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Retinal Migraine: more detail |
41. MIGRAINE CLASSIFICATION AND DIAGNOSIS CRITERIA Opthalmoplegic migraine; 1.4 retinal migraine; 1.5 Childhood periodicsyndromes that may be precursors to or associated with migraine http://www.pitt.edu/~elsst21/mcldi.html | |
42. PillSupplier.com - Conditions And Diseases/Neurological Disorders/Headaches/Migr and complications. iMigraine rate it review it A discussion aboutretinal migraine along with graphics. Internet Ophthalmology http://www.pillsupplier.com/dir/280/ | |
43. Migraines: A Personal Perspective On A Complex Disorder In particular, there are four main migraine subtypes?migraine without aura,migraine with aura, opthalmoplegic migraine, and retinal migraine. http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro02/web3/ppujara.html | |
44. Leaflets Basilar Artery Migraine Cluster Headache Hemiplegic Migraine Menstrual MigraineMigraine with Aura Opthalmoplegic Migraine retinal migraine Sinus Headache http://www.migraine.ie/leaflet.html | |
45. HON: Vision And Eyecare FAQ: Section5 3. retinal migraine (ocular migraine) The patient is typically under 40 and suddenlyloses a portion (retinal) or all (ocular) of the visual field in one eye. http://www.hon.ch/Library/Theme/VisionFaq/section5.html | |
46. Daily Hemicrain - About Migraine The scotoma may enlarge in size and eventually produce complete temporaryloss of vision in one eye (compare retinal migraine, discussed below). http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~kukobuka/migra1.html | |
47. What Is Your Headache IQ? Trauma 3. retinal migraine, sometimes referred to as Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, refers to a relatively rare side effect of headache, characterized by http://quiz.ivillage.com/health/tests/headquiz.htm | |
48. Migraines - OhioValleyEye.com A retinal migraine is a temporary loss of vision in one eye that is accompaniedby a headache in an otherwise young and healthy patient . http://www.ohiovalleyeye.com/eyeinfo_migraine.htm | |
49. Arquivos De Neuro-Psiquiatria - In retinal migraine this vasospasm may result in blindness 3435 , illustratingvasospasm to have occurred at some time during the migraine attack 12, 21,36. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0004-282X2003000500026&l |
50. HealthPharmacy.Org win your fight with migraines. There is migraine treatment available.retinal migraine. relief Home Sitemap thyroid headache axert http://www.migraine-treatment.net/retinal_migraine.html | |
51. : The AMEDEO Literature Guide Nappi G, Moglia A retinal migraine as unusual feature of cerebral autosomal dominantarteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL). http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/cvd/cvd8.htm | |
52. Migraines, Strokes And Chiropractic circulation. They are opthalmopeligic and retinal migraines. Opthalmopeligicmigraine headaches are associated with ocular palsy. http://www.chiroweb.com/archives/20/21/06.html | |
53. Basilar Artery Migraine Defined category of complicated migraine. They are retinal migraine, OphthalmoplegicMigraine, Hemiplegic Migraine, and are not discussed here. http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/neurowebforum/HeadacheArticles/12.3.962.03PMBas | |
54. Headache Disorders: Currents: UI Health Care 1.3. Ophthalmoplegic. 1.4. retinal migraine. 1.5. Childhood periodic syndromes thatmay be precursors to or associated with migraine. 1.6. Complications of migraine. http://www.uihealthcare.com/news/currents/vol2issue3/3headache.html | |
55. HEADACHES 3. Opthalmoplegic migraine. 4. retinal migraine. B. Cluster Headache/ Proximal Hemicrania. a.Sx s may last weeks, outliving the orbital pain. G. retinal migraine. http://web.uccs.edu/jhensley/htmDocuments/Headaches.htm | |
56. BioMed Central | Abstract | Migraine Variants are termed migrainous disorder. Migraine associated with auras arising from unusualsites includes basilar migraine, retinal migraine, and ophthalmoplegic http://www.biomedcentral.com/1531-3433/5/165/abstract | |
57. Korean Standard Classification Of Diseases prolonged aura Migraine with typical aura G43.2 Status migrainosus G43.3 Complicatedmigraine G43.8 Other migraine retinal migraine Ophthalmoplegic migraine G43 http://www.nso.go.kr/eng/standards/edis/g43.shtml | |
58. Understanding Headache , Il Sito Italiano della Cefalea. , iMigraine by Troost Migraine WithoutAura. , iMigraine by Troost - retinal migraine. , Imigran Information Center. http://www.w-h-a.org/wha2/Newsite/The_Site/User_Interface/Research/weblink_categ |
59. Retinal From Linkspider UK Health Directory iMigraine A discussion about retinal migraine along with graphics.Internet Ophthalmology Patient Education Library - A brief http://linkspider.co.uk/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/NeurologicalDisorders/Heada | |
60. IPCOM000019827D: Skull-Mounted Electrical Stimulation System 1.3 Ophthalmoplegic migraine. 1.4 retinal migraine. 1.5 Childhood periodicsyndromes that may be precursors to or associated with migraine. http://www.priorartdatabase.com/IPCOM/000019827/ | |
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