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61. Penn State Faculty Research Expertise Database (FRED) , disorders related to substance abuse, the side effects of a medication, toxin exposure, and ALCOHOL-related disorders....... substancerelated disorders. http://fred.hmc.psu.edu/ds/retrieve/fred/meshdescriptor/D019966 |
62. Substance-Related Disorders At Diseasebooks.com substancerelated disorders - Shop for 22 substance-related disorders items available with reviews, descriptions, and more information. http://diseasebooks.com/s/Substance_Related_Disorders/ | |
63. Substance-related Disorders? substancerelated disorders? What are substance-related disorders? Jeremy Myths and Facts about substance-related disorders. Myth http://www.sun.ac.za/mentalhealth/substance.htm | |
64. Zeitschriften: Substance-Related Disorders Translate this page Zeitschriften substance-related disorders. = Volltext, Abstracts, Table of Contents, Infos = wie , aber keine Printausgabe in der http://www.uszbib.unizh.ch/journals/subjects/114.shtml | |
65. Diagnosis And Treatment Of Substance-Related Disorders: The DECLARE Model - Ally Diagnosis and Treatment of substancerelated disorders The DECLARE Model. Purcell Taylor, University of Cincinnati. ISBN 0-205-40440 http://www.ablongman.com/catalog/academic/product/0,1144,0205404405,00.html | |
66. GeriatricWeb: Geriatric Resources For The Practicing Physician Search PubMed for review articles on substancerelated disorders. SEARCH, Browse by Subject. Geriatric Psychiatry; Mental disorders - substance-related disorders. http://geriatricweb.sc.edu/questaction.cfm?ID=31500 |
67. Search By Topic: Psychoactive Substance-Related Disorders Search by Topic Psychoactive substancerelated disorders. (in Chinese); Habitsmart; AL-ANON and ALATEEN; Center for Alcohol and http://www.mental.idv.tw/global/sub.htm | |
68. Substance-Related Disorders Diagnosis Mental Health Counseling. substancerelated disorders. substance-related disorders. substance-related disorders are divided into two groups. http://cmhs.utoledo.edu/npiazza/Courses/DX&MH/SUDs.htm | |
69. Substance-Related Disorders or the substance (or one closely related) is used to A syndrome specific to a substance develops when nor better explained by a different mental disorder. http://www.sh.lsuhsc.edu/fammed/OutpatientManual/DSM.html |
70. Principles For Outcome Evaluation In The Treatment Of Substance-Related Disorder ASAM Public Policy. Principles for Outcome Evaluation in the Treatment of. substancerelated disorders a Joint AMBHA-ASAM Statement. INTRODUCTION http://www.asam.org/ppol/Principles for Outcome Evaluation in the Treatment of S | |
71. PubMed / Medline Search On SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS And IOWA PubMed substance-related disorders Majr AND iowaMeSH Terms....... PubMed / Medline search on substancerelated disorders and IOWA. Entrez-PubMed. http://www.iowapublichealth.org/xr/ASPX/RecordId.11009/rx/IphiRecordDetails.htm | |
72. Substance-Related Disorders IV. substancerelated disorders. A. Alcohol-Use disorders 1. Alcohol Dependence 2. Alcohol Abuse B. Alcohol-Induced disorders 1. Alcohol http://www.psynt.iupui.edu/b380/Resource-99/dsm-4.htm |
73. Entrez PubMed Summary Abstract, Epidemiology of substance use disorders in women http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=PureSearch&db=PubMed&details_t |
74. Substance-Related Disorders ¤×ÍÍÐääРThe summary for this Thai page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.dmh.go.th/forum/index.php?board=11;action=display;threadid=100 |
75. Www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/F3/F3.900.html OHSU EJournals by TopicOHSU Library E-Journals Home Library Customer Support Access and Use Restrictions Electronic Journals by Topic Area substance-related disorders. http://www.ohsu.edu/cliniweb/F3/F3.900.html |
76. Table - Contracts Mental health services, 36, 72%. substancerelated disorders services, 34, 68%. Unclear, 6, 14%. Social worker, 7, 1. substance-related disorders counselor, 0, 0. http://www.samhsa.gov/mc/content/managed care contracting/mcrpt/mco_care/table_c |
77. Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation: Related Disorders disorder (imagined ugliness), and habit disorders, such as control problems, such as substance abuse, pathological activity, are probably not related to OCD in http://www.ocfoundation.org/ocf1020a.htm | |
78. UW Libraries - Database Search 13) Alcoholism Periodicals (14) Drug abuse Periodicals (4) Smoking adverse effects Periodicals substancerelated disorders Periodicals (9) Tobacco habit http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=subject&ID=49089 |
79. UW Libraries - Database Search http//www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/07405472 UW restricted, substance abuse Periodicals (2) substance-related disorders therapy Periodicals (3). http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=subject&ID=64453 |
80. Substance-Related Disorders http://www.vancouver.wsu.edu/fac/garofalo/Abnormalpsychology--lecture11.htm | |
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