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101. Clinical Trial: Modafinil To Treat Fatigue In Post-Polio Syndrome Modafinil to Treat Fatigue in postpolio syndrome. This study is currently recruiting patients. MedlinePlus related topics polio and post-polio syndrome. http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct/gui/show/NCT00067496?order=1 |
102. Post-polio Syndrome: Rerun Of An Old Problem postpolio syndrome Rerun of an old problem. And now many of these survivors are facing yet another battle post-polio syndrome. http://www.wilder.org/goodage/Health/spl801.html | |
103. Post-Polio Syndrome Diseases, Conditions and Injuries. postpolio syndrome. by Michelle Badash, MS. Definition. post-polio syndrome (PPS) is a condition that affects polio survivors. http://www.somersetmedicalcenter.com/1666.cfm | |
104. NEJM -- Sign In 8. Next Next. postpolio syndrome. An interesting feature of post-polio syndrome is the discussion of what the syndrome is not. The http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/333/8/532-a | |
105. NEJM -- Post-Polio Syndrome Next Next. postpolio syndrome. Since this article has no abstract, we have provided an extract of the first 100 words of the full text and any section headings. http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/short/333/8/532-a | |
106. Home Page THE LATE EFFECTS. OF polio. postpolio syndrome. polio A SECOND STRIKE. Intolerance to cold. LIFE CHANGING EFFECTS OF. post-polio syndrome http://home.iag.net/~bgold/polio.htm | |
107. Post-Polio Health International (PHI) Information for polio survivors, home mechanical ventilator users, and health professionals has changed its name to. postpolio Health International Annual Report 2001 2002. post-polio Health International post-polio Health International's mission is to enhance the lives http://www.post-polio.org/ | |
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