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Reavens Syndrome: more detail | ||||||||
21. Syndrome_X_Overview - HeartCenterOnline For Patients: Heart Health Encyclopedia Also known as Reaven syndrome, Metabolic syndrome X is a term used to describea set of heartdisease risk factors that have been found to cluster in some http://www.heartcenteronline.com/Syndrome_X_Overview.html | |
22. Syndrome X reading. Reaven s, syndrome X Overcoming the Silent Killer That CanGive You a Heart Attack, is his first book for a lay audience. He http://www.mendosa.com/syndromex.htm | |
23. Insulin Resistance years, bringing these concepts to a much broader audience. The bestof the bunch is Dr. Reaven s syndrome X (Simon Schuster, 2000). http://www.mendosa.com/resistance.htm | |
24. Syndrome X, The "New" Heart Disease Risk Dr. Reaven s new book syndrome X (Simon and Schuster, 2000) gives thehistory of his discovery. In 1968, Dr. Reaven and his colleagues http://www.cbass.com/SyndromeX.htm | |
25. Reaven practice nurses undertook research to develop criteria for a clinical syndrometaking into consideration the main clinical components of Reaven s syndrome. http://www.abcdiabetescare.org.uk/reaven.htm |
26. Syndrome X Dr Reaven s syndrome X diet derives 45 percent of calories from carbohydrates,15 percent from proteins and a hefty 40 percent from fats. http://www.drlam.com/A3R_brief_in_doc_format/SyndromeX.cfm | |
27. Are You Suffering From Syndrome X? diabetes. It wasn t until 1988, when Dr. Gerald Reaven first describedsyndrome X, that they were seen as being connected. syndrome X. http://www.thefactsaboutfitness.com/research/syndromex.htm | |
28. Healthy & Natural Journal : Unmasking Syndrome.(Syndrome X) @ HighBeam Research What is syndrome X? syndrome X also known as the insulin resistance syndrome andthe Reaven syndrome may be the surest route to a heart attack. It can occur http://static.highbeam.com/h/healthyampnaturaljournal/february012001/unmaskingsy | |
29. SYNDROME X - Site Map - UK Shopping Directory - UK Shops Popular Searches for syndrome X, syndrome X. Shopping online for syndromex or just looking for more information about syndrome x? http://www.ishop.co.uk/site-map/sy/syndrome_x/index.shtml | |
30. Dysmetabolic Syndrome - Encyclopedia Article About Dysmetabolic Syndrome. Free A Reaven s syndrome , after Dr Gerald M. Reaven (who put the syndrome on themap in 1988 in the Banting lecture , named after Sir Frederick Banting). http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Dysmetabolic syndrome | |
31. Syndrome X In Post-Menapausal Women way to keep your heart healthy if you have syndrome X. Every individual, saysDr. Reaven, at risk for syndrome X should follow the syndrome X Diet. http://www.shamanbotanicals.com/synxhome/preventsteps.htm | |
32. Sxwhat Dr. Jerry Reaven Individuals with syndrome X, because their insulin is not as efficientas it should be, face barriers blocking the signal from reaching cell http://www.shamanbotanicals.com/sxfiles/sxwhat.htm | |
33. Healthy & Natural Journal: Unmasking Syndrome - Syndrome X What is syndrome X? syndrome X also known as the insulin resistance syndromeand the Reaven syndrome may be the surest route to a heart attack. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m0HKL/1_8/76445419/p1/article.jhtml | |
34. Business Wire: Syndrome X Book In Second Printing syndrome X, also called the Insulin Resistance syndrome, the Metabolic syndrome,or the Reaven syndrome, is a cluster of metabolic abnormalities that lead to http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m0EIN/2000_August_29/64998049/p1/article.jhtml | |
35. Syndrome X 1. Reaven, G. syndrome X. Clinical Diabetes. 1994; 34, 32-52. 2. Reaven, G.syndrome X 6 years later. J Int Med Suppl. 1994;736;13-22. 3. McCarty MF. http://www.smart-publications.com/articles/syndrome-x-01.html | |
36. Syndrome X: The Secret To The Puzzle Of Weight Control 1. Reaven, G. syndrome X. Clinical Diabetes. 1994; 34, 32-52. 2. Reaven, G. syndromeX 6 years later. J Int Med Suppl. 1994;736;13-22 Abstract. 3. McCarty MF. http://www.smart-publications.com/articles/040106syndromeX1.htm | |
37. PharmGKB: Metabolic Syndrome X syndromes, Metabolic; Insulin Resistance syndrome X; Metabolic Cardiovascularsyndrome; Metabolic Cardiovascular syndromes; Reaven syndrome X; syndrome X http://www.pharmgkb.org/do/serve?objId=PA447159&objCls=Disease |
38. Penn State Faculty Research Expertise Database (FRED) Related Terms, Insulin Resistance syndrome X, Reaven syndrome X. syndrome X, Reaven,syndrome, Metabolic Cardiovascular. syndromes, Metabolic Cardiovascular, http://fred.hmc.psu.edu/ds/retrieve/fred/meshdescriptor/D024821 |
39. Low Carb Research & Studies - Syndrome X Diet Dr. Reaven, authority on syndrome X, first described the disorder in1988. Reaven s research, which spans more than 35 years, points http://www.lowcarb.ca/articles/article118.html | |
40. Insulin Resistance Syndrome - March 15, 2001 - American Family Physician Study. JAMA 2000; 2832218. Reaven GM. syndrome X 6 years later.J Intern Med Suppl 1994;73613-22. Granberry MC, Fonseca VA. http://www.aafp.org/afp/20010315/1159.html | |
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