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         Porphyrias:     more books (87)
  1. PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA Don't forget to look at the urine by Michael W. Rich MD, 2010-06-20
  2. Acute Intermittent Porphyria
  3. Porphyria and King George III by Ida Macalpine, 1969
  4. Porphyria -- A Royal Malady by Ida Wertheimer Macalpine, 1968
  5. Porphyria -- A Royal Malady by Ida [Wertheimer] [Macalpine, 1968-01-01
  6. Porphyrias: Porphyria, Porphyria Cutanea Tarda, Erythropoietic Protoporphyria, Acute Intermittent Porphyria, Variegate Porphyria
  7. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda. New Facts on Aetiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Manifestations and Treatment. by Lubor, Jaromir Chlumsky and Alena Chlumska Malina, 1974
  8. Robert Browning's "Porphyria's Lover": A Study Guide from Gale's "Poetry for Students" (Volume 15, Chapter 11)
  9. Porphyria - A Bibliography and Dictionary for Physicians, Patients, and Genome Researchers by Philip M. Parker, 2007-07-18
  10. Porphyrias: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 3rd ed.</i> by Julia Barrett, Judy, MS Hawkins, et all 2006
  11. 21st Century Ultimate Medical Guide to Porphyria - Authoritative Clinical Information for Physicians and Patients (Two CD-ROM Set) by PM Medical Health News, 2009-06-06
  12. Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine: Porphyrias by Judy C. Hawkins MS, 2002-01-01
  13. Amanita: Amanita virosa, Amanita verna, Amanita phalloides, Amanita citrina, Amanita gemmata, Amanita porphyria, Amanita fulva, Amanita regalis (German Edition)
  14. Porphyrias Edition by Geoffrey Dean, 1971-01-01

21. Porphyrias
porphyrias. porphyrias (pronounce) may be divided into two major types. Erythropoieticporphyria is a defect of porphyrin metabolism of bloodproducing tissues.
Porphyrias (pronounce) may be divided into two major types.
Erythropoietic porphyria is a defect of porphyrin metabolism of blood-producing tissues.
Hepatic porphyria is a defect in porphyrin metabolism of the liver.
Either type may be hereditary (caused by a gene defect) or acquired (due,say, to poisoning).
The symptoms of porphyria cannot be completely explained by our current understanding of the biochemical defect.
In all cases there is an identifiable abnormality of the enzymes which synthesize heme.
This leads to accumulation of intermediates of the pathway and a deficiency of heme
Accumulation of porphyrinogens in the skin can lead to photosensitivity
The neurological symptoms cannot be explained. They are especially puzzling since the metabolic defect is confined to non-neural tissue, and no known diffusible intermediate can cause the observed neurological symptoms.
Two examples of porphyria will serve to illustrate some of the biochemical issues involved. Return to Main Menu jb Last modified 1/5/95

22. Porphyrias
porphyrias may be divided into two major types erythropoietic porphyria and Hepaticporphyria. porphyrias (pronounce) may be divided into two major types.
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Porphyrias (pronounce) may be divided into two major types.
Erythropoietic porphyria is a defect of porphyrin metabolism of blood-producing tissues.
Hepatic porphyria is a defect in porphyrin metabolism of the liver.
Either type may be hereditary (caused by a gene defect) or acquired (due,say, to poisoning).
The symptoms of porphyria cannot be completely explained by
our current understanding of the biochemical defect.
In all cases there is an identifiable abnormality of the enzymes which synthesize heme.
This leads to accumulation of intermediates of the pathway and a deficiency of heme
Accumulation of porphyrinogens in the skin can lead to photosensitivity
The neurological symptoms cannot be explained. They are especially puzzling since the metabolic defect is confined to non-neural tissue, and no known diffusible intermediate can cause the observed neurological symptoms.
Two examples of porphyria will serve to illustrate some of the
biochemical issues involved.

23. A Selection Of Books About Porphyrias
Go to site. porphyrias the books. Other Macalpine, The porphyrias J. LyndalYork,
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Porphyrias the books
Other Porphyrin Book Topics Dolphin Bookset Porphyrin Books: Bio Topics Porphyrin Books: the "classics" Porphyrin Books: Metal Complexes, Physical Chemistry Porphyrin Books: PDT, Medical Porphyrin Library Main Page Enter keywords... Worldwide delivery in association with
For out of print titles, will attempt to secure them from other sources on request. Porphyria: The Unknown Disease
Diana Deats-O'Reilly
Our Price: $17.95
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Chemical porphyria in man
George III and the mad-business

Ida Macalpine
The porphyrias

J. Lyndal York
Porphyria in Australia: a review of the literature, and Australian experience

Roderick McEwin Porphyria's lover Maggie Power The porphyrias: a story of inheritance and environment Geoffrey Dean Porphyria : The Woman Who Has 'the Vampire Disease' Ships in 2-3 days Tammy Evans / Hardcover / May 1997 Our Price: $22.95 Read more about this title... Diagnosis and therapy of porphyrias and lead intoxication Mechanisms of chemical-induced porphyrinopathies Mechanisms of Chemical-Induced Porphyrinopathies (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol 514) Ellen K. Silbergold, Bruce A. Fowler (Editor) / Hardcover / February 1988

