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         Semantic-pragmatic Disorder:     more detail
  1. Semantic and Pragmatic Language Disorders by Ellyn Lucas Arwood, 1991-10
  2. Semantic and Pragmatic Language Disorders - Assessment and Remediation by Ellyn V. Lucas, 1980-12
  3. Semantic Pragmatic Language Disorder by Charlotte Firth, Katherine Venkatesh, 1999-02-15
  4. Semantic-Pragmatic Language Disorder
  5. Children's Pragmatic Communication Difficulties (Disorders of Communication) by Eeva Leinonen, Carolyn Letts, et all 2000-06-15
  6. Child Language Disability Volume 2: Semantic and Pragmatic Difficulties (V. 2: Multilingual Matters)
  7. Pragmatic Activities for Language Intervention: Semantics, Syntax and Emerging Literacy by Rhea PhD Paul, 1992
  8. Clinical Pragmatics: Unravelling the Complexities of Communicative Failure by Benita Rae Smith, Eeva, Ph.D. Leinonen, 1992-04
  9. Pragmatic Impairment by Michael Perkins, 2008-01-28
  10. Pragmatics: From Theory To Practice by Judith Felson Duchan, Lynne E. Hewitt, 1993-07-30
  11. CASL (Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language) Test Book 2 Syntactic Tests

1. SPD Web Page
Collected resources of a parent who is researching SPD. Features links to overviews and intervention articles concerning SPD and related disorders.
When you research SPD, you will read conflicting opinions on what it is and where it fits as a diagnostic entity. Some believe SPD is a component, or a language style, of other disorders. Others believe it is either the same as High Functioning Autism or is a separate, valid disorder on the autistic spectrum. Lastly, there are those who view SPD as a language disorder with some echoes of autistic-like characteristics, but not part of the spectrum.
Characteristics of this disorder overlap with other, more well known disorders, which causes diagnostic confusion. It doesn't help that this is not a "valid" disability as yet in the US. You might receive a diagnosis of High Functioning Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Hyperlexia, PDD-NOS, or even ADHD, or you may hear the word "Atypical" attached to your diagnosis. Not enough people hear the correct words for their child's issues.
To further confuse the issue, there seems to be two separate groups of SPD, which researchers are referring to as Pragmatic Language Impairment Pure and Pragmatic Language Impairment Plus. PLI Plus children seem to fall on the autistic spectrum, with possible different underlying causes for their pragmatic language difficulties than with the PLI Pure children. SPD Support SPD Articles Parents' Papers Intervention ... Tony's Web Page Read Guest Book Archives - 1999 to 2003 Click here to send comments and suggestions to Denise Last Updated on 02/26/04 This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit

2. What Is Semantic-pragmatic Disorder?
Article by Julia Muggleton explaining this complex topic. Published by the Surrey Branch of National Autistic Society.
National Autistic Society (Surrey Branch)
What is Semantic-pragmatic Disorder?
by Julia Muggleton
The term 'semantic pragmatic disorder' has been around for nearly l5 years. Originally it was only used to describe children who were not autistic. Features it includes are:-
  • delayed language development
  • learning to talk by memorising phrases, instead of putting words together freely
  • repeating phrases out of context, especially snippets remembered from television programmes
  • muddling up 'I' and 'you'
  • problems with understanding questions, particularly questions involving 'how' and 'why'
  • difficulty following conversations
Children with this disorder have problems understanding the meaning of what other people say, and they do not understand how to use speech appropriately themselves. Soon both research and practical experience yielded two important findings:
  • Many people who definitely are autistic have this kind of language disorder (Dustin Hoffman's character Raymond in the film 'Rainman' being a typical example).
  • Most of the children diagnosed as having semantic pragmatic disorder do also have some mild autistic features. For example, they usually have difficulty understanding social situations and expectations, they like to stick fairly rigidly to routines, and they lack imaginative play.
  • 3. Autism, Asperger's Syndrome & Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder
    Paper on defining the boundaries.
    British Journal of Disorders of Communication 24, 107-121 (1989)
    Autism, Asperger's syndrome and semantic-pragmatic disorder: Where are the boundaries?
    D. V. M. Bishop Department of Psychology, University of Manchester ABSTRACT The diagnostic criteria for autism have been refined and made more objective since Kanner first described the syndrome, so there is now reasonable consistency in how this diagnosis is applied. However, many children do not meet these criteria, yet show some of the features of autism. Where language development is impaired, such children tend to be classed as cases of developmental dysphasia (or specific language impairment) whereas those who learn to talk at the normal age may be diagnosed as having Asperger's syndrome. It is argued that rather than thinking in terms of rigid diagnostic categories, we should recognise that the core syndrome of autism shades into other milder forms of disorder in which language or non-verbal behaviour may be disproportionately impaired. Key words: autism, Asperger's syndrome, semantic-pragmatic disorder.

