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         Tabes Dorsalis:     more books (71)
  1. Superior tabes by Max H Bochroch, 1902
  2. Selections from the clinical works of Dr. Duchenne (de Boulogne) (The New Sydenham Society. [Publications]) by G.-B Duchenne, 1883
  3. Treatment of locomotor ataxia by exercise of precision by John K Mitchell, 1909
  4. Progressive locomotor ataxy: Its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment by Julius Althaus, 1866
  5. Spinal anæmia due to syphilis by Orville Horwitz, 1892
  6. The treatment of tabetic ataxia by means of systematic exercise: An exposition of the principles and practice of compensatory movement treatment by H. S Frenkel, 1902
  7. Suspension in locomotor ataxia by S. Weir Mitchell, 1890
  8. Locomotor ataxia confined to the arms: Reversal of ordinary progress by S. Weir Mitchell, 1888
  9. Locomotor ataxia: Etiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment by J. Arthur Taff, 1910
  10. A study of locomotor ataxia and kindred diseases: Based on the treatment of 600 cases by Clarence Henry Burton, 1914
  11. The intensive treatment of syphilis & locomotor ataxia by Aachen methods by Reginald Hewlett Hayes, 1920
  12. The treatment of locomotor ataxia by methodical exercises by Maurice Faure, 1907
  13. On sclerosis of the spinal cord: Including locomotor ataxy, spastic spinal paralysis, and other system-diseases of the spinal cord: their pathology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment by Julius Althaus, 1885
  14. Illustrations of the anomalous course of posterior spinal sclerosis by E. C Seguin, 1884

81. Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt Der Heilpflanzen!
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82. Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt Der Heilpflanzen!
Translate this page Infos Gesundheit Rückenmarksschwindsucht (tabes dorsalis). Folgeerscheinungeiner früher durchgemachten und damals nicht ausgeheilten

83. Entrez PubMed
Rapidly progressive tabes dorsalis associated with selective IgA deficiency. IgA Deficiency/complications*;Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Male; tabes dorsalis/blood;

84. Entrez PubMed
Venery, the spinal cord, and tabes dorsalis before Romberg the contributionof Ernst Horn. Schiller F. Usually Heinrich Romberg

85. Dorlands Medical Dictionary
tabes ergo¢tica, a condition resembling tabes dorsalis, due to ergotism.Friedreich s tabes, Friedreich s ataxia. tabes spina¢lis, t. dorsalis.

86. NINDS Tabes Dorsalis Information Page
tabes dorsalis information sheet compiled by the National Institute of NeurologicalDisorders and Stroke (NINDS). NINDS tabes dorsalis Information Page.
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    NINDS Tabes Dorsalis Information Page
    Synonym(s): Progressive Locomotor Ataxia, Syphilitic Spinal Sclerosis Reviewed 07-30-2003 Get Web page suited for printing
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    Table of Contents (click to jump to sections)
    What is Tabes Dorsalis?

    Is there any treatment?

    What is the prognosis?

    What research is being done?

    What is Tabes Dorsalis? Tabes dorsalis is a slow degeneration of the nerve cells and nerve fibers that carry sensory information to the brain. The degenerating nerves are in the dorsal columns of the spinal cord (the portion closest to the back of the body) and carry information that help maintain a person’s sense of position. Tabes dorsalis is the result of an untreated syphilis infection. Symptoms may not appear for some decades after the initial infection and include weakness, diminished reflexes, unsteady gait, progressive degeneration of the joints, loss of coordination, episodes of intense pain and disturbed sensation, personality changes, dementia, deafness, visual impairment, and impaired response to light. The disease is more frequent in males than in females. Onset is commonly during mid-life. The incidence of tabes dorsalis is rising, in part due to co-associated HIV infection.

