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         Stress:     more books (109)
  1. Stress-Free Diabetes (ADA) by Joseph Napora, 2010-03-23
  2. The Big Book of Stress Relief Games: Quick, Fun Activities for Feeling Better by Robert Epstein, 2000-03-27
  3. When the Body Says No: Understanding the Stress-Disease Connection by Gabor Maté, Gabor Mate, 2003-04-11
  4. Stress Management For Lawyers: How To Increase Personal & Professional Satisfaction In The Law by Amiram Elwork, 2007-01-02
  5. System Under Stress: Homeland Security and American Politics, 2nd Edition (Public Affairs and Policy Administration Series) by Kettl D, 2007-01-01
  6. Asperger Syndrome and Anxiety: A Guide to Successful Stress Management by Nick Dubin, 2009-03-15
  7. Positive Energy: 10 Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear into Vibrance, Strength, and Love by Judith Orloff, 2005-09-20
  8. Eliminating Stress, Finding Inner Peace by Brian Weiss, 2003-09-01
  9. No Stress Tech Guide To Business Objects Crystal Reports 2008 For Beginners by Dr. Indera E. Murphy, 2008-05-31
  10. The 15 Minute Heart Cure: The Natural Way to Release Stress and Heal Your Heart in Just Minutes a Day by John M. Kennedy, Jason Jennings, 2010-01-12
  11. Surrendering Our Stress: Prayers to Calm the Soul and Strengthen the Spirit by Joan Guntzelman, 2009-06
  12. The Stress Answer: Train Your Brain to Conquer Depression and Anxiety in 45 Days by Dr. Frank Lawlis, 2008-09-18
  13. Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for Health and Wellbeing with Art of Peace Workbook by Brian Luke Seaward, 2008-11-03
  14. Stress Less Live More: How Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Can Help You Live a Busy Yet Balanced Life by Richard Blonna, 2010-04

101. Undoing What Stress Does To You: Psychological Self-Help
Take an online stress test. Learn to recognize the signs of stress. topics.htm
Undoing Stress Attitude Awakenings Book Store The Cycle of Change Enneagram ... Stereogram [ Stress ] Understanding Depression Wheel of Life 1 Wheel of Life 2 Teaching ... Home Do you have more stress than in the past? Do you seem to live in a whirlwind of change? Would you like to be able to better control your stress level? Have you noticed signs of overload such as:
  • Poor attention, concentration, and memory? Increasing irritability and frustration? Anxiety and worry? Physical symptoms like: headaches, neck pain, backaches, dizziness, chest pain, heart palpitations, belly pain, or GI problems?
If the answer to these questions is yes then you need to learn how to undo what stress is doing to you.
Take an online test to measure your stress level.

View the "Stress Cat" to see if you are stressed.
Learn more by following the links below. You can now purchase the Undoing Stress audiotape online Looking for Stress The Speed of Change Stress and the "Information Age" ... Listen to the 12 minute Real Audio relaxation file.
(Requires RealPlayer) Attitude Awakenings Book Store The Cycle of Change Enneagram ... Stereogram [ Stress ] Understanding Depression Wheel of Life 1 Wheel of Life 2 Teaching ...
our new book!

102. Stress - Virtual Library
VL, stress WWW Virtual Library. The stress Virtual Library keeps trackof online information as part of The World Wide Web Virtual Library.
Stress WWW Virtual Library
The Stress Virtual Library keeps track of online information as part of The World Wide Web Virtual Library. Sites are inspected and evaluated for their adequacy as information sources before they are linked from here. Files that support the Stress Virtual Library are served from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences network at the University of Florida Neither the editor nor University of Florida is responsible for the level or type of information offered nor opinions expressed on linked remote sites. The editor's annotations are intended to serve as a fair and useful guide for prospective visitors to those sites. To Virtual Library sites for Economics Psychology Sociology Social Sciences ... Women's Studies Latest revision: 9 April 2004 ~ Web pages at this site © 1996-2004 by Gene R. Thursby.

