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21. Women With Disabilities - Polio And Post-Polio Syndrome Polio and PostPolio Syndrome. Polio is States. There continue to be cases of post polio syndrome in those who have survived polio. Post http://www.4woman.gov/wwd/wwd.cfm?page=72 |
22. BrainTalk Communities - Neurology Support Groups Foggy1, 2, 0727-2003 1113 AM. What is Post-Polio-Syndrome? Vaccine related excellant articles on post polio syndrome, halo-ram, 0, 11-12-2002 0103 PM. http://neuro-mancer.mgh.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum |
23. Post Polio Syndrome, By Timothy Pesikaka - A Testimonial - Acupuncture.com A patient improves through his post polio syndrome with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. This article targets consumers. post polio syndrome. http://www.acupuncture.com/Experiences/polio.htm | |
24. SupportPath.com: Post Polio Syndrome SupportPath.com, post polio syndrome. None Listed. Professional Organizations of Interest None Listed. Clinical Trials Research on post polio syndrome http://www.supportpath.com/sl_p/post_polio_syndrome.htm | |
25. Post-Polio Syndrome: A Literature Review & Case Report PostPolio Syndrome A Literature Review Case Report. An approach to the patient with suspected post polio syndrome Brochure. http://otpt.ups.edu/Gerontological_Resources/Gerontology_Manual/Todd_J.html | |
26. Post Polio Syndrome post polio syndrome. post polio syndrome (PPS). An Introduction to post polio syndrome By Jack Trombadore. LCarnitine and Post-polio Syndrome - MJ Matheson, MD. http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/comcare/pps.html | |
27. THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF THE POST POLIO SYNDROME THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF THE post polio syndrome. Several subtle ancillary signs, such as rhinosinusitis were elicited in the post polio syndrome patients. http://www.aehf.com/articles/A56.htm | |
28. Post Polio Syndrome post polio syndrome Diseases Polio. The Environmental Aspects Of The post polio syndrome http//www.geocities.com/harpub/envpolio.htm. http://www.whale.to/m/post_polio_syndrome.html | |
29. Post-Polio LINKS Syndrome Central Search/Browse this complete, comprehensive, easy to use and upto-date listing of internet Polio and post polio syndrome (PPSP Resources http://www.post-polionetwork.org.au/linksto.html | |
30. A Commitment To Protect-Vaccine-preventable Diseases health. Includes information on post polio syndrome. post polio syndrome. health. Discusses post polio syndrome and immunization options. http://www.vaccineresource.com/post-polio-syndrome.htm | |
31. A Commitment To Protect-Vaccine-preventable Diseases Includes information on symptoms of post polio syndrome. symptoms of post polio syndrome. Discusses symptoms of post polio syndrome and immunization options. http://www.vaccineresource.com/symptoms-of-post-polio-syndrome.htm | |
32. British Homeopathic Association, Health And Homeopathy and babies post polio syndrome A patient describes how homeopathy helped her cope with the problems of post polio syndrome Homeopathy a waste of time? http://www.trusthomeopathy.org/trust/tru_au03.html | |
33. »»Polio-and-Post-Polio-Syndrome Reviews«« Polioand-Post-Polio-Syndrome Reviews. CF sufferers will be amazed at the similarities of their condition to post polio syndrome. http://www.health-issue-books.com/Polio-and-Post-Polio-Syndrome/ | |
34. New Zealand Post Polio Syndrome - NZPAGES Health Guides post polio syndrome. Most clinicians use the following criteria to diagnose post-polio syndrome Confirmed history of acute paralytic polio. http://health-guides.nzpages.co.nz/default.asp?m=hs&id=126 |
35. NINDS Post-Polio Syndrome Information Page More about postpolio syndrome, Studies with patients, Research literature, Press releases, NINDS post-polio syndrome Information Page Reviewed 07-01-2001 http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/post_polio_short.htm | |
36. Post-Polio Syndrome Information And More Sylvia and Marilyn's page on several disability topics and other interests. http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/eagle/1135 | |
37. MedlinePlus: Polio And Post-Polio Syndrome Directory of news, articles, and factsheets. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/polioandpostpoliosyndrome.html | |
38. Living With Post-Polio Syndrome Subscribe now . Living With postpolio syndrome. However, not every polio survivor who has aches and pains or experiences fatigue has post-polio syndrome. http://healthlink.mcw.edu/article/996372413.html | |
39. Post-Polio Syndrome, Recently Published Medical Articles postpolio syndrome. Recently Published Medical Articles. Updated 4/01/2004. This is a list of medical articles on post-polio syndrome published from 1990 to 4/01/2004. The list is representative though not necessarily exhaustive. http://www.execpc.com/~epwoll/medindx.html | |
40. Post-Polio Syndrome Fact Sheet postpolio syndrome (PPS) fact sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). What is post-polio syndrome? http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/pubs/post-polio.htm | |
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