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21. A New Chapter The personal story of a fight with paranoid schizophrenia, depression, PTSD, and self injury. http://www.angelfire.com/poetry/freefall/ | |
22. Self Injury Main articles page. Go here. More Behavior Articles. Taking it Personally. DropTill You Shop. self injury. For me, self injury started when I was a small child. http://www.mcmanweb.com/article-118.htm | |
23. Self-Injury What Is SelfInjury or Self-Mutilation? self injury - Information and Resources Resources,ways to cope with urges, coping with flashbacks, myths and links. http://www.coolnurse.com/self-injury.htm | |
24. Understanding Self Injury Understanding self injury by Stuart Sorensen RMN. The whole idea of selfinjury(SI) is, for many people, very difficult to understand. http://www.mhsanctuary.com/borderline/si.htm | |
25. Self Injury self injury. under construction. Introduction What self injury Is WhyPeople Self Injure? Demographics Who SIs? Etiology http://www.mhsanctuary.com/borderline/self_injury/ | |
26. Self Harm, Depression, Mental Health,Bi Polar RuinYourLife.com is an online community dedicated to exploring the Art of SelfDestruction, Self Harm, self injury and Self Mutilation via poetry, essays, articles, diaries, art and forum discussions. http://www.RuinYourLife.com/ThePage.htm | |
27. Index Of / The Jeff Apple Story. Educational and inspirational forum for families, professionals and those who suffer from severe disabilities such as self injury, self injurious behavior or self harm. http://www.spinningstraw.com | |
28. Self Injury self injury (SI) many are ashamed to talk about it, most feel guilt if they aredoing it, several wonder about it, others can not begin to understand why or http://www.bipolarworld.net/Diagnosis/Diagnosis/self_injury.htm | |
29. Taylor, Jill - Kambia Poems of different subjects, journal, and quotes. Topics include eating disorders, self injury, suicide, depression, and lesbian thoughts. http://www.angelfire.com/freak/kambia/main.html | |
30. :: Michaels Domain :: - Index Personal story of a struggle with depression and self injury. http://www.geocities.com/mytearsarereal | |
31. Borderline Babe the life of a young woman with borderline personality disorder, manic depression, self injury and eating disorders. http://www.borderline-babe.co.uk | |
32. Psyke.org - Self Injury Information And Support Articles, discussion boards, personal stories, pictures, coping tips and poetrydealing with selfinjury and suicide. self injury Information and Support. http://www.psyke.org/ |
33. Here There Be Dragons What is bipolar disorder, symptoms, treatment, living with it, misconceptions, self injury, suicide, goals, charts, the bright side, links, journal and email. http://www.geocities.com/bipolardragons/index.html | |
34. Blood Red: A Self Injury Site, Self-Mutilation Site All about selfmutilation. What self-injury is and why people self-harm including how to stop. http://www.healthyplace.com/Communities/Self_Injury/bloodred/index.html | |
35. Self-injury,self Injury,SI,cutting,cuting,Teens,teenager,cut,teems,help SelfInjury A Search For Understanding. A friend blade. What would yourreaction be? Self-injury is little understood by most people. The http://www.thehelpline.net/selfinjury.html | |
36. ::: Breaking Free ::: Story of a girl who suffers from bulimia and self injury. Information about issues like eating disorders, treatment and recovery, self injury, abuse, addiction and suicide. Includes a Bulletin board. http://geocities.com/gina_rlp/ | |
37. Self Harm / Self Injury Information self injury Online Booklet For Young People. Factsheet For Parents And Teachers.Women And self injury. A Personal Point Of View. Other Resources. http://www.befrienders.org/suicidal/selfharm/ | |
38. This Is Who I Am. -- Take It Or Leave It. Mmy journey into depression, eating disorders, and self injury. http://www.freewebs.com/brokenfairy | |
39. Self-Injury Even though cutting or other serious bodily damage may result, selfinjury is not suicidal behavior. Online resources for self injury. http://www.helpguide.org/mental/self_injury.htm | |
40. I Cut/ Self Injury UK Information on selfinjury and SIAD, FAQ, personal story, diary, forum and chat. http://www.selfinjury.org.uk/ |
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