103. PBS | About This Site . Retired Site
American Love Story. navigation. Welcome to the stressO-Meter TM . Usingpatented science TM techniques, our super computer is specially
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104. Columbia Debris Tested For Re-entry Stress | The Register
Columbia debris tested for reentry stress. The data will strengthen modelsthat predict the behaviour of composite structures under stress.
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  • The Register Mobile Desktop News Panel Newsletter Reader Studies ... Science
    Columbia debris tested for re-entry stress
    By Lucy Sherriff Published Friday 21st May 2004 15:25 GMT NASA has loaned pieces debris from the Space Shuttle Columbia to The Aerospace Corporation for research on the effects of re-entry. The space agency has dispatched pieces of the graphite/epoxy honeycomb skins from orbital manoeuvring system, main propulsion tanks, reaction control systems and reactant distribution systems to the California-based organisation. Scientists there which will study how composite materials, in particular, are affected by a journey through the atmosphere. The data will strengthen models that predict the behaviour of composite structures under stress. This will help to assess the risk re-entry poses to people and structures on the ground. Mike Leinbach, shuttle launch director, said that he thought of studying pieces of Columbia soon after the February 2003 disaster in which seven astronauts died. A seal on the left wing was damaged during the launch and later fell off. This created a gap that let hot gas enter the ship during re-entry.

105. Unique Gifts, Gift Baskets, And Present Ideas, For Birthdays And More.
Offering a variety of products for relaxation and stress relief.
To Our Unique Relaxation Gift store.
We Offer Unique Gifts, Gift Baskets, and Present Ideas, for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Christmas, New Baby, and more for men, women and kids.
Our Mission is to provide a relaxing stress-free environment to purchase gifts and products from the comfort of your own domain.
Our relaxation products include gift baskets, window gardens, yoga videos, zen gardens, light therapy, sunrise alarm clocks, biofeedback, lucid dreaming tools, and general gifts for all occasions.
Browse through all the wonderful gifts we have to offer!
Executive Zen
Digital Sunrise
Herb Packs
ThoughtStream Bonsai Garden Nature Chimes Soothing Music for Sleep PL800 Massage Recliner Yoga Series Soehnle Pacific Body Balance Scale

106. The Stress Test
Our new stress Test will accurately measure not only how stressed outyou actually are, but also how stressed out you think you are.
Everyday life is stressful, and a lucky few can cope by committing crimes. But what about the rest of us? Is everyone about to cave in from the pressure? Is the human race able to deal with modern anxiety? And what's the normal load, anyhow? Does the guy down the hall who's always complaining how tired he is really have it that bad? Or is he just a wimp, like we've heard? And how about you ? You wouldn't believe what people are saying... To answer these questions, SparkNotes has decided to do a little research: Our new Stress Test will accurately measure not only how stressed out you actually are, but also how stressed out you think you are. And then we'll see who's got real problems and who's just pissing and moaning. Terms and Conditions Contact Information About Us Preferences

107. Information On Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Causes and symptoms of PTSD. Online survey.

108. Safety And Health Topics: Heat Stress
Safety and Health Topics Heat stress. OSHA (2001, August 9), 1 page. OSHA FAQon Avoiding Heat stress, Protecting against UV Radiation and Lyme Disease.
U.S. Department of Labor MyOSHA [skip navigational links] Search Advanced Search A-Z Index Safety and Health Topics: Heat Stress This OSHA Safety and Health Topics Web Page is provided as a guide to information regarding the Recognition, Evaluation, Control, and Compliance actions involving HEAT STRESS . These sections are followed by a listing of Other Resources that is more technical in nature. The buttons at the side of the page will jump you directly to the appropriate sections.
  • 2002 TLVs® and BEIs®: Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices . American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) (2002), Publication #0102, 192 pages. This pocket-size guide is available for a small fee from the ACGIH website or by calling (513)742-2020.
  • Beating the Heat . OSHA (2001, August 9), 1 page. OSHA FAQ on Avoiding Heat Stress, Protecting against UV Radiation and Lyme Disease.
  • Heat Stress . OSHA Technical Manual (TED 1-0.15A), Section III - Chapter 4 (1999, January 20), 19 pages. This is an excellent place to start if you are unfamiliar with heat stress. Contains useful sections on the signs and symptoms of heat stress, sampling methods, control suggestions, and guidelines for investigating heat stress in the workplace.
  • Heat Stress Card . OSHA Publication 3154 (2002), 23 KB PDF. This informational card on heat stress lists symptoms of heat-related illnesses and first aid techniques. A Spanish version