    87. Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Neurologie: Neurosyphilis
    Translate this page evozierte Potentiale (SEP, VEP) bei tabes dorsalis. neuro-urologische Diagnostikbei tabes dorsalis. ophthamologische Diagnostik bei tabes dorsalis.
    1. Definition
    Ein Patient leidet wahrscheinlich an einer Neurosyphilis, wenn mindestens zwei der nachfolgenden Punkte 1. bis 3. und immer der Punkt 4. gegeben sind:
  • Chronisch-progredienter Verlauf einer neurologisch-psychiatrischen Symptomatik mit Phasen von Verschlechterung und Teilremission;
  • Pathologische Liquorbefunde mit gemischtzelliger oder mononukleärer Pleozytose, Blut-Liquor-Schrankenstörung und /oder IgG-dominanter Immunreaktion im ZNS;
  • Günstige Beinflussung von Krankheitsverlauf und/oder Liquorbefunden (v.a. Pleozytose und Schrankenstörung) durch Antibiotika.
  • Positiver Ausfall des TPHA-(oder TPPA-)Tests und des FTA-Abs-Test im Serum. Ein Patient leidet sicher an einer Neurosyphilis, wenn eine lokale treponemenspezifische Antikörperreaktion, messbar über einen spezifischen Antikörper-Index (empfohlen: ITpA-Test), vorliegt. Das Erscheinungsbild des syphilitischen ZNS-Befalls hängt ab vom Krankheitsstadium, in dem es auftritt. Im Sekundärstadium sind leichte Meningitis, Hirnnervenläsionen (N. VIII, VII und III), Polyradikulitis und selten vaskuläre Hirnstammsyndrome möglich. Während der Spätlatenz (>1 Jahr nach Infektion) werden die „asymptomatische“ Neurosyphilis (entzündlicher Liquor ohne klinisches Korrelat) wie auch die unklassifizierbare Neurosyphilis beobachtet. Letztere bietet eine vielfältige, aber nur gering ausgeprägte Symptomatik bei entzündlichem Liquorbefund.
  • 88. 000729
    tabes dorsalis. Causes, incidence, and risk factors The condition called tabes dorsalisincludes syphilitic myelopathy and additional symptoms of nerve damage. Encyclopedia/articles/000729

    BestHealth - Health Information
    Health Encyclopedia Surgeries and Procedures Health Centers ... Prevention
    Syphilitic myelopathy
    Syphilitic myelopathy is a disorder characterized by muscle weakness and abnormal sensations caused by untreated syphilis infections.
    Alternative Names: Tabes dorsalis
    Causes, incidence, and risk factors: Syphilitic myelopathy is a form of neurosyphilis , which is a progressive, life-threatening complication of late or tertiary syphilis infection. The condition called tabes dorsalis includes syphilitic myelopathy and additional symptoms of nerve damage.
    The infection damages the tissue of the spinal cord and peripheral nervous tissue. This causes decreased muscle function (myelopathy), including progressive weakness of the legs, arms, and other areas. Loss of function may eventually result in paralysis . Coordination difficulties contribute to problems walking . There are often changes in sensation, including painful paresthesia abnormal sensations ), which are often referred to as "lightning pains."
    In syphilitic myelopathy, the muscle problems are accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of nervous system damage caused by

    89. - Herbal Remedies - Syphilis
    TSY Herbal Combination for Syphilis, Lues, The Great Imitator, Neurosyphilis,tabes dorsalis, Syphilitic myelopathy, Cardiovascular syphilis.
    Home Syphilis DESCRIPTION Syphilis is a sexually transmitted or congenital infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Syphilis has several stages. In the primary stage, painless sores, called chancres, appear approximately 2-3 weeks after initial exposure. Some individuals with primary syphilis may not notice chancres nor have symptoms associated with them, in particular if the chancres are located in the rectum or cervix. In about 4 to 6 weeks chancres will usually disappear. Approximately one-third of untreated individuals will progress to the second stage: secondary syphilis. This usually occurs at about 2 to 8 weeks after the appearance of the original chancre in some cases the chancre may still be present. Secondary syphilis is the stage where the bacteria have spread in the bloodstream and have reached their highest numbers. The most common symptoms include: skin rash which can be varied in appearance, yet frequently involves the palms and soles, in addition to lesions in the mouth, vagina, penis (mucous patches), swollen lymph nodes, and fever. This stage is the most contagious stage of syphilis. It usually resolves within weeks to a year. A latent phase follows, which may last for years and is characterized by the absence of symptoms.

