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21. US-guided Percutaneous Cryoablation Of Prostate Cancer Detailed and technical discussion of how cryosurgery for prostate cancer is performed. By Duke K. Bahn, et. al. (Also known as How I Do It ) Reprinted from RADIOLOGY, September 1994. http://rattler.cameron.edu/prostate/lee/big/lee3.html |
22. ASCENT Clinical Trial For Men With Advanced Prostate Cancer Pharmaceuticalsponsored experimental study using a combination of docetaxel and the vitamin D analog DN-101. http://www.ascentrial.com | |
23. National Prostate Cancer Coalition prostate cancer Advocacy and Information DRIVE AGAINST prostate cancer. NEWS ABOUT prostate cancer Now you can turn everyday purchases into donations for the National prostate cancer Coalition at no extra cost to you http://www.4npcc.org/ | |
24. MayoClinic.com - Men's Health Center Offers advice and information about men's health issues. Testicular and prostate cancer, impotence and fitness. Health topics unique to men. News and research, treatment and prevention. http://www.mayoclinic.com/home?id=4.1.4 |
25. Prostate Cancer Stamp Resource Center Information on stamp to fund research regarding prostate cancer. http://www.menshealthnetwork.org/prostate.html | |
26. CNN.com - UK Government Increases Funds For Prostate Cancer - September 6, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/men/09/06/britain.prostate.reut/index.html | |
27. Cancer.gov - URL Changed What You Need To Know About prostate cancer. Information about detection, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of prostate cancer. NIH Publication No http://cancernet.nci.nih.gov/wyntk_pubs/prostate.htm | |
28. Prostate Cancer Info - Education, Support, Male Hormone Therapy, PSA Tests, Anti prostate cancer info on prostate cancer education, prostate cancer support, and prostate cancer diagnosis including male hormone therapy, antiandrogens, and http://www.prostateinfo.com/ | |
29. Orchiectomy For Treating Prostate Cancer, From The Prostate Cancer InfoLink Site About the use of orchiectomy to treat prostate cancer, including advantages and disadvantages. http://www.phoenix5.org/Infolink/advanced/orchiectomy.html | |
30. Home - Prostate Cancer Foundation prostate cancer Events Latest Research Donation Center In Memory Of About Us. 2003 Scientific Retreat Highlights View Presentations http://www.prostatecancerfoundation.org/site/pp.asp?c=biJTJ8OTF&b=12427 |
31. PC SPES Prostate Cancer Treatment A personal story of alternative treatment of prostate cancer with pc spes, a food supplement containing 8 chinese herbs. Includes articles and news items, where to buy it, and links. http://www.geocities.com/jcurie_2000/index.htm | |
32. National Prostate Cancer Coalition Hockey Fights Cancer. Take a Swing Against prostate cancer. Drive Against prostate cancer. For only a $6 S H fee, receive A Couple s Guide to prostate cancer. http://www.pcacoalition.org/ | |
33. National Prostate Cancer Coalition Hockey Fights Cancer. Take a Swing Against prostate cancer. Drive Against prostate cancer. Learn basic information about prostate cancer. http://www.pcacoalition.org/education/ | |
34. Manitoba Prostate Cancer Support Group Newsletters and other resources. http://www.manpros.org | |
35. CDC | Prostate Cancer | About The Program | Program Fact Sheet 2003 2003 Program Fact Sheet. prostate cancer The Public Health Perspective. What Is Known About the Effectiveness and Benefits of prostate cancer Screening? http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/prostate/prostate.htm | |
36. Onyvax - Developing Vaccines For Cancers Conducts research and development for marketing cellbased vaccines and human monoclonal antibody against CD55 in tumour cells. Includes explanation of products in pipeline, and clinical studies in phase II of prostate cancer vaccine at Bournemouth, and their contacts in London, UK. http://www.onyvax.com/ | |
37. Prostate Cancer Prevention Summaries about alternative approaches of prevention and treatment. http://www.yourhealthbase.com/prostate_cancer.html | |
38. CDC | Prostate Cancer Control Initiatives Choice. prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men in the United States. Making. prostate cancer Burden Information. http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/prostate/ | |
39. Prostate Cancer And Smoking Slides from a college lecture discusses the association. http://www.pitt.edu/~super1/lecture/lec4721/index.htm | |
40. Main Menu Of The Prostate Cancer InfoLink Site (preserved At Phoenix5) It is reproduced at Phoenix5 with the permission of Vox Medica. More prostate cancer Pages at Phoenix5 About this archive. Contents. http://www.phoenix5.org/Infolink/ | |
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