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41. Testicular Cancer: Signs, Risks And Treatment Centers testicular cancer is pretty rare accounting for only 1% of cancers in US men - but for men age 15-35 it s the most common type of cancer. http://cancer.about.com/library/weekly/aa062001a.htm | |
42. Testicular Cancer Information Resources Linksbased presentation. http://cancer.about.com/cs/testicularcancer/index.htm | |
43. Testicular Cancer--What To Look For - May 1, 1999 - American Academy Of Family P testicular cancerWhat to Look For. Cancer of the testicles is the most common cancer in young men (15 to 34 years old). Who gets testicular cancer? http://www.aafp.org/afp/990501ap/990501c.html | |
44. Sloan-Kettering - Testicular Cancer The incidence of testicular cancer is rising in the United States, and it is the most common solid tumor diagnosed in men between the ages of 15 and 35 years. http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/445.cfm | |
45. Sloan-Kettering - Testicular Cancer: Treatment Treatment for testicular cancer almost always involves the surgical removal of the affected testicle. http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/1754.cfm | |
46. Testicular Cancer, The Cancer Infomation Network Provides information on diagnosis, treatment and resources. http://www.thecancer.info/testicular/ | |
47. ACS :: What Is Testicular Cancer? Detailed Guide testicular cancer. What Is testicular cancer? testicular cancer is cancer that typically develops in one or both testicles in young men. http://www.cancer.org/docroot/cri/content/cri_2_4_1x_what_is_testicular_cancer_4 |
48. Don't Be A Schmuck: Giving You Information On Testicular Cancer. Aimed at young men to help them understand more about the condition including signs, symptoms, statistics and the value of selfexamination. http://www.angelfire.com/de3/dbs0/ | |
49. ACS :: All About Testicular Cancer All About testicular cancer. Choose another cancer topic. Overview testicular cancer. Read overviews of various topics dealing with cancer. http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/CRI_2x.asp?sitearea=&dt=41 |
50. National Cancer Institute - What You Need To Know About Cancer - An Overview Online brochure from the U.S. National Cancer Institute on symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and support. http://www.cancer.gov/cancerinfo/wyntk/overview | |
51. Testicular Cancer | Chronology testicular cancer Chronology. Highlights. I Most testicular cancer patients have a much easier experience with chemotherapy. Nevertheless http://www.kantrowitz.com/cancer/chronology.html | |
52. Testicular Cancer Leading oncologists offer research and opinion on the screening, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of testicular cancer. http://www.cancernetwork.com/contents/testicular.htm | |
53. Medical Oncology: A Comprehensive Review - Testicular Cancer testicular cancer. TABLE 6 Medical Research Council Criteria for HighRisk Stage III Nonseminomatous testicular cancer Patients. More than 20 lung metastases http://www.cancernetwork.com/textbook/morev27.htm | |
54. Peter Croft Music Man Memorial for Peter Croft who died of testicular cancer in February, 2000. http://petercroft.8k.com/ | |
55. EMedicine Health - Testicular Self-Exam Introduction Provides information about causes and symptoms of testicular cancer as well as outlining a procedure for early detection. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/11400-1.asp | |
56. Testicular Cancer testicular cancer. 208/01121. STAGE I testicular cancer. Treatment depends on what the cancer cells look like under a microscope (cell type). http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/cancernet/201121.html | |
57. Patient Information - Testicular Cancer testicular cancer. http://www.royalmarsden.org/patientinfo/booklets/testicular_cancer/testicular.as | |
58. Patient Information - Testicular Cancer testicular cancer. View text version. top link to top of page. What are the stages of testicular cancer? testicular cancer is divided into four main stages. http://www.royalmarsden.org/patientinfo/booklets/testicular_cancer/testicular8.a | |
59. Testicular Cancer - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention testicular cancer. Information Diagnosis Treatment Prevention. Web Directory ? About.com testicular cancer Linksbased presentation. http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/cancer/genitourinary/testicular.html | |
60. Cancer Research UK: Testicular Cancer You are here Home About cancer Specific cancers testicular cancer . testicular cancer Overall, testicular cancer is not very common. http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/aboutcancer/specificcancers/testicularcancer | |
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