    90. AWMF Online - Leitlinie Neurologie: Neurosyphilis
    tabes dorsalis, bis 50 (oft 5), mononukleär, n, +, +, (IgA) (IgM), 2,0.
    AWMF online
    A rbeitsgemeinschaft der
    W issenschaftlichen
    M edizinischen
    F achgesellschaften
    AWMF-Leitlinien-Register Nr. 030/101 Entwicklungsstufe: Zitierbare Quelle:
  • Definition
  • Ein Patient leidet wahrscheinlich an einer Neurosyphilis, wenn mindestens zwei der nachfolgenden Punkte 1. bis 3. und immer der Punkt 4. gegeben sind:
  • Chronisch-progredienter Verlauf einer neurologisch-psychiatrischen Symptomatik mit Phasen von Verschlechterung und Teilremission;
  • Positiver Ausfall des TPHA-(oder TPPA-)Tests und des FTA-Abs-Test im Serum.
    "asymptomatische" Neurosyphilis unklassifizierbare Neurosyphilis
    sind die der folgenden Manifestationsformen charakteristisch:
  • Tabische Neurosyphilis
  • Paralytische Neurosyphilis
  • Epidemiologie
    Die Inzidenz der Syphilis
    Die Inzidenz der Neurosyphilis
  • Untersuchungen
    • Anamnese und klinischer Neurostatus
    Tabelle 1:
  • Neurologische, psychiatrische, ophthalmologische oder otologische Symptomatik (streng indiziert bei unbekannter Vorgeschichte)
  • HIV-Infektion plus latente Syphilis
  • TPHA-Titer (Liquor) Gesamt-IgG (Serum) ITpA-Index = x Gesamt-IgG (Liquor) TPHA-Titer (Serum)
    Im Einzelfall erforderlich:
    • EEG: obligat bei paralytischer Neurosyphilis und Konvulsionen im Rahmen anderer Manifestationsformen
    • evozierte Potentiale (SEP, VEP) bei Tabes dorsalis
  • 91. Dorsal - MiMi
    Home, Dorsal. tabes dorsalis A condition that results from the destruction ofthe dorsal columns in the spinal cord, normally responsible for position sense.
    Home Menu(0); MimiF3("Disease",0); pozicio('Disease','Dorsal') MimiF1("Disease",0); Dorsal
    CreateTd(0) TABES DORSAL IS - A condition that results from the destruction of the dorsal columns in the spinal cord, normally responsible for position sense. Loss of position sense causes severe gait and leg ataxia (balance and motor control problems). callurl(''); CreateTd(1) Tumor de la espina dorsal
    Los síntomas varían, dependiendo de la localización, el tipo de tumor y la salud general de la persona. Por lo general, los tumor es metastásicos (los que se han diseminado de la columna a otro sitio) progresan rápidamente, callurl(''); CreateTd(2) Syphilitic myelopathy is a form of neurosyphilis , which is a progressive, life-threatening complication of late or tertiary syphilis infection . The condition called tabes dorsal is includes syphilitic myelopathy and additional symptoms of nerve damage. callurl(''); CreateTd(3) In tabes dorsal is, progressive degeneration of the spinal cord occurs causing inability to walk.

    92. *TITLE*
    tabes dorsalis The slowly progressive degeneration of the spinal cord that occursin the late (tertiary) phase of syphilis a decade or more after contracting
    MEDICAL DICTIONARY Click on the alphabet and there you go! A B C D ... Z
    T: T-cell:
    A white blood cell made in the thymus gland, a lymphoid structure in the upper chest. (The T in T-cell stands for Thymus). The T-cells coordinate the immune system by secreting lymphokine hormones. There are 3 fundamentally different types of T cells : helper, killer, and suppressor. Each has many subdivisions. T-cells are also called T lymphocytes. Triiodothyronine, a thyroid hormone. (The number 3 is usually in subscript.) Thyroid hormones are essential for the function of every cell in the body. They help regulate growth and the rate of chemical reactions (metabolism) in the body. Thyroxine, a thyroid hormone. (The number 4 is usually in subscript.) Thyroid hormones are essential for the function of every cell in the body. They help regulate growth and the rate of chemical reactions (metabolism) in the body. T4 cell: Immune cells that are triggered by antibodies to seek and attack invading organisms. Cells called macrophanges summon T4 cells to the site of the infection and present a protruding antigen onto which the T4 cell locks, thus "recognizing" the invading substance. The T4 cell then reproduces and secretes its potent lymphokine hormones that stimulate B-cell production of antibodies; signal "natural killer" or cytotoxic (cell-killing) T-cells; and summon more macrophanges to the site of the infection. T4 cells are normally twice as common as T8 cells. If a person has AIDS, the proportion of T4 to T8 cells is often reversed. T4 cell are also called T-helper cells.

    93. Health Information Home
    Rush offers a comprehensive library of health information, including both adult and pediatric topics.
    To search through our library of health topics, please make a selection using the links below. Remember, the information in this library does not substitute for the advice provided by your health care team. Call your health care provider or dial 911 immediately if you think you may have a medical emergency. Remember, the information in this library cannot substitute for the advice provided by your health care team. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider before starting any new treatment or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition.
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    94. Tabitha King - Encyclopedia Article About Tabitha King. Free Access, No Registra
    Tabitha King. Word Word. Tabitha King (born 1949 Centuries 19th century 20th century - 21st century King
    Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
    Tabitha King
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Tabitha King (born Centuries: 19th century - 20th century - 21st century Decades: 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s - Years: 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 -
    • January 4 - RMS Caronia of the Cunard Line departs Southampton for New York on her maiden voyage
    • January 5 - U.S. President Harry S. Truman unveils his Fair Deal program.

