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1. Typing Injury FAQ Home Page is an educational site, provided by the CTD Resource Network, Inc., containing a wide variety of information about repetitive strain injuries (RSIs), resources http://www.tifaq.com/ | |
2. Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) repetitive strain injury information Causes of repetitive strain injuries. Symptoms of RSI http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/is-13/rsi.html | |
3. What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And Repetitive Strain Injuries? What causes carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injuries? Also a look at the symptoms and treatments. http://www.repetitive-strain.com/causes.html | |
4. NYCOSH: Repetitive Stress Injuries exact phases in double quotes (" ") to narrow your search results. repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) WHAT ARE repetitive strain injuries? repetitive strain injuries are a group http://www.nycosh.org/rsi.html | |
5. Repetitive Strain Injuries Informatie over RSI en beschrijvingen van andere websites, nieuwsgroepen en mailinglists. http://home.hccnet.nl/b.elzerman/rsi.html | |
6. R.S.I. Page What is RSI? repetitive strain injuries occur from repeated physical movements doing damage to tendons, nerves, muscles, and other soft body tissues. http://eeshop.unl.edu/rsi.html | |
7. Repetitive Strain Injuries - What We Can Learn From Musicians - Suite101.com The Alexander Technique's long history of helping musicians with RSI problems. http://suite101.com/article.cfm/6190/48339 | |
8. R.S.I. Page repetitive strain injuries occur from repeated physical movements doing damage to tendons, nerves CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME AND OTHER repetitive strain injuries. A SelfCare Program http://www.engr.unl.edu/ee/eeshop/rsi.html | |
9. Musicians And Injuries . Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Other repetitive strain injuries A SelfCare Program Sharon Butler Advanced Press, Paoli PA USA, 1995. http://eeshop.unl.edu/music.html | |
10. Stetches A list of stretching exercises you can do to avoid repetitive strain injuries or to reduce the inflammation. http://www.globalideasbank.org/BI/BI-105.HTML |
11. Webreference.com: Repetitive Strain Injuries - The Hidden Cost Of Computing articles / rsi. repetitive strain injuries The Hidden Cost of Computing. Table of Contents. NewsGator, X1 Push RSS-Search Connection. J2EE Update Sparks Tool Debate. Compare products, prices, and http://www.webreference.com/rsi.html | |
12. GBase Gear Mall - Prevention of repetitive strain injuries. Most musicians are aware of the tremendous stresses exerted on their bodies by playing an instrument. http://www.gbase.com/articles/med/med2.html | |
13. Ergo Yoga Information on how Yoga can help with computer related health hazards such as carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive strain injuries, and computer vision syndrome. http://www.ergoyoga.com/ | |
14. General Information - Typing Injury FAQ Q What are repetitive strain injuries (RSIs)? A RSIs are not so much diseases as they are a response to excessive and repetitive demands placed on the body. http://www.tifaq.com/information.html | |
15. Natural Life Magazine #40 - Protect Yourself From Repetitive Strain Injuries Protect yourself from repetitive strain injuries. http://www.life.ca/nl/40/rsi.html | |
16. Tendinosis.org: Home Page (research Into Tendinosis, Tendinitis, And Chronic Ten Information on the latest medical research into tendon and ligament repetitive strain injuries. Describes these injuries on a cellular level and summarizes research into new treatments. http://www.tendinosis.org | |
17. "The Doctor Is In" | Repetitive Strain Injuries Instructional videotape about repetitive strain injuries. http://web.dartmouth.edu/~drisin/videos/rstrain.shtml | |
18. Repetitive Strain Injuries repetitive strain injuries. One important consideration when using computers in general (or for that matter), is repetitive strain injuries (RSI), including carpal tunnel syndrome http://www.mit.edu/people/wchuang/unix/RSI.html | |
19. Physiotherapy In Chelsea - Physio In London SW3 Specialise in treatment of back and neck pain, repetitive strain injuries, sports injuries and correction of poor posture, based in Chelsea, London. http://www.physio-chelsea.co.uk/ | |
20. MIT's RSI Information Page Welcome To MIT's RSI Information Page. What is an RSI? repetitive strain injuries (RSI) are injuries involving damage to muscles, tendons and nerves caused by overuse or misuse. incident (called http://web.mit.edu/atic/www/rsi/mitrsi.htm | |
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