    4. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder
    Syndrome of Hyperlexia, Education, Information and support Semantic Pragmatic Disorder. ( A paper prepared by Heathlands Language Unit staff for semanticpragmatic disorder was originally defined in the literature on Language Disorder in 1983
    Semantic Pragmatic Disorder
    (A paper prepared by Heathlands Language Unit staff for parents and teachers involved in the care of children with Semantic-Pragmatic Difficulties) Editors note: Apparently, the author of this article is: Margo Sharp from the Heathlands School, 56 Parkside, London SW19 5NJ. (England) Tel 0181 947 7373. The former Heathlands school moved out of London a few years ago and underwent a name change in the process. It is now Heathermount School, Devenish Road, Ascot, Berks, SL5 9PG, UK Tel 0134 4875101. Updated 10/2002: Margo Sharp is currently not based at the Heathermount School. Latest known contact information: eMail * Telephone 0121 243 2000. HISTORY Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder was originally defined in the literature on Language Disorder in 1983, by Rapin and Allen, although at that time it was classified as a syndrome. They referred to a group of children who presented with mild Autistic features and specific semantic pragmatic language problems. In babyhood, parents often described them as model babies or by contrast babies who seemed to cry too much. Many of these children babbled little or very late and went on using 'jargon' speech much longer than other children of the same age. Their first words were late and learning language was a hard slog. Some had other speech disorders too. Problems were usually first identified between 18 months and 2 years when the child had few if any real words.

    5. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Forum
    Use this board to search for information, ask for advice, or discuss concerns about this, or related disorders.
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    Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Web Page Welcome to the Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Forum.
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    I appreciate your contribution to our discussions! Visit the
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    for additional information. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Web Page

    6. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Parents' Page
    For UK families, resources and information concerning semanticpragmatic disordera language/communication disorder that is commonly found in children on the Autistic Spectrum.
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    7. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder
    England) Tel 0181 947 7373. The former Heathlands school moved out of London a few years ago and underwent a name change in the process. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder (A paper prepared by Heathlands Language Unit staff for parents and Tel 0134 4875101. HISTORY semanticpragmatic disorder was originally defined in the

    8. MAAP Services - The Autism Source - A Global Information And Support Network
    Nationwide support group for Asperger's Syndrome(AS);High Functioning Autism(HFA); Hyperlexia; Nonverbal Learning Disorder(NLD); Pervasive Developmental DisorderNot Otherwise Specified(PDD-NOS); semantic-pragmatic disorder.
    Stanford Child and Adolescent Psychiatry-Autism and Asperger Research Reports
    MAAP Services for the Autism and Asperger Syndrome is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information and advice to families of More advanced individuals with Autism, Asperger's syndrome, and Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). New! We are now an affiliate of
    Autism Asperger Publishing Company and Future Horizons, Inc.
    (Click here for details)
    Autism Source Home Find It at MAAP News from MAAP ... Donate Now (c) 2003 MAAP Service, Inc. Email:

    9. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder
    semanticpragmatic disorder is a condition sometimes difficult to distinguish from Autism, as inappropriate communication is a hallmark symptom. The Relationship - semantic-pragmatic disorder and

    10. IRSC - Communication Disorders, Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder
    Web Pages. semanticpragmatic disorder Forum - http// or discuss concerns about this, or related disorders. semantic-pragmatic disorder Home Page Di

    11. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder
    Focus On. semanticpragmatic disorder. What is Semantic Pragmatic Disorder? Whatare the features of Semantic Pragmatic Disorder? Features include 4 Issue 2 May 01.htm
    Focus On Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder What is Semantic Pragmatic Disorder? ‘Semantic Pragmatic Disorder’ is a term which has been used, mostly in the UK and by speech and language therapists, for the last 10 -–15 years. The term was originally used to describe a developmental language disorder, affecting two aspects of communication: ‘semantics’ and ‘pragmatics’. Problems with the meanings of language may be called ‘semantic’ difficulties, whilst difficulties with the appropriate use of language are referred to as ‘pragmatic’. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder is not an illness. It is a developmental disorder which prevents the person from using language in an appropriate manner and creates difficulty in understanding the meaning of the spoken word. In recent years, there has been debate about whether or not ‘Semantic Pragmatic Disorder’ is an accurate diagnosis or merely a descriptive term for the nature of communication difficulty found in verbal people with autism. Recent research findings suggest that the disorder does belong within the autistic spectrum, with a single underlying cognitive impairment producing both Semantic Pragmatic Disorder and autistic features.