109. 32 Keys - A Collection Of Ideas About Life
A collection of ideas on happiness, worry, stress, selfesteem. Online book.
Life-line: May your life be full of happiness and peace, with much self-esteem and free from worry and stress.
A free online life happiness book. Self-help ideas on living happily and reducing stress. Don't worry be happy!
A Collection of Ideas About Life

Self-help Book - Free To Read Online
Cute Funny
About Kids Mostly Not So Funny!
Retail Ethics!
Start your day here! Introduction 11 Confidence 22 Revenge 1 Life ... 32 Meditation See you tomorrow?
An On-Line Book Ken N McIsaac
You may link
to any page on this 32 KEYS Ideas About Life site. This web site is provided for information only and should not be considered as professional advice. I am not engaged in rendering any counseling or other professional services or advice. Always consult your family physician and other medical professionals with your health problems. Please read the page
Online since 99 Good Housekeeping Site Of The Day ~ July 28, 2003
Feedback Life Axioms Home Self Inspection ... From My Inbox
var site="sm8kennym2" Peace, love, health and a happy life

110. The Postpartum Stress Center: Treatment For Postpartum Depression(PPD)
A Support and Counseling Service for Postpartum stress Syndrome, PPD,Postpartum Depression, Prenatal Depression and Pregnancy Loss. Home,
The Postpartum Stress Center specializes in the treatment of postpartum illness by offering these services to women and their families:
  • Complete diagnostic assessment Individual, group and couple therapy Support groups Psychiatric evaluation and follow-up Consultation, training and supervision available for healthcare professionals Risk assessment and counseling for women with a history of emotional illness who are preparing for pregnancy. Psychotherapy for depression during pregnancy Support for exploration of women's issues including self-esteem, sexuality, body image, intimacy Grief counseling for miscarriage, stillbirth, newborn loss or termination Infertility support
The most common illness following childbirth is postpartum depression (PPD), characterized by frequent crying, mood swings, irritability, extreme fatigue, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems, loss of sexual interest, anxiety, appetite changes, negative scary thoughts, feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness and despair. In addition, thoughts of suicide and feelings of anger, shame and guilt are often present.  If you are experiencing any of these symptoms after the birth of your baby, or if you are concerned about the way you feel, please seek the advice of your healthcare provider. Information on this site is for informational purposes only. It can provide some self-help relief, but it should not serve as a substitute for a good, comprehensive evaluation by a professional.

111. Home
New York; Nauet. Articles, news, services. Critical incident stress management and psychotherapy practice of Stephen Jay Levy, Ph.D.
"It's about change."
Welcome to, the website of psychologist Dr. Stephen Jay Levy. Dr. Levy's psychology practice focuses on: Alcoholism Drug Abuse Mental Illness Critical Incident Stress Management Crisis Intervention Education and Training Consulting Expert and Testifying Expert Witness The website contains citations to many of Dr. Levy's articles as well as the full text of his most recent papers.
Mission Statement
To guide people through the difficult passages of life's journey. To apply the art and science of psychology to modern day living. To provide therapy, education and training, forensic psychology, and critical incident stress management services for those who need them.
Contact Information
Telephone FAX Postal address
Stephen Jay Levy, Ph.D. 115 East Allison Avenue, Nanuet, New York 10954
Electronic mail
General Information:

For comments about this website, please contact
For information, please contact
Telephone: (845) 624-6200

