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81. Go'mez-Caro Andre's Et Al.: Spinal Cord Compression And... PII S15699293(04)00014-3 Case report - Thoracic general. Spinal cordcompression and epidural abscess extension of pleural empyema. http://www1.elsevier.com/gej-ng/10/22/71/87/47/57/abstract.html | |
82. Lothian NHS Trust Cd Roms: Spinal Cord Compression eLearning, Lothian NHS Trust Cd Roms spinal cord compression. Contact(s)Ms Jackie Aim Developer 0131 651 1645 j.aim@ed.ac.uk. Ms http://www.lts.mvm.ed.ac.uk/cwdev/project.asp?ProjID=72 |
83. NeLH Toolkit - Care Pathways - Pathway - Spinal Cord Compression Pathway Details Topic, spinal cord compression. Stage of Development, Drafting.Care Setting, Acute. Pathway Title, spinal cord compression. Pathway summary, http://www.nelh.shef.ac.uk/nelh/kit/cps/paths.nsf/0/a6209610b90a352680256db90037 |
84. Veterinary Neurology And Neurosurgery, Neuro. Signs In Video: Cervical Cord Comp VETERINARY NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY. NEUROLOGICAL SIGNS IN VIDEO.spinal cord compression, Cranial Cervical region. This dog suffered http://www.neurovet.org/VIDEOS/HighCervicalCordCompr.htm | |
85. Direct Decompressive Surgery With Postoperative Radiation Therapy Helps Spinal C 20, 2003 Print this release Direct Decompressive Surgery with Postoperative RadiationTherapy Helps spinal cord compression Patients Walk Longer, More Often. http://www.astro.org/media_center/archived_news_releases/2003/1020regine.htm | |
86. DrDillin.com: Cervical Spinal Stenosis spinal cord compression External objects can compress the spinal cord changingthe shape and interrupting the spinal cord s normal function. http://www.drdillin.com/education/basics_css_compression.htm | |
87. Understanding Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy, By Spine-Health The process that leads to spinal cord compression is a result of cervical arthritis (also called cervical spondylosis), which is incompletely understood and http://www.spine-health.com/topics/cd/undermy/undermy01.html | |
88. HealthyNJ--Information For Healthy Living--Spinal Cord Diseases permanent. spinal cord compression. Normally malfunction. Symptoms mayreflect either spinal cord compression or nerve root damage. If http://www.healthynj.org/dis-con/spinald/main.htm | |
89. Spinal Cord protrude into the upper cervical spinal canal cross the central part of the cordthis may Longitudinal Signs Spasticity from compression of the corticospinal http://www.sun.ac.za/neurology/lectures/spinalcord.htm | |
90. NEUROLOGIE: CAS COMPRESSION NEUROLOGIE Les dossiers classés en compression . ABNORMALITIES spinalcord, compression,spinal cord, MR STUDIES,spinal cord, ABNORMALITIES. http://www.med.univ-rennes1.fr/cerf/iconocerf/idx/N/COMPRESSION.html | |
91. NEUROLOGIE: CAS SPINAL CORD ABNORMALITIES SPINA cord, ABNORMALITIES,spinal cord, CT; spinal cord,compression,spinal cord, MR STUDIES,spinal cord, ABNORMALITIES. http://www.med.univ-rennes1.fr/cerf/iconocerf/idx/N/SPINAL_CORD.html | |
92. NINDS Spinal Cord Injury Information Page The most common types of SCI include contusion (bruising of the spinalcord) and compression (caused by pressure on the spinal cord). http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/sci.htm | |
93. Systemic Myelopathy Pathogenesis spinal stenosis Direct cord root compression; Vascularinsufficiency venous engorgement. Treatment Surgical decompression; ? http://www.neuro.wustl.edu/neuromuscular/spinal/systemic2.html | |
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