24. Porphyrias
porphyrias are a group of defects in the heme synthesis leading to theaccumulation of some precursors and to characteristic symptoms.
Porphyrias are a group of defects in the heme synthesis leading to the accumulation of some precursors and to characteristic symptoms. Two kinds of clinical presentations are seen (together or separately): acute crises (abdominal and neurological signs) cutaneous lesions (skin fragility and photosensitivity) Last Update: Webmaster

25. Disease Directory : Nutrition And Metabolism Disorders : Porphyrias
Includes registration form for an email list. American Porphyria Foundation The porphyrias - The porphyrias. Drugs unsafe for use in acute porphyrias.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004 Nutrition and Metabolism Disorders

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26. Disease Directory : Porphyrias
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27. Porphyrias
porphyrias. 1. CLASSIFICATION. The porphyrias are a heterogeneous groupof either inherited or acquired disorders of haem biosynthesis.
Dr C W Lam
1. CLASSIFICATION The Porphyrias are a heterogeneous group of either inherited or acquired disorders of haem biosynthesis. In these diseases, specific abnormalities of enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway cause generalised clinical abnormalities. They are classified, as shown below, into acute and non-acute porphyria. ACUTE PORPHYRIA
2. Haem Biosynthesis 3. Symptoms and Signs Different stages in haem synthesis are affected in each disease and many different symptoms may be present. However, two main groups of manifestations can be recognized, depending on the nature of the enzyme deficiency: Photosensitivity is often a feature of those porphyrias in which there are excessive amounts of uro-, copro- or protoporphyrin in tissues. In practice, photosensitivity may be present in all

28. Porphyrias
porphyrias. Definition The porphyrias are a group of rare disordersthat affect heme biosynthesis. Heme is an essential

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The porphyrias are a group of rare disorders that affect heme biosynthesis. Heme is an essential component of hemoglobin as well as many enzymes throughout the body. Description
Biosynthesis of heme is a multistep process that starts with simple molecules and ends with a large, complex heme molecule. Each step of the biosynthesis pathway is directed by its own task-specific protein, called an enzyme. As a heme precursor molecule moves through each step, an enzyme modifies it in some way. If the precursor is not modified, it cannot proceed to the next step. This situation is the main characteristic of the porphyrias. Owing to a defect in one of the enzymes of the heme biosynthesis pathway, protoporphyrins or porphyrin (heme precursors) are prevented from proceeding further along the pathway. Instead, precursors accumulate at the stage of the enzyme defect and cause an array of physical symptoms in the affected person. Specific symptoms depend on the point at which heme biosynthesis is blocked and which precursors accumulate. In general, the porphyrias primarily affect the skin and the nervous system. Symptoms can be debilitating or life threatening in some cases. Porphyria is an inherited condition, but it may be acquired after exposure to poisonous substances. Heme
Heme is produced in several tissues in the body, but its primary biosynthesis sites are the liver and the bone marrow. Heme synthesis for immature red blood cells, namely the erythroblasts and the reticulocytes, occurs in the bone marrow.

29. Nutrition And Metabolism Disorders, Porphyrias
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30. Nutrition And Metabolism Disorders, Porphyrias
Category Home Health Conditions and Diseases Nutrition and MetabolismDisorders porphyrias. * Site Title · The name of the site.

31. The Porphyrias
Michael W. KING, Ph.D / IU School of Medicine / SergioMARCHESINI/Professor of Biochemistry/University of Brescia / marchesi@med
The Porphyrias
Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria (CEP)

Erythropoietic Protoporphyria (EPP)

ALA Dehydratase Deficiency Porphyria (ADP)

Acute Intermittent Porphyria (AIP)
Hepatoerythropoietic Porphyria (HEP)
Michael W. KING, Ph.D / IU School of Medicine /
Sergio MARCHESINI/Professor of Biochemistry/University of Brescia /
Last Updated: 22.09.2003

32. Porphyrias
porphyrias. Teixeira Basto Medstudents Homepage porphyrias Clinical Manifestations,Diagnosis and Treatment DIAGNOSING THE porphyrias
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Porphyrias: Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis and Treatment MEDSTUDENTS-METABOLIC DISORDERS Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, etiology and treatment of six types of porphyrias are rapidly ... Teixeira Basto Medstudents' Homepage Porphyrias: Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis and Treatment ...
DIAGNOSING THE PORPHYRIAS ... DIAGNOSING THE PORPHYRIAS. ... REFERENCES. Desnick RJ and Anderson KE. Heme biosynthesis and its abnormalities: the porphyrias and sideroblastic anemia. ...
THE MERCK MANUALHome Edition, Sec. 12, Ch. 141, Porphyrias ... Porphyrias. Porphyrias are a group of disorders caused by deficiencies of enzymes involved in the synthesis of heme. ...
THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 2, Ch. 14, The Porphyrias

