette s syndrome in children adults, personal stories, tourette s Organizations, chatrooms http://www.findinfo.com/tourettes.htm | |
147. Life's A Twitch - Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders Site By Dr. B. Duncan Based on the work of B. Duncan McKinlay, in the area of tourette's syndrome (TS) and related disorders. The author has TS and is dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with TS through his presentations and writings. http://www.lifesatwitch.com | |
148. Tourette's Syndrome - Glossary Of Symptoms And Mental Illnesses Affecting Teenag tourette S syndrome. tourette s syndrome is characterized by multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic. A tic is a sudden, rapid http://www.aacap.org/about/glossary/Tourette.htm | |
149. NAMI | Tourette's Syndrome Home. back. tourette s syndrome. tourettes disorder, or tourettes syndrome (TS) as it is frequently called, is a neurologic syndrome. http://www.nami.org/helpline/tourette.html | |
150. Tourette's Syndrome - Interactive Glossary tourette s syndrome tourette s syndrome is a neurobiological disorder characterized by tics (involuntary, rapid, sudden movements and/or vocal outbursts that http://www.therapistfinder.net/glossary/tourette.html | |
151. What Is Tourette's Syndrome? Title What is tourette s syndrome? Subject Diseases and Conditions. Publication Number BHC4400. Publication Date 26/05/1996. What is tourette s syndrome? http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/health-public-affairs/mhcs/publications/4400.h | |
152. InteliHealth: Tourette's Syndrome referenced in an AZ format. tourette s syndrome. Health A to Z, Reviewed by the Faculty of Harvard Medical School tourette s syndrome http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/9339/10894.html | |
153. The Tourette Tiger Personal thoughts, insights, and resources for tourette's syndrome Plus as experienced by Darin Bush. http://tourettetiger.home.mindspring.com/home.html | |
154. NACD - National Association For Child Development - Home The National Academy for Child Development, Inc. is an international organization of parents and professionals dedicated to helping children and adults reach their full potential. The over 15,000 clients served by NACD have come to us with labels including Learning Disabled, Dyslexic, Distractible, ADD, ADHD, Hyperactive, Down syndrome, Fetal Alcohol syndrome, Williams syndrome, Tourettes syndrome, Rett syndrome, Fragile X, Developmentally Delayed, PDD, Autistic, Cerebral Palsy, Brain Injured, Comatose, Retarded, Minimal Brain Dysfunction, Normal, Accelerated and Gifted. http://www.nacd.org | |
155. Swearing And The Cursing Cockney Swearing is both big and clever. Choose your rudeness Normal Swearing Cursing Cockney . Swear+ v1.0; Courtesy of Robin s Useless Web Pages June 2002. http://www.hare.yucom.be/Useless/Tourette/tourette.html | |
156. ROCK 103 WEGR Radio Memphis Find A Hotel Ringtones Free Screen Savers Got Student Loans? Find A Date. FREE Refinance Info! Contests Win a PlasmaTV Games Free Samples Free Mortgage Quote! http://www.rock103.com/crew/asheard/?crewAsHeardPage=t-barbie.html |
157. Tourettes.co.uk - Ball Hair, Arse Wiping, Fudding Exclamations Hosted by Lankaster Internet. http://www.tourettes.co.uk/ | |
158. Disorders Select One. ADD/ADHD. http://www.mhsource.com/disorders/tic.html | |
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