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81. Onderzoeksproject RDDPT: Refsum's Disease. Titel RDDPT Refsum s disease. Samenvatting De ziekte van Refsum is een ergelijkeneurologische aandoening, gekenmerkt door opstapeling van fytaanzuur. http://www.kuleuven.ac.be/onderzoek/onderzoeksdatabank/project/3M03/3M030136.htm | |
82. Research Project RDDPT: Refsum's Disease: Diagnosis, Pathology And Treatm ... CASTEELS MARIA REINHILDE, member of research team Pharmacology Section. TitleRDDPT Refsum s disease diagnosis, pathology and treatment. Project summary http://www.kuleuven.ac.be/research/researchdatabase/project/3M03/3M030136.htm | |
83. NINDS Infantile Refsum Disease Information Page Infantile Refsum disease information sheet compiled by the National Institute ofNeurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). What is Infantile Refsum disease? http://accessible.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/refsum_infantile_do | |
84. NINDS Refsum Disease Information Page Refsum disease information sheet compiled by the National Institute of NeurologicalDisorders and Stroke (NINDS). NINDS Refsum disease Information Page. http://accessible.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/refsum_doc.htm | |
85. The Family Village / Library / Leukodystrophy Types of Leukodystophy Adrenoleukodystrophy, Alexander disease, Canavan disease,Krabbes disease, Metachromatic Leukodystrophy, and Refsum s disease. http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/lib_leukodystrophy.html | |
86. Program Nr 1644 Identification of a second locus for Refsum s disease at chromosome 6p2224. The soleenzyme abnormality in Refsum s disease is a deficiency in PAHX activity. http://www.faseb.org/genetics/ashg00/f1644.htm | |
87. Infantile Refsum Disease refsum disease. nausea Infantile Refsum disease. Infantile Refsum disease bleeding.diarrhea Infantile Refsum disease. Infantile Refsum disease history. http://www.icongrouponline.com/health/Infantile_Refsum_Disease.html | |
88. Specialty Laboratories ::: We Help Doctors Help Patients Print View. Refsum disease E. Robert Wassman, MD Classical or adult Refsum diseaseis an autosomal recessive disorder caused by defective aoxidation of http://www.specialtylabs.com/books/display.asp?id=931 |
89. Klawans, Harold Defending The Cavewoman And Other Tales Of CreutzfeldtJakob disease. Two particularly memorable chapters concernHuntington s chorea and Refsum s disease. The chapter, Anticipation http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webdescrips/klawans1640-d | |
90. HONselect - Peroxisomal Disorders English Peroxisomal Disorders, Adrenoleukodystrophy, Neonatal - HyperpipecolicAcidemia - Infantile Refsum disease - Refsum disease, Infantile - Infantile http://www.hon.ch/HONselect/RareDiseases/C10. | |
91. PHYH CM001290, 29, tCCCTCC, Pro-Ser, Refsum disease, 1. CM001291, 173, cCCC-TCC,Pro-Ser, Refsum disease, 1. CM001292, 176, cCAG-AAG, Gln-Lys, Refsum disease,1. http://archive.uwcm.ac.uk/uwcm/mg/ns/1/9263423.html | |
92. Disabilityexchange.org - Taxonomy Infantile Refsum disease. Synonym(s) Infantile Phytanic Acid Storage disease,Refsum diseaseInfantile What is Infantile Refsum disease? http://www.disabilityexchange.org/taxonomy/index.php?fid=3&path=3_282 |
93. Disabilityexchange.org - Taxonomy Refsum disease. Synonym(s) Heredopathia Atactica Polyneuritiformis,Phytanic Acid Storage disease What is Refsum disease? Refsum http://www.disabilityexchange.org/taxonomy/index.php?fid=3&path=3_419 |
94. ClinicalTrials.gov - Information On Clinical Trials And Human Research Studies: Acids in Patients With Peroxisomal Disorders Conditions Infantile Refsum s disease;Zellweger Syndrome; Bifunctional Enzyme Deficiency; Adrenoleukodystrophy. http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/search/term=Infantile Refsum Disease | |
95. RetNet: Disease Table PEX7, PTS2R, RCDP1; 215100, 266500, 601757, 6q23.3, recessive Refsum disease,adult form; protein peroxisome biogenesis factor 7 LocusLink Refsum disease, http://www.sph.uth.tmc.edu/Retnet/disease.htm | |
96. Refsum Refsum disease Determination of phytanic acid by thinlayer chromatography, Refsumdisease Determination of phytanic acid by gas chromatography. http://www.akh-wien.ac.at/kin/Englische Version/diagnostik/Neurochemie/eRefsum.h | |
97. Department Of Pharmacy And Pharmacology - Dr. Matthew D. Lloyd in the aoxidation pathway causes phytanic acid accumulation leading to several severeand incurable genetic diseases, including Adult Refsum s disease (ARD). http://www.bath.ac.uk/pharmacy/staff/lloyd.shtml | |
98. Studies On The Metabolic Error In Refsum's Disease* Investigation J Clin Invest. 1967 March; 46 (3) 313 322 Studies on theMetabolic Error in Refsum s disease *. Daniel Steinberg, Charles E http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=297052 |
99. Our Children Ian is 5 years old and has Infantile Refsum s disease. He has loss. Rebeccais 5 1/2 years old and has Infantile Refsum s disease. She http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5939/ourchildren.html | |
100. Neuroguide.com - Human Neurological Diseases Web sites providing information on human neurological diseases can be accessedvia this section. Refsum disease. Refsum disease Information (NINDS). http://www.neuroguide.com/cgi-bin/pdistoc.pl?file=RefsumDisease |
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