The porphyrias. © 199598 Dr. Maged Nabih Kamel Boulos. All rightsreserved. http// Acronyms AIP, Acute
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
The Porphyrias
AIP, A cute I ntermittent P orphyria; CEP, C ongenital E rythropoietic P orphyria; PCT, P orphyria C utanea T arda; HEP, H epato e rythropoietic P orphyria; HCP, H ereditary C opro p orphyria; VP, V ariegate P orphyria; EPP, E rythropoietic P roto p orphyria
Mechanism of porphyrin-induced photosensitivity:
The photosensitivity of the skin in porphyria is due to porphyrins absorbing ultraviolet radiation in the 400 nm range and emitting an intense red fluorescence. Porphyrins, when irradiated with light of the appropriate wavelength in the presence of oxygen, will cause photodynamic effects. Light energy absorbed by the porphyrin raises electrons into an excited state. Energy released on return of the molecule to its original state reacts with oxygen to produce free radicals and singlet oxygen (O) which damages molecules, cells and tissues. Unsaturated lipids are particular targets for activated oxygen species; cell damage results from the resulting plasma membrane and lysosomal membrane injury and also from complement activation. -Carotene, a known quencher of free radicals and singlet oxygen, has a photoprotective effect in porphyria.

34. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Nutrition_and_Meta
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Real Estate Lookup Front Page Today's Digest Week in Review Email Updates ... Nutrition and Metabolism Disorders Porphyrias (17 links) See Also: News about Porphyrias [ More news about Porphyrias Books about Porphyrias's Price: Prices subject to change. The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Porphyria: A Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age by: Icon Health Publications August, 2002's Price: Prices subject to change. Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology Physiology: Porphyria by: Hans F. Merk

35. CCHS Clinical Digital Library
Disorders. porphyrias Clinical Resources. INFO ) Chapter 346 Theporphyrias Table of contents Heme Biosynthesis Access document;
Clinical Resources by Topic: Metabolic Disorders
Porphyrias Clinical Resources
Emergency Pediatrics Atlases Radiology ... Miscellaneous Resources See also:

36. CCHS Clinical Digital Library
porphyrias Patient/Family Resources. Spanish Miscellaneous. Miscellaneousporphyrias Patient/Family Resources Healthfinder (US DHHS) Homepage
Patient/Family Resources by Topic: Metabolic Disorders
Porphyrias Patient/Family Resources
Spanish Miscellaneous See also:

37. American Porphyria Foundation - The Porphyrias
The porphyrias. The information that was on this page is now out ofdate. If you have copies of old versions of this page then please
The Porphyrias
The information that was on this page is now out of date. If you have copies of old versions of this page then please delete those copies because the information no longer reflects the latest research. If you have links to this page then please remove those links because this page is no longer being maintained. For more general information on Porphyria, please see the main page of the American Porphyria Foundation

38. The Porphyrias
The porphyrias by Shane Greene, Pharm.D. Introduction The porphyrias are a groupof inherited or acquired genetic defects in the heme biosynthetic pathway.
The Porphyrias
by Shane Greene, Pharm.D. Introduction: The porphyrias are a group of inherited or acquired genetic defects in the heme biosynthetic pathway. These defects cause complete or near complete inactivation of the genes encoding for the enzymes that catalyze the transformation of porphyrin precursors. A deficiency in one of these enzymes leads to overproduction and accumulation of these precursors. The specific type of porphyria depends on the location of the accumulation and the enzyme affected. The porphyrias mainly manifest as effects on the nervous system and skin. Classification: The porphyrias are classified as either hepatic or erythropoietic. Hepatic porphyrias have normal red blood cell porphyrin concentrations and present clinically with neurologic symptoms, abdominal pain, neuropathy, and/or psychiatric symptoms. Erythropoietic porphyrias present with an increased concentration of porphyrin within the red blood cells and cutaneous photosensitivity manifestations. Epidemiology: Etiology and Pathogenesis: A different gene encodes each enzyme within the heme biosynthetic pathway. A deficiency in one of the genes is associated with a specific type of porphyria

39. The Porphyrias
The porphyrias. Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria (CEP); ErythropoieticProtoporphyria (EPP); ALA Dehydratase Deficiency Porphyria (ADP);
The Porphyrias
back to Inborn Errors Page Return to Medical Biochemistry Page Michael W. King, Ph.D / IU School of Medicine / Last modified:

40. Target PG.... Biochemistry Porphyrias Hemoglobin Heme Synthesis High Yield Point
Target PG porphyrias. porphyrias. Enyme No. Enxyme deficient. Other Name. Prodcut.Chromosome. Inheritance. Name. Other Name. Liver. Erythrocyte. Fibroblast. Lymphocyte.
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