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81. SkokieNet: Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. Of Illinois Assists families and adults seeking information about tourette syndrome, its treatment, and research. Provides a physician referral list, quarterly newsletter and brochures and videos for families, educators, counselors, physicians and scientists. http://www.skokienet.org/tourett1/index.html | |
82. OC/TS Friends And Family Group Chapter information. http://world.std.com/~rongood/maine.html | |
83. Welcome To The Minnesota Tourette Syndrome Association A resource for families throughout the state, focusing on TS awareness and support systems. http://members.tripod.com/~TouretteSyndrome/Index.html | |
84. The Massachusetts Chapter Of The Tourette Syndrome Association Provides information and support for parents of children with Tourette, adults with Tourette, physicians, educators, and advocates. Offers semiannual meetings, educator's conference, local and national resources, and a newsletter. http://www.tsamass.org/ | |
85. Index.html To promote awareness, greater understanding and increase education about TS among professionals, the general public, and individuals with TS. http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/2219/ | |
86. Tourette Syndrome Association The tourette syndrome Association of New York City serves people with tourette syndrome and their families. It is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood. http://www.tsa-nycw.org/index.cfm | |
87. Edward Neil Schafer's Account - Marihuana And Tourette Syndrome MARIJUANA AND tourette syndrome. Neil Schafer, who tells his story here, has suffered from tourette syndrome since he was a boy. http://www.rxmarihuana.com/Schafer.htm | |
88. Tourette Syndrome Association Provides articles, chapter news, description of services, events calendar, citywide support group meeting schedules and contact information. http://www.tsa-nyc.org/ | |
89. Tourette Syndrome And Human Behavior tourette syndrome and Human Behavior By David E. Comings, MD. PART I INTRODUCTION 1. The Spectrum of tourette syndrome. 2. Gilles de la Tourette. http://www.hopepress.com/html/tourette_syndrome_and_human_be.html | |
90. Tourette Syndrome Association Of Rhode Island Offers support and education to parents and children with tourette syndrome. Provides news, tips for educators, and videos through the state's library system. http://tsari.mhri.org/ | |
91. Main Offers news, calendar of events, publications, references, support group, youth social group, public education, and an online newsgroup. http://members.aol.com/northnytsa/ | |
92. ED429397 1998-10-00 Teaching Children With Tourette Syndrome. ERIC Digest E570. This digest provides basic information on tourette syndrome (TS) as well as guidelines for appropriate classroom accommodations. http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed429397.html | |
93. TSA Of Washington State Offers information, support, advocacy, social events, and resources. Their lending library provides videos, CD's, cassettes, books, magazines, and presentational materials. http://www.tourette.net/wa/ | |
94. Discovery Health Tourette Syndrome tourette syndrome is an inherited disorder that causes a person to make involuntary movements and sounds. http://health.discovery.com/diseasesandcond/encyclopedia/2747.html |
95. TSA-RMR Schedule and contacts for area support groups, basic TS information, publications, legislation updates, newsletter, resources, and membership information. http://www.sensiblenet.com/tsa/ | |
96. Tourette-Syndrome.com Message Center @ Www.ezboard.com This discussion board is open to anyone suffering from or interested in the neurological disorder, tourette syndrome. TouretteSyndrome.com Message Center. http://pub14.ezboard.com/btourettesyndrome | |
97. TOURETTE SYNDROME Offers links to resources about TS and other mental health issues. http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/3360/ | |
98. Tourettes Syndrome Dr. Carl Bennett . Personal Health Living with the Mysteries of tourette syndrome. NY Times, March 1, 1995. http//www.tourettesyndrome.com/. http://www.gen.umn.edu/faculty_staff/jensen/1135/example_student_projects/Fall99 | |
99. Tourette Syndrome What Is tourette syndrome? http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/2372/index.html | |
100. Georgia/SC Tourette Syndrome Support Groups Georgia/South Carolina tourette syndrome support groups on Georgia Mental Health Network. tourette syndrome Web Sites. National tourette syndrome Association. http://www.mcg.edu/Resources/MH/tourette.htm | |
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