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Reavens Syndrome: more detail | ||||||||
61. Overweight And Obesity In Women Health Risks And Consequences Central to Reaven s syndrome X concept is compensatory hyperinsulinemiaresulting from resistance to insulinmediated glucose uptake. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/452831_3 |
62. First World Congress On The Insulin Resistance Syndrome syndrome X, as Dr. Reaven originally termed it, included insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia,dyslipidemia, hypertension, and increased risk of both diabetes http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/467200 |
63. BBC - Food - Food Junkies Dr Reaven calls syndrome X the silent killer because early stages often go unnoticedand most of us won t even know that we have it. What are the symptoms? http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/foodjunkies/metabolic.shtml | |
64. Could Your Heart Be At Risk From Syndrome X? Although all the conditions associated with syndrome X contribute to heart diseaseto some extent, Reaven believes it s the excess insulin in the bloodstream http://www.efit.com/servlet/article/9395.html | |
65. Leading Article and Type 2 diabetes. Table IComponents of syndrome X (Reavens syndrome)(see 5). Insulin resistance Glucose intolerance Hyperinsulinaemia http://www.medforum.nl/idm/leading1.htm | |
66. Our Products Who s at risk? First identified in 1988 by Stanford researcher, GeraldReaven, MD, syndrome X is thought to run in families. If http://www.stonyfield.com/HealthyPeople/MetabolicSyndromeX7_02.shtml |
67. OBGYN.net - Getting Pregnant When Syndrome O Is Getting In Your Way 5. Reaven, G, Strom TK, Fox B (2000). syndrome X Overcoming the Silent KillerThat Can Give You a Heart Attack. New York Simon and Schuster. http://www.obgyn.net/pcos/pcos.asp?page=/pcos/articles/pcostr_getting_pregnant |
68. Metabolic Syndrome X These studies support Reaven s hypothesis, coined syndrome X, that insulin resistanceand hyperinsulinemia significantly increases the risk of developing http://www.wrc.net/phyto/synX.html | |
69. Syndrome X: The Hidden Disease You May Already Have disease. Reaven coined the term syndrome X, to describe how insulinresistance sets the stage for more serious disease. The syndrome http://www.healthynewage.com/Syndrome_X.htm | |
70. Atkins Nutritionals: About Us: Recent News: When Good Carbs Turn Bad type regimen for the management and control of syndrome X, a term coined in 1988by Stanford University physician and endocrinology researcher, Gerald Reaven. http://atkins.com/Archive/2002/1/15-751053.html | |
71. EBooks-Library.com - Your Best Source For EBooks, Historical Documents And Sheet Synopsis. Gerald Reaven, the discoverer of syndrome X, and a panel of worldclassinvestigators thoughtfully summarize our current understanding of how insulin http://www.ebooks-library.com/humana/eBook.cfm/eBookID/488 | |
72. Obesity Links DietPower Nutrition Software; Dr Reaven syndrome X Information oninsulin resistance, obesity, hypertension, and heart disease. http://www.drumlib.com/lk/obesity.htm | |
73. Medical Links literature. Dr Reaven syndrome X Information on insulin resistance, obesity,hypertension, and heart disease. Drug Test got you worried? http://www.drumlib.com/lk/medical.htm | |
74. 1st Annual World Congress On The Insulin Resistance Syndrome I The syndrome and Its Origin, Chair Yehuda Handelsman, MD. 820 am, The InsulinResistance syndrome Past, Present, and Future, Gerald M. Reaven, MD. http://www.insulinresistance.us/html/program.htm | |
75. Factores De Riesgo Y Complicaciones Crónicas En El Diagnóstico Reciente De La Translate this page The Metabolic Cardiovascular syndrome syndrome X, Reaven syndrome,insulin resistance syndrome, atherothrombogenic syndrome. J http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/end/vol12_2_01/end03201.htm | |
76. Syndrome X, The Silent Killer: The New Heart Disease Risk - By Gerald M. Reaven, Now, Gerald Reaven, MD, the pioneering Stanford University doctor who discoveredSyndrome X, explains why Tested in carefully controlled research settings and http://www.bookfinder.us/review8/0684868636.html | |
77. Syndrome X: Overcoming The Silent Killer That Can Give You A Heart Attack Why do I care so much? Because I have syndrome X, but now, thanks toReavens book, my doctor and I know what to do to keep me alive. http://www.health-books-web.com/Syndrome_X_Overcoming_the_Silent_Killer_That_Can | |
78. JAMA -- Sign In Page He called his finding syndrome X. It has also been called Reaven s syndrome, dysmetabolic syndrome, and insulinresistance syndrome. . http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/291/17/2062 | |
79. Syndrome X: A Short History 3, pp. 124125. syndrome X A Short History. Gerald M. Reaven, MD Division ofCardiovascular Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA. http://www.ochsnerjournal.org/ochsonline/?request=get-document&issn=1524-5012&vo |
80. Ific.org : Metabolic Syndrome: Lifestyle Strikes Again Insulin Resistance The Key Factor to Metabolic syndrome Gerald Reaven, MD, a professorof medicine at Stanford University, was the first scientist to identify http://www.ific.org/foodinsight/2002/mj/metabolicfi302.cfm | |
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