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Progressive Infantile Poliodystrophy: more detail |
21. Alper's Disease Alper s disease, also called progressive infantile poliodystrophy, is a progressivedegenerative disease of the central nervous system seen in children. http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/alper_s_disease | |
22. UMDF Supported Diseases represented by the UMDF Alpers Disease (progressive infantile poliodystrophy);Barth Syndrome (CardiomyopathyNeutropenia Syndrome); http://www.umdf.org/aboutumdf/diseases.html | |
23. Terms & Definitions ADVOCATE One who supports or defends a cause. One who pleads on behalfof another. ALPER DISEASE progressive infantile poliodystrophy. http://www.umdf.org/mitodisease/definitions.html | |
24. P From Linkspider UK Health Directory Ejaculation; Priapism; Primary Ovarian Failure; Primary ProgressiveAphasia; Progeria; progressive infantile poliodystrophy; Progressive http://linkspider.co.uk/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/P/ | |
25. Mitochondrial Diseases with them. Some of the ones listed include Alpers Disease. Long nameprogressive infantile poliodystrophy. Symptoms seizures, dementia http://www.tsbvi.edu/Outreach/seehear/spring02/mitochondrial.htm | |
26. Alpers Disease Information Diseases Database Alpers disease,progressive infantile poliodystrophy, Disease Database Information. Alpersdisease aka/or progressive infantile poliodystrophy http://www.diseasesdatabase.com/ddb29298.htm | |
27. Disease, Medication, Symptom Etc Database Index : P Diseases Database exudative retinopathy see Miliary aneurysms of retina Progressive familial intrahepaticcholestasis progressive infantile poliodystrophy see Alpers disease http://www.diseasesdatabase.com/disease_index_p.asp | |
28. Lukol Directory - Health Conditions And Diseases P Primary Progressive Aphasia (2), Progeria (10), progressive infantile poliodystrophy(8). Prostate Cancer (90), Prostatic Hypertrophy (16), Prostatitis (21). http://www.lukol.com/Top/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/P/ | |
29. Mitochondrial Information Information provided for and by The Childrens Mitochondrial Disease NetworkAlpers Disease progressive infantile poliodystrophy Barth Syndrome - Lethal http://www.emdn-mitonet.co.uk/info.htm | |
30. :: Ez2Find :: P Ejaculation (12) Priapism (6) Primary Ovarian Failure (6) Primary Progressive Aphasia(2) Progeria (10) progressive infantile poliodystrophy (8) Progressive http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Health/Conditions_and_Diseas | |
31. Advertisement Aphasia@ (2); Progeria@ (10); progressive infantile poliodystrophy@(8); Progressive Pallid Degeneration Syndrome@ (5); Propionic Acidemia http://www.oobdoo.com/directory/Health/ConditionsandDiseases/P/ | |
32. Arch Neurol -- Table Of Contents (Vol. 38 No. 12, December 1981) 1981;38761766. progressive infantile poliodystrophy. Associationwith disturbed pyruvate oxidation in muscle and liver MJ Prick http://archneur.ama-assn.org/content/vol38/issue12/index.dtl | |
33. Arch Neurol -- Abstracts: Prick Et Al. 38 (12): 767 progressive infantile poliodystrophy. Association with disturbed pyruvate oxidationin muscle and liver. Autopsy showed a progressive infantile poliodystrophy. http://archneur.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/38/12/767 | |
34. RedNova News: Alpers Disease Alpers Diffuse Degeneration of Cerebral Gray Matter with Hepatic Cirrhosis. Alpersprogressive infantile poliodystrophy. Poliodystrophia Cerebri Progressiva. http://www.rednova.com/news/stories/2/2003/01/03/story008.html | |
35. Directorio Web - Kedius.com Primary Ovarian Failure@ (); Primary Progressive Aphasia@ (); Progeria@(); progressive infantile poliodystrophy@ (); Progressive Pallid http://www.kedius.com/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/P/ | |
37. Beskrivelse Av Tilstanden kalt AlpersHuttenlocher sykdom/syndrom, Progressive Neuronal Degeneration of Childhoodwith liver disease (PNDC) og/eller progressive infantile poliodystrophy. http://www.frambu.no/prounik/modules/module_109/publisher_view_product.asp?iEnti |
38. Directory - Health: Conditions And Diseases: P 12) Priapism@ (6) Primary Ovarian Failure@ (6) Primary Progressive Aphasia@ (2)Progeria@ (10) progressive infantile poliodystrophy@ (8) Progressive Pallid http://www.incywincy.com/search-engine/directory/directory?p=43358 |
39. Health > Conditions And Diseases > P Primary Progressive Aphasia; Progeria; progressive infantile poliodystrophy;Progressive Pallid Degeneration Syndrome; Propionic Acidemia; http://www.xasa.com/directorio/mozilla/Top/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/P/ | |
40. Glossary Of Genetic Disorders. Different alleles produce variations in inherited characteristics such as eyecolor or blood type. Alper Disease progressive infantile poliodystrophy. http://aspin.asu.edu/geneinfo/glos-a.htm | |
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