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81. Stuttering Center: Research speech compromise. stuttering has been with us throughout time, afflictingat least one percent of the world adult population. It http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/neurol/struct/stut/stut5.html | |
82. Recent Models Of Stuttering Recent Models of stuttering. To begin the lecture, click the STARTbutton above. Objective. If you are the first time visitor, you http://www.pitt.edu/~super1/lecture/lec2711/ | |
83. The Voice Institute Providing Communication training including voice improvement, diction, accent reduction, stuttering, coaching for presentation skills/public speaking, phone use and social skills. http://thevoiceinstitute.com/ | |
84. Stuttering: A Brief Review - May 1, 1998 - American Academy Of Family Physicians stuttering A Brief Review. MICHAEL LAWRENCE, MD, University stuttering is adisorder affecting the fluency of speech. The World Health Organization http://www.aafp.org/afp/980501ap/lawrence.html | |
85. Speech Improvement Group Offers accent reduction and stuttering treatments. Includes program overviews. http://www.speechimprovementgroup.com | |
86. Public Citizen's ELetter: Drug Induced Stuttering posted May 2000. DrugInduced stuttering. stuttering usually begins in childhood,but can also occur in adults, due to certain types of brain damage and stress. http://www.citizen.org/ELETTER/ARTICLES/stuttering.htm | |
87. Stuttering Center: Menu Speech and Language Center. http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/neurol/struct/stut/stut1.html | |
88. SFA Products stuttering Foundation of America books and videos. http://www.stuttersfa.org/catalog/catalog.htm | |
89. YOUTHSSPEAK - HELPING YOUNG PEOPLE WHO STUTTER Enables young people around Australia to come together and discuss common problems, issues and concerns about their stuttering. http://www.youthsspeak.com.au/index.shtml | |
90. Stuttering Refer to conditions of use. stuttering. stuttering is a disorder of fluency characterizedby various behaviors that interfere with the flow of normal speech. http://www.psychnet-uk.com/dsm_iv/stuttering.htm |
91. Executive Voice Enterprises Provides speech therapy services, including stuttering, voice therapy, professional voice training and accent reduction. http://users3.ev1.net/~darrell108/ |
92. Nathaniel's Gallery - Stuttering [odys] stuttering odys , seeking venues. Alongside the NAN, the self ( You and I )is unfolding and in process. stuttering odys , seeking venues (2003). http://nathanielstern.com/gallery/stuttering.html | |
93. Denver Chapter - National Stuttering Project Activities and meeting times for a Denver, Colorado chapter of a national support and advocacy group for people who stutter. http://members.aol.com/nspdenver |
94. Neuropatterning For Stutterers stuttering selftherapy book, by Richard Harkness. http://members.aol.com/rharkn | |
95. University Of Illinois - Stuttering Research Project The University of Illinois. stuttering Research Project. transient stuttering; Describeand quantify symptom changes over time and isolate subtypes of stuttering; http://www.shs.uiuc.edu/research/stuttering/ | |
96. Speech Advantage - Corporate Speech Pathology - Madison, Wisconsin - Foreign Acc Provides corporate speech pathology services foreign accent reduction, stuttering therapy, and treatment of a voice, articulation, or pronunciation disorder. http://www.speechadvantage.info/ | |
97. Genetics Of Stuttering Genetics of stuttering Project. In the past, much of our research relatedto this aspect has focused on the familial distribution of stuttering. http://www.shs.uiuc.edu/research/stuttering/genetics.html | |
98. Quia - Stuttering Awareness Game Challenge Board, 30Day Free trial. stuttering Awareness Game. A true/falsejeopardy-type game to raise awareness about stuttering. http://www.quia.com/cb/2807.html | |
99. Bill Parry's Stuttering Links stuttering theory and treatment, by William Parry. http://members.aol.com/wdparry/index.htm | |
100. Stuttering Project SUNY Buffalo Graduate Course 569 stuttering Therapy Research Project Causes ofstuttering, stuttering and Fluency Theory, Therapy for stuttering and Related http://www.geocities.com/staceydt/start.html |
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