112. | Children's Needs
Recognizing stress in Children. Acknowledging your concerns to thechildren is important, as is your ability to cope with stress.
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Recognizing Stress in Children Preschool children will cling to parents and teachers and will worry about their parents' whereabouts. School-age children whose homes have been damaged by a fire may express the fear that life isn't safe or fair, whereas adolescents may minimize their concerns but fight more with parents and spend more time with their friends. It is important to listen to children's individual concerns and to be alert to signs of difficulty. Children are the most vulnerable population. Times of disaster and trauma increase their vulnerability. Recognizing children's symptoms of stress is not easy. Some stress reactions may include the following: Sleep disorders Persistent thoughts of trauma Belief that another bad event will occur Conduct disturbances Hyperalertness Avoidance of stimulus or similar vents, i.e., boating, swimming, baths, traveling Moving Regression, thumb sucking Dependent behaviors Time distortion Obsession about the event Feeling vulnerable Excessive attachment behaviors Extension professionals, parents and caregivers can work with child care providers to help them understand that parents who are under stress may not be able to provide enough love and affection for their children. Some of this lack of affection can be supplemented in child care settings.

113. Update
Can help with stress, giving up smoking, weight control, and many other health problems and life issues.

114. A Taylor & Francis Journal: Work & Stress
A Taylor Francis Journal Work stress Work stress. Editor TomCox, Institute of Work, Health and Organisations, William Lee
Contact Us Members of the Group All Products Books Journal Article eBooks Alphabetical Listing Journals by Subject Advertising Customer Services ... eBooks
Editor: Tom Cox , Institute of Work, Health and Organisations, William Lee Buildings, Nottingham Science and Technology Park, University Boulevard, Nottingham, BG7 2RQ, UK
Tel.: +44 115 84 666 23
Fax: +44 115 84 666 47
Editorial Information
Publication Details:
Volume 18, 2004, Quarterly
ISSN 0267-8373 2004 Subscription Rates
Subscribe Online!

Institutional: US$373/£227
Individual: US$187/£113 of CrossRef Aims and Scope: is an international, multidisciplinary quarterly, presenting refereed academic papers relating to stress, health and safety, and performance (empirical reports, reviews, case studies and theoretical papers), as well as articles of concern to the policymakers, managers and trades unionists who have to deal with such issues. It presents individual, social, organizational and societal issues in relation to the nature of stress and its management, defined in the broadest sense. Readership:

115. Inventaire De Ses Symptômes De Stress
Questionnaire en ligne et interpr©tation des r©sultats.

116. Stress Relief Paintball -
stress Relief Paintball, Shoot all the yellow faces to score maximum pointsand advance to next level. Use MOUSE to aim CLICK mouse button to SHOOT.
Navigate Miniclip... HOME PLAY GAMES - Sport - Puzzle - Retro - Shoot 'em Up - Multiplayer - Cash Prize Games - Election (US) Games - Download Games JOIN FORUM STORE - Games - Merchandise FREE SITE CONTENT - Free Games - Webmaster Newsletter - Webmaster FAQ - Link to Miniclip ABOUT US - Company - Press Cuttings - Creatives - Contact Us HELP - FAQ's - Requirements - Support
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117. HumanTuneUp Home Page
Cath Kachur offering workshops, seminars, speeches, products and gifts for lessstress, communication skills, change and intuition.
In front of over
1500 audiences
since 1978, Cath
has been inspiring, encouraging,
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119. Barbro Bronsberg - StressaNer
Barbro Bronsberg ger fakta om stress och utbr¤ndhet, hur man kan f¶rebygga och komma igen.

120. Stress Management Personal Stress Risk Analysis
Say Goodbye to stress Today. stress is one of the principal causes of lostproductivity, social breakdown and illhealth. Introduction to stress.
Say "Goodbye" to Stress Today
Stress is one of the principal causes of lost productivity, social breakdown and ill-health. It can be caused by adverse pressures at work or in social situations. This web site, published by Changing Times, provides an insight to the causes and effects of stress and offers a jargon-free understanding of the problems that arise from excessive levels of stress. Most importantly, the web site gives direct access to the Changing Times method of psychometric modelling and stress risk analysis. The site provides a valuable tool for individuals who seek to tackle their own stress levels and to managers and executives who wish to reduce stress in their organisations. Say goodbye to harmful and excessive stress today. To obtain your personal stress risk assessment pack, Click Here
On this website you will find:
Isn't it time you began to understand the stress risks that affect you personally?

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