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141. Funding Opportunities-FY04 PCRP, Congressionally Directed Medical Research Progr prostate cancer Research Program. Synopsis of FY04 PCRP Award Mechanisms provides a brief description and key elements of all award mechanisms. http://cdmrp.army.mil/funding/04pcrp.htm | |
142. Prostate Cancer - Urologychannel Includes such topics as risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, staging and treatment. http://urologychannel.com/prostate/cancer/index.shtml | |
143. The Dave Rietz Prostate Cancer Info Page prostate cancer What can and usually goes wrong! READ THIS FIRST!!! UPDATE, 10/2000, Stats . The Dave Rietz prostate cancer Info Page. http://www.dorway.com/prostate.html | |
144. Prostate Cancer: New Tests Create Treatment Dilemmas (FDA Consumer Reprint) prostate cancer New Tests Create Treatment Dilemmas. by John Henkel. The names another connection. Each has died of prostate cancer. http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/cic_text/health/prostate/prostate.html | |
145. Mark X. Coyne, MD, PA - Urology, Maryland - Welcome Diagnosis and treatment of adult urological conditions for Frederick and surrounding communities. Offers a subspecialty in seed implantation for treating prostate cancer. http://www.urologychannel.com/coyne/ | |
146. CNN.com - Prostate Cancer Risk Linked To testosterone Level - May 9, 2004 Men over 50 who have higher levels of testosterone have a higher risk of prostate cancer, US researchers reported Sunday. Skip to main content, http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/05/09/prostate.testosterone.reut/ | |
147. Prostate Cancer Support Group Prostate support group meeting at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital monthly. Online help, information, and contacts http://www.prostate.bravepages.com | |
148. Prostate Cancer - Mens Health: Health And Medical Information About Mens Health This enlargement with aging is called benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), but this condition is not associated with prostate cancer. What is prostate cancer? http://www.medicinenet.com/Prostate_Cancer/article.htm | |
149. ACS :: All About Information from the American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/CRI_2x.asp?sitearea=LRN&dt=36 |
150. Prostate Cancer - ProstateAction.com - Prostate Cancer Survivors Support For Pro NEW Forum page for chats with other prostate cancer patients, survivors and family members. ProstateAction.com is NOT a medical website. http://www.prostateaction.org/ | |
151. A Revolutionary Approach To Prostate Cancer An entire book by Aubry Pilgrim describing his journey through diagnosis, radical prostatectomy, and the resultant erectile dysfunction. The entire book is free online. http://rattler.cameron.edu/prostate/lay/apilgrim |
152. : The AMEDEO Literature Guide GoldenLinks4Doctors.com The Best Medical Websites. prostate cancer. New articles, http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/prc.htm | |
153. The Vancouver Island Prostate Cancer Research Foundation Promoting basic clinical research into life enhancing treatment and an eventual cure for prostate cancer. http://www.viprostate.org/ | |
154. Oncolink Prostate Cancer Overview information covering such areas as diagnosis, staging and treatment. http://www.oncolink.com/types/article.cfm?c=16&s=57&ss=608&id=8039 |
155. Prostate Cancer Genetic Research Study The prostate cancer Genetic Research Study (PROGRESS)is a nationwide research project exploring why some families have several male relatives with prostate http://www.fhcrc.org/phs/progress_study/ | |
156. NIA Publications - Health Information An explanation of where the prostate is and non cancerous problems, treatment choices, prostate cancer, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. http://www.nia.nih.gov/health/agepages/prostate.htm | |
157. Chicago Prostate Cancer Center Unique facility dedicated solely to the treatment of prostate cancer with a procedure called prostate brachytherapy. Features patient care information, procedures, and options, location map and contact details. http://www.prostateimplant.com/ |
158. MerckSource Prostate Cancer Information on this condition including causes, symptoms and care. http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_patient_resources_diag_article.jspzQzpg |
159. SOPHRONY -- Managing Testosterone Addiciton Learn the warning signs of this addiction, the risks of domestic violence and prostate cancer, and how to manage the addiction. http://sophrony.com | |
160. AMAInc, CME Conferences, Continuing Medical Education Conferences, Medical Assoc Continuing medical education conferences including cardiology, cardiac surgery, and prostate cancer seminars, all are handson courses designed to meet the needs of all medical professionals. http://www.amainc.com | |
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