    12. The Relationship Between Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder And Autism
    Search. Autism / Pervasive Developmental Disorders The RelationshipBetween semanticpragmatic disorder and Autism. Dateline 08/17/00.
    zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Autism / Pervasive Developmental Disorders Home Essentials ... A Checklist For Autism zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); ASD / CD Concomitant Behavioral Issues Family ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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    The Relationship Between Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder and Autism
    Dateline: 08/17/00 Since the introduction of the term Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder (S-P) in 1983, there has been a controversy about whether this condition is a disorder in itself, or if it is merely a descriptive term for a condition which appears in many Autistic children. In order to understand this condition, it is important to understand the language related behaviors that the child with S-P exhibit and then relate them to the Autism Spectrum.
    Children with S-P, from the beginning of life, have difficulty relating to other people, including family members. This is also characteristic of the child with classic Autism, and lends support to the thought that this is an Autism Spectrum condition, rather than a separate disorder. The inability to relate has been evident in my own experience with my son, as well as observations of other Autistic children. In Jonathan's case, one thing that helped him out of this isolation was the introduction of a Service Animal, in this case a Collie. People will take one look at his dog, and since it reminds them of Lassie, they immediately begin to communicate with both us and him. This forces interaction, and has helped to bring him out of his isolation from social contact.

    13. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder
    semanticpragmatic disorder Guide picks. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Aposting board for people dealing with Semantic Pragmatic Disorder.
    zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Autism / Pervasive Developmental Disorders Home Essentials ... A Checklist For Autism zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); ASD / CD Concomitant Behavioral Issues Family ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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    Guide picks This is another condition within the Autism Spectrum that makes communication difficult. Although words and sentences may be spoken by the child, the conversation may not be appropriate to the situation.
    The Relationship - Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder and Autism

    Since the introduction of the term Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder (S-P) in 1983, there has been a controversy about whether this condition is a disorder in itself, or if it is merely a descriptive term for a condition which appears in many Autistic children. Or is it another PDD? Conversational Characteristics
    There are certain characteristics that children with S-P Disorder exhibit. Find out what they are.

    14. IRSC - Communication Disorders, Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder
    Communication Disorders semanticpragmatic disorder. IRSC Home CommunicationDisorders semantic-pragmatic disorder. What is semantic-pragmatic disorder? Disord

    15. IRSC - Communication Disorders, Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder
    Communication Disorders semanticpragmatic disorder. IRSC Home CommunicationDisorders semantic-pragmatic disorder. Categories. Online Community, Web Pages, Disord

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    Health News: Search millions of published articles for news on Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder Modern Medicine Aging The Ardell Wellness Report HealthFacts Medical Post Medical Update Men's Health and the National Women's Health Report Note: Subscription required to access the full text of articles. Web Directory: Semantic and Pragmatic Problems and SPLD Difficulties with semantics and pragmatics and how they relate to Semantic-Pragmatic Language Disorder (SPLD), an autism spectrum disorder. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Essay by speech-language pathologist Margo Sharp. Provides historical perspectives on the disorder and describes current approaches to its diagnosis and treatment.

    17. LookSmart - Directory - Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder
    semanticpragmatic disorder - Learn about therapies and research for thislanguage-usage disorder that is thought to be a form of autism.
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  • American Hyperlexia Association - Semantic Pragmatic Disorder
    Study this paper prepared for parents and teachers involved in the care of children with semantic pragmatic language difficulties.
    Mass. General Hospital - Semantic Pragmatic Disorder

    Forum allows parents and caregivers to seek advice and share experiences regarding this disorder.
    Psychologist explores the idea of an autistic continuum and looks at how autism, Asperger's syndrome and semantic-pragmatic disorder overlap.
    Semantic Prag Dis - Conversational Characteristics

    British researchers share study results of children with SPD. Read about differences in language structure, turn-taking and cohesion.
    Semantic Pragmatic Disorder - Information Sheet

    Learn how the diagnosis evolved, explore debates about its validity and investigate research findings related to it. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder - SPD in the Classroom Learn from a listing of difficulties encountered in the classroom by semantic pragmatic disorder children.
  • 18. Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder
    Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Forum. semanticpragmatic disorder SemanticPragmatic Disorder Forum Online. Opportunity for persons
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