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1. Testicular Cancer: Survival High With Early Treatment Overview information from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/196_test.html | |
2. The Testicular Cancer Resource Center - Testicular Cancer Information For Everyo The testicular cancer Resource Center A non-profit organization devoted to providing accurate and timely information and support on all aspects of testicular http://tcrc.acor.org/ | |
3. Testicular Cancer - Urologychannel Gives an overview of the subject. http://www.urologychannel.com/testicularcancer/index.shtml | |
4. TC-Cancer - Testicular Cancer Information & Support, Testical Cancer, Testicle T The testicular cancer Information, Resource and Support Center. Developed to help patients with testicular cancer and their family members. testicular cancer Information Support. All About testicular cancer. How to do a Self Exam Screening for testicular cancer http://www.tc-cancer.com/ | |
5. Testicular Cancer - May 1, 1999 - American Academy Of Family Physicians testicular cancer. SCOTT KINKADE, CPT, MC, USA. Darnell Army Community Hospital. Fort Hood, Texas. A patient information handout on testicular cancer, written by the author of this article, is provided on page 2549. Although testicular cancer accounts for only 1 percent of all tumors in males, it is the most common most significant risk factor for testicular cancer, increasing the risk up to http://www.aafp.org/afp/990501ap/2539.html | |
6. MedlinePlus: Testicular Cancer M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ List of All Topics. testicular cancer the National Institutes of Health. testicular cancer (PDQ) Treatment ( National Cancer Institute http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/testicularcancer.html | |
7. Testicular Cancer What is testicular cancer? testicular cancer occurs in approximately 1 in 25,000 men per year. It is 4 times less common in Afro http://www.uro.com/tcancer.htm | |
8. The Testicular Cancer Resource Center Dictionary The testicular cancer Resource Center TC Dictionary Down to earth definitions of confusing terms. The TCRC Glossary. For testicular cancer and Related Conditions in the bloodstream of some http://www.acor.org/diseases/TC/dictionary.html | |
9. The Testicular Cancer Resource Center - Testicular Cancer Information For Everyo The testicular cancer Resource Center A non-profit organization devoted to providing accurate and timely information and support on all aspects of testicular cancer and extragonadal germ cell http://www.acor.org/TCRC | |
10. Testicular Cancer - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment And Testicle Examination Fact sheet from this UK entity about the condition including causes, symptoms and treatment. http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/Mosby_factsheets/testicular_cancer.html | |
11. Testicular Cancer: Questions And Answers, Cancer Facts 6.34 Cancer.gov. Dictionary. Search. Date reviewed 08/14/2003. testicular cancer Questions and Answers. Key Points. testicular cancer can be one of two general types seminoma or nonseminoma ( see Question 1). include having an undescended testicle, a previous testicular cancer, or having a brother or father who http://cis.nci.nih.gov/fact/6_34.htm | |
12. Screening For Testicular Cancer Information from the U.S. National Cancer Institute aimed at the professional level. http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/cancernet/304729.html | |
13. The Testicular Cancer Resource Center Dictionary The testicular cancer Resource Center TC Dictionary Down to earth definitions of confusing terms. Not as effective as Cisplatin for testicular cancer. http://tcrc.acor.org/dictionary.html | |
14. E-Testicles.com; Information, Urogenital, Urology, Penis, Prostate, Testosterone Testicular anatomy and functions. Spermatogenesis, hormonal regulation, testicular cancer, common disorders. Part of the ALtruis Biomedical Network. http://www.e-testicles.com | |
15. Testicular Cancer testicular cancer. This site provides useful information about testicular cancer and reviews my personal experience with testicular cancer. http://www.kantrowitz.com/cancer/ | |
16. The TCRC Lance Armstrong Page A 1997 interview with Armstrong on the pages of the testicular cancer Resource Center. The cyclist talks about his fight with the disease. http://www.acor.org/TCRC/lance.html | |
17. Testicular Cancer Resource Center's Hormone Replacement Links Page Links to medical articles on testosterone. http://tcrc.acor.org/tclinks6.html | |
18. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Testicular Cancer testicular cancer. Although the exact cause of testicular cancer has not been identified, several predisposing factors seem to increase risk. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001288.htm | |
19. The TCRC Orchiectomy Page A description of orchiectomy surgery, used in the treatment of testicular cancer with commonly asked questions and answers. http://www.acor.org/diseases/TC/orch.html | |
20. National Cancer Institute - Testicular Cancer Home Page testicular cancer Home Page. testicular cancer Treatment patients health professionals . Metastatic Cancer Questions and Answers. http://www.cancer.gov/cancer_information/cancer_type/testicular/ | |
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