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Primary Ovarian Failure: more detail |
61. Ovarian Failure (premature) - General Practice Notebook ovarian failure (premature). In one series, it accounted for 36% of cases of primary amenorrhoea, and 29% of cases of secondary amenorrhoea. http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/-315293685.htm | |
62. WHAT CAUSES AMENORRHEA? Anorexia and Bulimia. The eating disorders anorexia and bulimia may be a primary factor in many cases of FHA. Premature ovarian failure. http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/ucdhs/health/a-z/101Amenorrhea/doc101causes.html | |
63. The Latest Facts About Premature Ovarian Failure, By Michael Heard, MD - DrDonni fertilization enables POF women the opportunity to reproduce after ovarian failure with high Finally, it is of primary importance that a woman diagnosed with http://www.drdonnica.com/guests/00006208.htm | |
64. Entrez PubMed Based on its primary structure, it appears to be novel and has no motifs that OP1 as an antigen may play a role in murine autoimmune premature ovarian failure. http://www.biomedcentral.com/pubmed/10433232 | |
65. UK Chandler Medical Center - Primary Template Premature ovarian failure. Under Construction! . OBGYN Home Page . http://www.mc.uky.edu/obg/Curr/Unit4_RE/Menopause/POF.htm | |
66. Ovarian Dysgenesis With Balanced Autosomal Translocation. Tullu MS, Arora P, Par and unbalanced X6 translocations, respectively implications for the investigation of ovarian failure. X, t(X;15) (q21;q23) associated with primary amenorrhea http://www.jpgmonline.com/article.asp?issn=0022-3859;year=2001;volume=47;issue=2 |
67. Amenorrhea The causes of primary amenorrhea are also quite different from secondary and decreased libido along with her amenorrhea may have premature ovarian failure. http://www.advancedfertility.com/amenor.htm | |
68. D FÜHRER: Identification Of FOXL2 (European Journal Of Endocrinology) failure is characterized by absence or reduction in the number of germcells, resulting in either primary amenorrhea or premature ovarian failure (POF), ie http://www.eje.org/eje/146/eje1460015.htm | |
69. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent The incidence of premature ovarian failure (POF) in women with epilepsy has not been had POF compared with two of nine women with primary generalized epilepsy http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1046/j.1528-1157.2001.13701r.x/abs | |
70. Cancer.gov women undergoing adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy for primary breast cancer. history, and chemotherapy regimen with ovarian failure (permanent cessation of http://www.cancer.gov/clinicaltrials/view_clinicaltrials.aspx?version=healthprof |
71. Türk Fertilite Dergisi Results Premature ovarian failure is a syndrome characterized by hypoestrogenism, hypergonadism (FSH 40IU/L), primary or secondary amenorrhea in women below http://www.tivak.org.tr/journal/goster.php?id=84 |
72. ASSOCIATION OF ANTIZONA PELLUCIDA ANTIBODIES IN HUMAN PREMATURE OVARIAN FAILURE known about the causes of Premature ovarian failure (POF) in defined as the loss of ovarian function before Such a primary relationship might follow an initial http://www.abington-repromed.com/researchpof.html | |
73. PharmGKB: Ovarian Failure, Premature Ovary Syndromes, Resistant; Premature ovarian failure; Premature ovarian failures; Resistant Ovary Syndrome; Resistant Ovary Syndromes. PharmGKB primary Data. http://www.pharmgkb.org/do/serve?objId=PA446361&objCls=Disease |
74. Clinical Guidelines 75, Epithelial ovarian cancer, QRG 75 (174K). Guideline 75 40, Lipids and the primary prevention of coronary 35, Diagnosis and treatment of heart failure due to http://www.sign.ac.uk/guidelines/published/ | |
75. Ivf-infertility.com | Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), is a primary ovarian condition and is characterized by the risk of destruction of the ovaries leading to ovarian failure. http://www.ivf-infertility.com/infertility/pcos.php | |
76. Colorado HealthSite ~ Rapid Bone Loss In Breast Cancer Patients Who Receive Adju treatment that is given as an addon to the primary cancer treatment of the most common side effects of adjuvant chemotherapy is ovarian failure or premature http://www.coloradohealthsite.org/CHNReports/chemo_boneloss.html | |
77. COCHRANE MENSTRUAL DISORDERS AND SUBFERTILITY GROUP Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs for primary dysmenorrhoea (Cochrane Review); induction in women with spontaneous premature ovarian failure (Cochrane Review http://www.mediscope.ch/cochrane-abstracts/g180index.htm | |
78. Unusual Presentation Of Primary Ovarian Pregnancy ABSTRACT primary ovarian pregnancy is a rare entity, the reported incidence Pregnancy; ovarian failure, Premature/DI; Uterus; Laparotomy; Human; Female; Adult http://medind.nic.in/imvw/imvw3128.html |
79. Menopause climacteric arthritis; ovarian failure; perimenopause; premenopausal menorrhagia. guidance is given on how to obtain freeof-charge primary research results via http://www.icongrouponline.com/health/Menopause_Ph.html | |
80. POF Support Group: Research: Identification Of Genes Associated With Primary Gon Premature ovarian failure Support Group. Home . Identification of genes associated with primary Gonadal failure Massachusetts General Hospital. http://www.pofsupport.org/research/gonadal.htm | |
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