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81. MenWeb - Men's Issues: Testicular Cancer MenWeb Feature on testicular cancer. Articles, interviews, information, links. testicular cancer. Vital Information. Copyright © 1999 by Bert H. Hoff. http://www.menweb.org/tcfeatur.htm | |
82. MenWeb - Men's Issues: Testicular Self-Examination Related Article testicular cancer Survival High with Early Treatment Information on testicular cancer, testicular examination. http://www.menweb.org/testican.htm | |
83. Screening: Testicular Cancer US Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for testicular cancer. Screening for testicular cancer, February 2004 Recommendation Statement Brief Evidence Update. http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/uspstf/uspstest.htm | |
84. Testicular Cancer Treatment testicular cancer Treatment. (Jim Shaw4MEN Health staff) The progress in treating testicular cancer has been dramatic. In the http://www.4-men.org/treatment.html | |
85. NHS Direct Online | Self-Help Guide | Testicular Cancer NHS Direct SelfHelp Guide entry on testicular cancer including description, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. NHS Direct - self-help guide. testicular cancer. http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/SelfHelp/conditions/testicularcancer/testicularcance | |
86. Male Health Center - Dallas Urologist testicular cancer. Cancer of testicular cancer, however, when detected early, is one of the most easily cured types of cancer. But unless http://www.malehealthcenter.com/sympt.html | |
87. Virtual Hospital: Cancer: Testicular Cancer For Patients. What Men Should Know About testicular cancer. Rates and Statistics. It is estimated there are 7,500 new cases of testicular cancer each year. http://www.vh.org/adult/patient/cancercenter/testicularcancer/ | |
88. Cancer Care : Testicular Cancer testicular cancer, American Cancer Society Search the American Cancer Society for information on testicular cancer. testicular cancer http://www.cancercare.org/InternetLinks/InternetLinks.cfm?ID=3630&c=123 |
89. Cancer Clinical Trials. Institute-designated Comprehensive. To help with treatment of sarcoma, testicular cancer, and thyroid or esophageal diseases like lymphoma. Gastrointestinal genitourinary http://www.irelandcancercenter.org/ | |
90. Andrology Australia | Testicular Cancer Diagnosis of testicular cancer includes a medical history and examination, testicular ultrasound and blood tests. Facts about testicular cancer. What is Cancer? http://www.andrologyaustralia.org/testicular/default.htm | |
91. Testicular Cancer testicular cancer. Definition Although the exact cause of testicular cancer has not been identified, several predisposing factors seem to increase risk. http://www.healthscout.com/ency/article/001288.htm | |
92. Testicular Cancer Resources Directory - CancerIndex testicular cancer is most common cancer in men between 15 to 35 years old. There are two cancer each year. Menu testicular cancer. http://www.cancerindex.org/clinks3c.htm | |
93. Steele ARTICLES. The Management Of Nonseminomatous testicular cancer. 1 testicular cancer has, in fact, become one of the most curable of all solid neoplasms. http://www.duj.com/Article/Steele.html | |
94. Treatment Of Testicular Cancer, Mayo Clinic In Rochester, Minn. Treatment of testicular cancer at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Many States. An estimated 400 men die of testicular cancer annually. http://www.mayoclinic.org/testicularcancer-rst/ | |
95. Testicular Cancer Cure Poses Problems testicular cancer Cure Poses Problems. Feb. 28, 2002 testicular cancer is a young man s disease, and it is almost always curable when caught early. http://my.webmd.com/content/article/24/2946_974 | |
96. Men And Testicles Menstuff® has compiled information on testicles, the importance of selfexam, and what might happen if you contract testicular cancer and don t catch it in http://www.menstuff.org/issues/byissue/tecticles.html | |
97. SC Testicular Cancer And Testicular Self-Examination testicular cancer SelfExam Chapter 17. Men s Health Problems. The cause of testicular cancer is not known. Risk factors, though, have been given. These are http://www.mcare.org/healthathome/testicul.htm |
98. The Cancer Council New South Wales :: Understanding Testicular Cancer Understanding testicular cancer Information for men with testicular cancer, their families and carers. , testicular cancer, The testicles, testicular cancer, http://www.nswcc.org.au/editorial.asp?pageid=894 |
99. Everyman - Male Cancers testicular cancer. testicular cancer is the most common cancer amongst young men between the ages of 20 and 35, although it can develop in boys as young as 15. http://www.icr.ac.uk/everyman/about/testicular.html | |
100. What Is Testicular Cancer? testicular cancer (also called cancer of the testicle, or cancer of the testis) is a malignant, or cancerous, growth of the testicle, one of the male sex organs http://yourmedicalsource.com/library/testicularcancer/TC_whatis.html | |
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