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Reavens Syndrome: more detail | ||||||||
41. Editorials - April 15, 2004 - American Family Physician The evidence suggests that these four conditions (and others) frequently coexistin what was described by Reaven in 1988 as syndrome X, now known as the http://www.aafp.org/afp/20040415/editorials.html | |
42. When Good Carbs Turn Bad cluster of problems commonly goes by the name of syndrome X, a term coined in 1988by Stanford University physician and endocrinology researcher Gerald Reaven. http://www.diabetic-help.com/when_good_carbs_turn_bad.htm | |
43. Circulation -- Reaven 106 (3): 286 Diabetes. 1988; 37 15951600.Abstract; Reaven, GM. Insulin resistance, compensatoryhyperinsulinemia, and coronary heart disease syndrome X revisited. http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/106/3/286 | |
44. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/R Click Here. Top Health Conditions and Diseases R (0 links). Rabies@ (12);Raynaud s Phenomenon@ (17); Reactive Arthritis@ (10); Reaven s syndrome@ (21); http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/R | |
45. Syndrome X (metabolic) Reaven s syndrome , after Dr Gerald M. Reaven (who put the syndrome on themap in 1988 in the Banting lecture, named after Sir Frederick Banting). http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/syndrome_x__metabolic_ | |
46. Metabolic Syndrome - Texas Heart Institute Heart Information Center or metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is also called Reaven syndrome,insulin resistance syndrome, or Metabolic syndrome X. http://www.texasheartinstitute.org/metabolic.html | |
47. Insulin Resistance Syndrome 10. Reaven GM. Do high carbohydrate diets prevent the development or attenuatethe manifestations (or both) of syndrome X? A viewpoint strongly against. http://www.mycustompak.com/healthNotes/Concern/Insulin_Resistance_Syndrome.htm | |
48. Hot Topics / Syndrome X Dr. Reaven coined the term syndrome X in 1988 when referring to the unknown phenomenonof heart threatening abnormalities occurring in insulinresistant people http://www.lifestylemanagement.com/lma/books/syndromex.htm | |
49. Chromium Picolinate, Qnt: 150 Tablets, Size: 200 Mcg sugar (hypoglycemia). The Insulin Resistance syndrome (syndrome X;Reaven s syndrome; InsulinMetabolic syndrome). The combination http://www.youngagain2000.com/chrompic150c.html | |
50. HSR - Health Supplement Retailer 04/02: Syndrome X Analyzed He defined this cluster as syndrome X. According to Reaven, syndrome X, alsocalled insulin resistance syndrome, is a little known metabolic disorder in http://www.hsrmagazine.com/articles/241feat2.html | |
51. Syndrome X - Stanford Hospital And Clinics Fortunately, you do not need to be an expert in diabetes or heart disease to understandReaven s research because syndrome X presents complicated information http://www.stanfordhospital.com/healthLib/atStanford/Columns/thlColumnSyndromeX. | |
52. X Syndrome It is not known whether following Reaven s diet can prevent syndromeX. Reaven is studying the link between his diet and syndrome X. http://www.gazettearchives.com/health2001/_disc4/00000115.htm | |
53. Syndrome X: Overcoming The Silent Killer That Can Give You A Heart Attack Then I realized that Reaven with his syndrome X isnt contradicting the save yourheart advice weve been getting since the 1970s. Instead, hes refining it. http://www.medicine-book.com/Syndrome_X_Overcoming_the_Silent_Killer_That_Can_Gi | |
54. SYNDROME X - What Is Syndrome X? disease. Professor Reaven called syndrome X the metabolic syndromewhich is seen in people who are insulin resistant. Although http://www.weightcontroldoctor.com/healthtopics/syndromex/default.asp | |
55. June Russell's Health Facts: Syndrome X Dr. Gerald Reaven, author of the book, syndrome X, takes issue with the dietbooks that focus on carbohydrates as a cause of obesity he says excess http://www.jrussellshealth.com/syndromex.html | |
56. Numedix.comThe Leader In Continuing Education to a heart attack. Now, Gerald Reaven, MD, the pioneering StanfordUniversity doctor who discovered syndrome X, explains it all http://www.numedix.com/dt/dt008.htm | |
57. Nutrition News And Stunted Growth are at high risk. Perhaps that is why the experssion Reaven s syndrome has never caught on. Now Reaven, of Stanford University http://www.growtall.com/nutrition-news.htm | |
58. Insulin Resistance - Humana Press Abstract Gerald Reaven, the discoverer of syndrome X, and a panel of worldclassinvestigators thoughtfully summarize our current understanding of how insulin http://www.humanapress.com/Product.pasp?txtCatalog=HumanaBooks&txtProductID=1-59 |
59. The Metabolic Syndrome And Vascular Disease - Humana Press Table 1). In view of the rather limited understanding of the nature of the associationof these features at that time, Reaven used the term syndrome X (3). He http://www.humanapress.com/ChapterDetail.pasp?isbn=1-59259-091-8&ccode=1-59259-0 |
60. How Fructose, Insulin And Syndrome X Can Change Your Life A diet high in these polyunsaturated fatty acids combats syndrome X. Gerry Reavenof Stanford University, who coined the term syndrome X, couldn t agree more. http://www.mercola.com/2001/dec/12/syndrome_x.htm | |
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