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161. Encyclopaedia Topic : Psoriasis, Section : Introduction NHS Direct Online Health Encyclopaedia. psoriasis. Search. Help. Introduction. psoriasis is a common, noninfectious skin disease affecting about one person in 50. http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/en.asp?TopicID=373 |
162. -: Psorí-pages ][ Psori-pages :- De Nederlandse wegwijzer naar psoriasis sites over de hele wereld. http://home.hetnet.nl/~woutvn/Psoriasis/ | |
163. Advances In Psoriasis Treatment Advances in psoriasis Treatment Steven Feldman,MD,Ph.D Dermatology Online Journal 6(1) 4. Associate Treatment of localized psoriasis. Table http://dermatology.cdlib.org/DOJvol6num1/transactions/psoriasis/feldman.html | |
164. Hud-doktor.dk - Viden Til Dig L¦gebrevkasse om sygdommen. Med mange indl¦g vedr¸rende symptomer og behandling. http://www.hud-doktor.dk/brevkasser/psoriasis/ |
165. Psoriasis Treatments [May 1998; 51-5] psoriasis treatments. psoriasis affects about 2% of Caucasian populations, and first line treatments include topical preparations like steroid creams and tar. http://www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bandolier/band51/b51-5.html | |
166. Cheminova Internacional Home Of The Skin Cap Topical treatments for a variety of disorders including psoriasis, herpes, and athletes foot. Also offers an antiinflammatory product for arthritis and joint pain. http://www.skin-cap.net/ |
167. PSO, Svenska Psoriasisförbundet Svenska psoriasisförbundet, PSO, med och för människor med psoriasis och psoriasisartrit. Vi påverkar Nyligen fått psoriasis? Har du http://www.pso.se/ |
168. Index Of /lutpsoriasis Informe les patients sur la maladie, les traitements et le calendrier de l'association. Eragny. http://membres.lycos.fr/lutpsoriasis/ | |
169. PSO - Om Psoriasis Om psoriasis och psoriasisartrit. Att ha en kronisk hudsjukdom som psoriasis kan betyda att man fortfarande möts av fördomar och okunskap. http://www.pso.se/psori/psori.html |
170. A Life With Psoriasis psoriasis I have been living with psoriasis for 31 years now and I am proud to say that it is a lot less severe than when it started. http://www.colba.net/~piju/psoria.htm | |
171. Psoriasis - Selbsthilfegruppen Eine bersicht ¼ber Selbsthilfe und Kontaktgruppen bei Schuppenflechte finden sich auf dieser Seite. http://www.psoriasis-ratgeber.de/selbsthilfe.htm |
172. Spinsels Door Jos De Geest Persoonlijk verhaal over een relatie sinds het toevallen van psoriasis aan een van beide partners. http://josdegeest.tripod.com | |
173. Psoriasiscenter, Løgstør Tilbyder lindrende behandlinger med sol, varme og sm¸ring samt samv¦r med andre psoriasispatienter. http://www.sundbybutikken.dk/psoriasis/ | |
174. Dermaxal: A Revolutionary Approach To Psoriasis And Eczema Creams developed to help with the root cause of psoriasis and eczema. http://dermaxal.com/ | |
175. Dr. I-Net - Senior Health Dr. INet cares about well being of its senior members and has approved psoriasis links that provide exceptional information on senior healthcare. http://www.drinet.com/seniorshealth.asp | |
176. ItchPAC - The Political Action Committee For People With Psoriasis A grassroots organization lobbying for rapid FDA approval of new psoriasis treatments. Includes group details and how to join. http://www.pandorf.com/itchpac/ | |
177. Asthma Reality A personal site by a parent. Includes information for both professionals and the public, and an internati http://www.asthme-reality.com/ |
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