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101. Mainichi Interactive - Top News Survival rates among stomach cancer patients differ widely. The experts analyzedthe survival rates of stomach cancer patients at each hospital. http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/news/20040516p2a00m0dm006001c.html |
102. Archives Of Stomach Cancer Patient Questions At Med Help International Collection of patient medical questions and answers about stomach cancer, whichare replied to by online doctors from leading medical institutions. http://www.medhelp.org/perl6/gastro/archive/Stomach_Cancer.html | |
103. Salt And Stomach Cancer Salt and stomach cancer. Yet a succession of studies have allegeda causal relationship between stomach cancer and dietary salt. http://www.saltinstitute.org/41.html | |
104. Stomach Cancer | Comprehensive Cancer Center Of Wake Forest University cancer, , stomachcancer. stomach cancer. stomach cancer is simplymalignancies of the stomach. Treatment Methods For stomach cancer. http://www1.wfubmc.edu/cancer/stomach-cancer.html | |
105. Green Tea Protects Against Gastritis, Stomach Cancer more news Green Tea Protects Against Gastritis, stomach cancer. Postedon 05/27/2003. SAFAT, KuwaitResearchers from Kuwait University http://www.hsrmagazine.com/hotnews/35h27161259.html | |
106. Stomach Cancer And Gastric Or Duodenal Ulcer Disease The risk of stomach cancer in patients with gastric or duodenal ulcer disease. Therisk of stomach cancer in patients with gastric or duodenal ulcer disease. http://www.journalclub.org/vol1/a29.html | |
107. Seattle Cancer Care Alliance: Stomach Cancer stomach cancer. Our Services. For more information about the SCCA s services,please call the Patient Intake Office at (206) 2881024. stomach cancer, http://www.seattlecca.org/patientsandfamilies/adultCare/clinicalProgs/stomachCan | |
108. JS Online: Success Seen With Stomach Cancer Drug Success seen with stomach cancer drug. More than half in study saw their tumorsshrink by at least half. By MARILYNN MARCHIONE of the Journal Sentinel staff. http://www.jsonline.com/alive/news/may02/44697.asp | |
109. Nationwide USA Stomach Cancer Settlements Compensation Lawyer Advice on stomach cancer settlements from specialist medical malpracticelawyers. NATIONWIDE stomach cancer LAWYER. Every year over http://www.medical-malpractice.us.com/stomach_cancer.html | |
110. Health Services: Digestive Health stomach cancer. What is stomach cancer? stomach cancer, also known asgastric cancer, is cancer that starts in any part of the stomach. http://www.mcghealthcare.org/DigH_02100/DigH_02100d.html | |
111. Folk Medicine Traditional treatments for ailments ranging from cancer to upset stomach. http://www.online.ru/sp/fresh/medical/folk-med.html | |
112. Rapid Medical Systems, Inc. Home test kits for breast cancer, HIV, stomach ulcers and hepatitis. http://www.testmed.com/ |
113. SpringerLink - Publication Publishes significant studies related to stomach neoplasms. A joint official journal of the International Gastric cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric cancer Association. http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/10120/ | |
114. W. Perry Stokes, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.G. Clinic in New Iberia, LA specializinbg in diseases and disorders of the esophagus, stomach, liver, colon, gallbladder, and pancreas. This includes colon cancer screening and nonsurgical management of gallstones and bleeding ulcers. http://www.drpstokes.com | |
115. Stomachs Removed After Genetic Cancer Tests CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/conditions/06/21/stomach.cancer.ap/index.html |
116. Pharmaceutical Research And Manufacturers Of America New Medicines in Development. Gastric (stomach) cancer. Complete anew search Drug Name (Proprietary name/Generic name). Indications http://www.phrma.org/newmedicines/newmedsdb/drugs.cfm?indicationcode=Gastric (st |
117. Mr. Basil Ammori Provides information on advanced laparoscopic operations, surgery for obesity and radical surgery for cancers of the stomach, pancreas and liver. http://groups.msn.com/MrBasilAmmori/ | |
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