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61. Mental Health -- Neuropsychiatry Clinic Information on assessment and management strategies for uncomplicated tourette syndrome. Treatment may include psychology, occupational therapy, Psychoeducation, medication, and community resources. From the Neuropsychiatry Clinic at the Children's and Women's Health Centre of British Columbia. http://www.cw.bc.ca/mentalhealth/srvnp2.asp | |
62. PA Tourette Syndrome Association Inc.: Information, advocacy, support groups and referral services for tourette syndrome patients, and their families. PA tourette syndrome Association Inc. http://www.patsainc.org/ | |
63. Connecticut TSA Home Page Connecticut tourette syndrome Association. Thank you for visiting our Web site. The Connecticut chapter of the tourette syndrome Association Inc. http://www.tsact.org/ | |
64. Tourette Syndrome - The Environmental Connection tourette syndrome The Environmental/Allergy Connection. Is there an environmental or allergic connection to tourette syndrome (TS)? Yes. http://ourlittleplace.com/tourette.html | |
65. Tourette Syndrome A teen's guide to TS, who gets it, what doctors do, and how to manage living with TS. From KidsHealth. http://www.kidshealth.org/teen/diseases_conditions/brain_nervous/tourette.html | |
66. NORD - National Organization For Rare Disorders, Inc. Offers alternative names, a general discussion and further resources. http://www.rarediseases.org/search/rdbdetail_abstract.html?disname=Tourette Synd |
67. BBC NEWS | Health | Medical Notes | Tourette Syndrome tourette syndrome is a complex and debilitating neurological disorder which is estimated to affect about 1% of the population. tourette syndrome. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/medical_notes/3067443.stm | |
68. Tourette Syndrome Information about the symptoms of Tourette and how to get help for your child. From KidsHealth. http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/medical/brain/tourette.html | |
69. TS+ Is Fun - Table Of Contents tourette syndrome chapter webring. Contains information on disease and resources and focuses on the positive aspects. http://crw.boxofclue.com/tsfun/ | |
70. Tourette.net Links to resources and information about tourette syndrome. http://www.tourette.net | |
71. Tourette's Disorder - Tourette Syndrome Information tourette syndrome Introduction. tourette syndrome also referred to as Tourettes Disorder, Tourettes, TS and sometimes Tourette Spectrum Disorder. http://www.tourettes-disorder.com/ | |
72. Tourette Syndrome Mailing Lists Information on how to subscribe to some of the TS mailing lists (courtesy of the Dallas/Ft. Worth tourette syndrome Association). http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/7581/ts.htm |
73. MysonSean Offers many links to sites about tourette syndrome. Topics include advocacy, home schooling, support groups, personal stories, books and videos, medications and alternative treatments. http://mysonsean.homestead.com/ | |
74. Tourette Syndrome tourette syndrome. tourette syndrome. A series of documents concerning Brain briefings Tourette s syndrome and dopamine. This is one of the http://omni.ac.uk/browse/mesh/detail/C0040517L0040517.html | |
75. Tic_and_Twitch · Disorders_of_Animation A different look at tourette syndrome Plus. Stories for children, family, friends and helpers. http://www.freewebs.com/tic_and_twitch/ | |
76. Focus Adolescent Services: Tourette Syndrome Reviewed in Psych Central. Survey on Supplements and tourette syndrome. Books. Read All The Books. Children with tourette syndrome A Parent s Guide. http://www.focusas.com/Tourette'sSyndrome.html | |
77. Tourette Syndrome - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia tourette syndrome. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. tourette syndrome also called Tourette s syndrome, Tourette Spectrum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourette_syndrome | |
78. Internet Resources For Special Children (IRSC) - Worldwide Resource For Disabili Open Directory Health Conditions and Diseases Neurological EEG Biofeedback Training for tourette syndrome - Disorder Brief provided by EEG Spectrum. Published by the tourette syndrome Association. http://www.irsc.org/tourette.htm |
79. Tic With It --Intro And Policy Chapter information. http://members.tripod.com/~TicWithIt/ | |
80. Adults With Tourette Syndrome Adults With tourette syndrome. this Site. This site is exclusively for adults with tourette syndrome and will focus on the following http://www.ddonin.com/ | |
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