    Click the link for more information. ) is an American For other uses see United States (disambiguation) The United States of America U.S.A. ), also referred to as the United States U.S. America the States , is a federal republic in North America and the Pacific Ocean (the islands of Hawaii, and the Aleutians). It extends from the Atlantic coast in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. It shares land borders with Canada in the north and Mexico in the south, shares a marine border with Russia in the west, and has a collection of districts, territories, and possessions around the world including Puerto Rico, Midway Atoll, and Guam. The country has fifty states, which have a level of local autonomy. A United States citizen is usually identified as an
    Click the link for more information.

    95. Medizinisches Wörterbuch Bei
    der Rückenmarkswurzeln mit nach- folgender Degeneration.
    Tabes dorsalis
    syn. Rückenmarksschwindsucht; syphilisbedingte
    der Rückenmarkswurzeln mit nach-
    folgender Degeneration . Diese Veränderung tritt
    sehr spät im Tertiärstadium auf und ist überwie-
    gend lumbal lokalisiert. Klinisch sieht man eine
    mit Muskelhypotonie und sensible Aus-
    , insbesondere des Vibrationssinns
    Weiterhin lassen sich pathologische Pupillenreak-

    96. Ophthalmologist And Eponyms - Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb ARgyll Robertson
    Argyll Robertson s syndrome = A frequent symptom of neurosyphilis, especially tabesdorsalis, and other diseases of thecentral nervous system, in which the
    Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson Scottish ophthalmologist, born 1837, Edinburgh; died 3rd January, 1909, Gonday near Bombay, India.
    Argyll Robertson's syndrome = A frequent symptom of neurosyphilis, especially tabes dorsalis, and other diseases of thecentral nervous system, in which the pupil is small and responds slowly or not at all to light, but reaction to accommodation and convergence is retained. Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson
    was one of the first surgeons to specialize entirely in the field of ophthalmology and his name has been forever associated with the phenomenon he described in the pupil found in tabes dorsalis. Not until the beginning of this century was lues generally accepted as the definitive causes of the different manifestations from the nervous system, following the discovery by Schaudinn and Hoffmann of the treponema pallidium in 1905 and August Paul von Wassermann’s (1866-1925) serologic test in 1906. Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson was born in 1837 in Edinburgh, where his father, John Argyll Robertson, was a general surgeon, with a special interest in surgery of the eye. He received his early education in Edinburgh, and then studied medicine at St. Andrews, from where he graduated in 1857, the year of his father’s death. He returned to Edinburgh to work as a house surgeon at the Royal Infirmary before departing for Berlin to study under the leading ophthalmologist of the day, Albrecht von Graefe (1828-1870). In this he was following on the work of his father who had been a lecturer in surgery at Edinburgh in the extra-mural school and had confined himself chiefly to ophthalmic surgery. During the 1850s, the invention of the ophthalmoscope by Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821-1894) in 1851, and the new operations such as iridectomy introduced by von Graefe in 1856 ensured that ophthalmology developed into a specialty of its own right.

    97. Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson (
    Argyll Robertson s syndrome A frequent symptom of neurosyphilis, especially tabesdorsalis, and other diseases of the central nervous system, in which the


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    This survey of medical eponyms and the persons behind them is meant as a general interest site only. No information found here must under any circumstances be used for medical purposes, diagnostically, therapeutically or otherwise. If you, or anybody close to you, is affected, or believe to be affected, by any condition mentioned here: see a doctor.
    Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson
    Scottish ophthalmologist and eye surgeon, born 1837, Edinburgh; died January 3, 1909, Gonday near Bombay, India.
    Associated eponyms: Adie's syndrome A neurological phenomenon in which one or both pupils is dilated and responds slowly or not at all to light and a near stimulus, accompanied by slow constriction and relaxation in the change from near to distant vision, and impaired accommodation. Argyll Robertson's syndrome A frequent symptom of neurosyphilis, especially tabes dorsalis, and other diseases of the central nervous system, in which the pupil is small and responds slowly or not at all to light, but reaction to accommodation and convergence is retained. Biography: Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson was one of the first surgeons to specialize entirely in the field of ophthalmology and his name has been forever associated with the phenomenon he described in the pupil found in tabes dorsalis.

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