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1. SPD Web Page Collected resources of a parent who is researching SPD. Features links to overviews and intervention articles concerning SPD and related disorders. http://www.geocities.com/denisev2/ | |
2. What Is Semantic-pragmatic Disorder? Article by Julia Muggleton explaining this complex topic. Published by the Surrey Branch of National Autistic Society. http://www.mugsy.org/spd.htm | |
3. Autism, Asperger's Syndrome & Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Paper on defining the boundaries. http://www.mugsy.org/bishop.htm | |
4. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Syndrome of Hyperlexia, Education, Information and support Semantic Pragmatic Disorder. ( A paper prepared by Heathlands Language Unit staff for semanticpragmatic disorder was originally defined in the literature on Language Disorder in 1983 http://www.hyperlexia.org/sp1.html | |
5. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Forum Use this board to search for information, ask for advice, or discuss concerns about this, or related disorders. http://members2.boardhost.com/pragma/ | |
6. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Parents' Page For UK families, resources and information concerning semanticpragmatic disordera language/communication disorder that is commonly found in children on the Autistic Spectrum. http://spdparents.members.easyspace.com/ | |
7. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder England) Tel 0181 947 7373. The former Heathlands school moved out of London a few years ago and underwent a name change in the process. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder (A paper prepared by Heathlands Language Unit staff for parents and Tel 0134 4875101. HISTORY semanticpragmatic disorder was originally defined in the http://www.ggtechservices.com/files/Sempra.txt |
8. MAAP Services - The Autism Source - A Global Information And Support Network Nationwide support group for Asperger's Syndrome(AS);High Functioning Autism(HFA); Hyperlexia; Nonverbal Learning Disorder(NLD); Pervasive Developmental DisorderNot Otherwise Specified(PDD-NOS); semantic-pragmatic disorder. http://www.asperger.org/ | |
9. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder semanticpragmatic disorder is a condition sometimes difficult to distinguish from Autism, as inappropriate communication is a hallmark symptom. The Relationship - semantic-pragmatic disorder and http://autism.about.com/cs/semanticpragmatic?iam=savvy&terms=Asperger |
10. IRSC - Communication Disorders, Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Web Pages. semanticpragmatic disorder Forum - http//members2.boardhost.com/pragma or discuss concerns about this, or related disorders. semantic-pragmatic disorder Home Page http://www.irsc.org:8080/irsc/irscmain.nsf/sub?readform&cat=Communication Di |
11. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Focus On. semanticpragmatic disorder. What is Semantic Pragmatic Disorder? Whatare the features of Semantic Pragmatic Disorder? Features include http://www.lancashireparentpartnership.org.uk/Vol 4 Issue 2 May 01.htm | |
12. The Relationship Between Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder And Autism Search. Autism / Pervasive Developmental Disorders The RelationshipBetween semanticpragmatic disorder and Autism. Dateline 08/17/00. http://autism.about.com/library/weekly/aa081700a.htm | |
13. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder semanticpragmatic disorder Guide picks. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Aposting board for people dealing with Semantic Pragmatic Disorder. http://autism.about.com/cs/semanticpragmatic/ | |
14. IRSC - Communication Disorders, Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Communication Disorders semanticpragmatic disorder. IRSC Home CommunicationDisorders semantic-pragmatic disorder. What is semantic-pragmatic disorder? http://www.irsc.org:8080/irsc/irscmain.nsf/sub?readform&cat=Communication Disord |
15. IRSC - Communication Disorders, Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Communication Disorders semanticpragmatic disorder. IRSC Home CommunicationDisorders semantic-pragmatic disorder. Categories. Online Community, Web Pages, http://www.irsc.org:8080/irsc/irscmain.nsf/sub?readform&cat=Communication Disord |
16. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention home communication disorders language and speech semanticpragmatic disordersemantic-pragmatic disorder. What is semantic-pragmatic disorder? http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/communication-disorders/language-and-speech/sema | |
17. LookSmart - Directory - Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder semanticpragmatic disorder - Learn about therapies and research for thislanguage-usage disorder that is thought to be a form of autism. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317837/us317920/us53955/us10218003/us | |
18. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Forum. semanticpragmatic disorder SemanticPragmatic Disorder Forum Online. Opportunity for persons http://my.webmd.com/hw/health_guide_atoz/shc29sem.asp | |
19. Disease Directory : Communication Disorders : Language And Speech : Semantic-Pra Diseases Communication Disorders Language and Speech semanticpragmatic disorder. Autism,Asperger s syndrome and semantic-pragmatic disorder where http://www.diseasedirectory.net/Communication_Disorders/Language_and_Speech/Sema | |
20. Disease Directory : Health Library - Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Diseases Communication Disorders Language and Speech SemanticPragmaticDisorder Health Library - semantic-pragmatic disorder. Directory Listing. http://www.diseasedirectory.net/detailed/30711.aspx | |
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