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61. Australian Leukodystrophy Support Group Inc Back to Main List REFSUM S disease. Refsum s disease is caused by providinga positive initial response. INFANTILE REFSUM S disease (IRD). http://home.vicnet.net.au/~leuko/refsum.html |
62. Refsum Disease - Medical Wisdom Health Advice And Information Refsum disease Information Page. Table of Contents (click to jump to sections).What is Refsum disease? Is there any treatment? What is the prognosis? http://medicalwisdom.com/health/disorders/refsum_doc.htm | |
63. Infantile Refsum Disease - Medical Wisdom Health Advice And Information Infantile Refsum disease Information Page. Table of Contents (click to jump tosections). What is Infantile Refsum disease? Is there any treatment? http://medicalwisdom.com/health/disorders/refsum_infantile_doc.htm | |
64. Refsum S Disease Refsum s disease. Zellweger syndrome and, less severely, in NALD. Nomalformation has been reported in infantile Refsums disease. http://moon.ouhsc.edu/kfung/JTY1/NeuroHelp/ZNF3IE03.htm | |
65. European Refsum Disease Project - Home Home. News new stuff! Last update 200404-20© by AERGA Utrecht, The Netherlands. http://www.aerga.nl/ | |
66. European Refsum Disease Project - Home Home. News Draadloos Internet Helpt Boerenbedrijf Naar De Toekomst. Een snelleinternetverbinding helpt meer winst te halen uit het boerenbedrijf. http://www.aerga.nl/index.php?menuid=1000&lang=nl&cl=blue&q= |
67. NINDS Infantile Refsum Disease Information Page Infantile Refsum disease information sheet compiled by the National Institute ofNeurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). More about Infantile Refsum disease, http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/refsum_infantile_doc.htm | |
68. Text Only Macular Degeneration Retinitis Pigmentosa Usher Printer Friendly Version Refsum, What is Refsum disease? Refsum disease is anextremely rare and complex disorder that affects many parts of the body. http://www.blindness.org/visiondisorders/causes.asp?type=24 |
69. REFSUM DISEASE : A Mystery Of Inherited Human Afflication. Can Mendelian Genomic REFSUM disease A mystery of inherited human afflication. 2. AlphaAdrenoceptorBlockers in Cardiovascular disease by Helge Refsum, Ole D. Mjos (Editor). http://databank.oxydex.com/compendium_bibliographium/awaiting_human_genome/REFSU | |
70. DISEASE: Refsum's Disease disease Featured Web Pages. Infantile Refsum disease Sourcebook www.icongrouponline.com The Official Patient s Sourcebook on Infantile Refsum disease. http://disease.bigtome.com/big/page/Refsum's_Disease | |
71. Atypical Retinitis Pigmentosa - ? Refsum Disease Refsum disease (Please wait for the content to download) How did discussionproceed ? Dr Prakash Vichare, It s Infantile Refsum disease*. http://pediaindia.net/archive/refsum.shtml |
72. Neuromuscular Diseases (AU). Refsum disease. A mini factsheet about Refsum disease NINDS/NIH (US). Onthe Genetics of Refsum disease - NCBI/NIH (US). About Refsum disease - OMIM (US). http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/C10.668.html | |
73. Nutritional And Metabolic Diseases (US). Infantile Refsum disease Information Stephens and Harris (US). Refsumdisease - The Peroxisome Website. About Refsum disease, Infantile Form - OMIM (US). http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/C18.html | |
74. British National Formulary: Refsum's Disease Refsum s disease. Fresubin Original Liquid and Sip Feeds. http://www.bnf.org/bnf/bnf/current/doc/28817.htm | |
75. Refsum Disease, Peroxisomes And Phytanic Acid Oxidation: A Review 11, pp. 10211031. Refsum disease, Peroxisomes and Phytanic Acid Oxidation AReview. Keywords Fatty acids, Genetic diseases, Peroxisomes, Refsum disease. http://apt.allenpress.com/aptonline/?request=get-abstract&issn=0022-3069&volume= |
76. Refsum's Disease 3. Refsum s disease (disorder of lipid metabolism) a) Biochemical defectdeficiency of phytanic oxidase; increased phytanic acid in plasma. http://kobiljak.msu.edu/CAI/Pathology/Toxic_F/Toxic_3b4.html | |
77. Refsum Disease Refsum disease Refsum disease factsheet National Institute for NeurologicalDisorders and Stroke. Support Groups Climb The Quadrangle http://www.ion.ucl.ac.uk/library/patient/refsum.htm | |
78. ORPHANET® Refsum Disease ORPHANET. Orphanet database access. Refsum disease. Direct access to data Orphanetdatabase access. Refsum disease, infantile form. Direct access to data http://www.orpha.net/static/GB/refsumdisease.html |
79. ORPHANET - Rare Diseases - Orphan Drugs Printing version, disease Refsum disease, Synonym Included disease(s)Refsum disease, with increased pipecolicacidemia, ICD G60.1, Refsum s http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=GB&Expert=773 |
80. NEJM -- Sign In Correspondence from The New England Journal of Medicine PhytanoylCoenzymea Hydroxylase Deficiency The Enzyme Defect in Refsum s disease. http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/337/2/133 | |
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